25. A victim of submersion is usually blue and cold. Breathing may or may not have stopped. The pulse is weak or may not be found at all. 24, Get this out of books ‘ 25. A very sharp slap between the shoulder blades will often dislodge the object. Or open the mouth, pass 2 fingers over the tongue to the back of the throat and try to pull out the forign body. 26. Carbon monoxide causes most of the trouble. 27. %It is a colorless, odorless gas, slightly lighter than air. It is found in automobile exhaust gas, manufactured gas used for illuminating and heating, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, and other minufactured gases. 28. Symptomgare usually yawning, headacke, dizzness, nausea, weariness, ringing in the ears, and later a fluttering or throbbing of the heart. The skin often is a peculiar cherry red color or it may be blue of other asphyxiation cases. Treatment--get patient into fresh air quickly. Start artificial respiration immediatly. Try and get some pure oxygen for the patient. 29 Four kinds of wounds: 1. Abrasions-Wounds made by rubbing or scrapping off the skin or mucous membrane. 2. Incised wounds--These are made by sharp cutting instruments. 5. Lacerated or torn wounds-These are made by blunt instruments. 4. Punctured Wounds--These may be caused by any penetrating instrument. 50. Wounds are subject to 2 dangers; infection and severe bleeding. 31. Definition of infection--Whenever the skin is broken, germs enter the wound, Often these germs grow not only in the wound, but also in the body tissue around the wound. Heat, pain, swelling, redness, and formation of pus result. S52. 1. Number of germs in wound. 2. Vitality or ability of germs to grow. 3. The body own resistance. 535. 1. Do not touch the wound. 2. Do not wash with soap and water. 5. Apply Iodine. 4. Do not disturb blood clots. 54. 1. Think first of pressure. 2. Do not put fingers on wound. 5. Apply pressure. 55. A tourniquet should be flat band at least 1 inch in width; never a rope, wire, or sash-cord. If blood cannot be checked withemt a tourniquet it should not be used, because it cuts off the circulation and the part is liable to die g@@@ gangrene will set in. 56. Place a pad over the artery, the pad should be firm. Be sure the pad is over artery and tighten. 57. Stimulates the heart and this will speed up the circulation.