THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND March 26, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Campus Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your good letter of March 20th in which you mention the name of Charles Cooper, sixteen-year old son of Postmaster C. 0. Coover of Saluda, North Carolina, From this boy's record he is doubtless a strong student and the type we like to bring to the University. You will find enclosed a copy of my letter to Charles, which I hope will have some influence in swinging him this way. The boy seems to have had considerable success in the field of sports as well as in the field of band, Thank you very kindly for calling this matter to my atten- tion, x ~ Si Yours very since ee 7 an 2/ Direytor of Bands eS ar Russell L, Wiley | % jm : vasvings titles of caus oF ae Glas eae sour Gan as P. ng. lar ee seats See - Daca techs a ; : plays ree rane 8 th Boe: of met Seettatae Tease are among, the Russell L, Wiley jn oS THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND March 6, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter from Mr, Fuller. Joe Wilkins also passed on the letter which you wrote him, Thank you for bringing these comments to our attention. Such things do help our students who are so unselfishly giving their time to the many activities on the campus. It makes them feel a little more that what they are doing is being ap- preciated and I assure you that this information will be passed on to the members of the band. I also have your letter regarding the minstrel show. You ae may put me down for two balcony tickets for Friday the 14th. I will pick them up at your office. Yours very sincerely, e — Russell L. Wiley jm Mre Russell Le Wiley $02 Frank Strong Tell University of Kansas Dear Prof’, Wiley s I received a letier from Mre Ce Os Cooper, the Postmaster et — Saluda, North Carolime Te has @ youmg son that he has written about and of whan he is very proude Mre Cooper enclosed a picture ‘Clipping which states, "Charles Cooper, lésyeareold son of Postmaster Ce Os Cooper end lirs. Cooper of Saluda and a high sehool senior, has an unusual record in cempus activitiese le is president. of the student body, president of the 4eH club, president of a literary socicty, sports editor of the school anual, a foureletter mn in sports and plays two instruments in the bande He is carrying five subjectse" The father wrote me regarding his interest in basketball, and in my reply I have told him of the wonderful band that. we have here at the University of Yansase I am wondering if you would be kind enough to write Charles and send him all the information you have regarding your wonderful orgenizatione I told Mre Cooper of your band playing in Washington, MeCe and what a great hit they mades | Please do not be modest but send him everything you have on your classy organization, and of course, I trust you can sell him on the idea of coning to the University of Kansese Appreciatively yours, E Director of physical Hducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach —‘FeAsig February 25, 1941 Miss Helen Bdlin Business Manager Women's Glee Club University of Kansas Tear Miss Bdling Thine gunk wale suscep + Mig Sh dias enacinany tickets to the Men's and Women's Glee Club Concorte I thoroughly eee 2 ere oe then your groupe put one eplendia performances 7 _inank you egainfor your thoughtfulness in sending the tichkets.e ‘Sineerely yours, ladies: of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball oa FPCAslg — Dear Friends: We cordially invite you to attend a joint concert by the Men's and Woments Glee Clubs of Kansas University at Hoch Auditorium on February 24 at 8:00 pm Enclosed are two complimentary tickets, Call KU 43 between 1:30 pem, and 2:30 pemey or KU 41 after 2:00 p.m. and we will see that you get as many more as you wish, Nihen bd hi i gor Kicree Bus. Migr. WeGeCe Bus. Mgr, MeGeCe February 17, 1941 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND ‘February 24, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Campus | Dear Dr. Allen: | I thank you for your letter of February 12th regarding the between halves exhibitions at our basketball games. I thought your letter to the. Chancellor was very fine and very fair. You know that it is always my desire to cooper- ate in every way possible and you have my further pledge that we are always ready to help in doing our part towards entertaining the people at the half periods. May I congratulate you on the splendid showing of our bas- ketball team. What you do with those boys is nothing short | of miraculous. Best wishes for your continued success through- out the remainder of the season, Russell L. Wiley jm Ire doo Vilkins 132 Prenk Strong University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Joe: Mre We We Fuller of the Fuller Grain Company, 1261 Board of Trade Building, Kensas City, Missouri, sent me « carbon copy of a letter that he wrote to Earl Falkenstien paying you and Professor Wiley a grosat tributes Mre Fuller is a great athlotic fen and eo great music levere I am enclosing the carbon copy that he sent m@e I would appreciate it if you would pass Mre Fuller's letter on to Mr. Wiley so tat beth of you can see thet many wild eyed athletic fans can be lulled inte sensibility with good musice Thanks a thousend times for your end Mr. Wiley*s contri- butione Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end "ecroetion Varsity Basketbell Coach FGAimh ec: Prof. Russell Wiley February 20, 1942 Mrs Joe Willins School of Pine Arts University of faenses Dear Joe: I have read your letter very carefully and I sai Stine the sathen up with Mre Barl Yalkenstien regarding your difficulty in getting through the gatee He tells me he has spokem to Sergte Kollender a member of times about this difficulty and he had hoped that the Seargent had been able to aren it out, but apparently rou are having as much grief as evers | Mre Falkenstien promises me thet he will give your singers stubs that wili aduit you through any turnstile and you should have no further — difficulty. I am sorry that such a situation existse All the saats heve been sold since early in the season and I do not know where the boys would sit, unless they sat om their imaginations It is just one of those things that the hired men of the University are subjected to that we ean do nothing abouts We are asked many times to be senimated cartoons for the benefit of the other fellow, and I guess this is another one of those timese Joe, how did you keep from writing this leng letter without swearing? I believe I would have cut loose just to relieve the high tensions We will see that you have the mike end we will also have the ushers distribute the word sheets as people enter the avditorium along with the am@ll printed basketball programs. I want you to kmow that we doubly avpreciate your kind cooperation and if there is any message that you want me to deliver to Garcia or eny other important individual let me mow and I will be your rumnere I em sure this is going to be a swell patriotie burst and T know that the people are going to like ite With deep appreciation, I am, | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducetion and Pecreation FCAsig | Varsity Basketball Coach ocr Ee Falkenstieh THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Feb. 17,1941. Dr.Forrest C.Alien Department of Physical Education University of Kansas. Deer Phog: - Undoubtedly the good old United States is secure in her defense if the young warriors who guard the gated to the Basket Ball games are fair samples of our militia. Twice,strong forces from the ranks of the Glee Club and I have assaulted Hoch Auditorium at 7315 and some of us have gained entrance but in every instance we have paid the high price of many casualties at each gate. Our passports were worse than useless serving as good weapons”. against us, delaying our final thrust and fatiguing our troops with tramping from portal to portal. The boys and I were anxious to participate in the raising of the flag ceremony(I am sure that the stalwarts guarding the S.We door to Hoch will confirm that statement) and we welcome the opportunity of assisting with the patriotic program but we must have passes that will allow us unquestioned entrance to the stronghold, and if we are to sing between halves we must have places to sit during the first half. Here is our side of the pictures About two thirds of the Glee Club men have seasom tickets to the Basket Ball games but some of the seats are in the Se¢ex€balcony and others are in places almost as inaecsessible. It will be awkward to have them scatter after the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and return for the singing at the half interval.(Many men did not arrive for the singing of the S.S.Be last time because their tickets wou}d admit them to the balcomy only. I am sure that they would never get down for the singing at the interval past those guards. It takes a stout heart and sergeant Kollender to succeed even when you are a member of the facultye) Isn't it possible to arrange to have the Glee Club men sit together? I have sent the words of the songs to Mr.Davidson and Mr Wiley tells me that he has the music to most of the numbers that we would like to do, I suggest the following Program: God Bless America------------ Band, accompaniment Onward Kan sage --<-0---- «~~ " " America The Beautiful---Winifred Hill at the Organ Accomp. Wansas Song ee Band Accomp. My Country'tis of Thee------ "% We should have a microphone to ude in announcing and I thank it would be a good plan to have the word sheets distributed as the people enter the auditorium. | : Pika uae ae THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Our spring concert is scheduled for Monday night and we hope that you will come. If you can use more tickets just call me. Sincerely yourse February 12, 1941 Professor Joe Wilkins 132 Prank Strong Hall University of Kansas Could we arrange to have you lead the patriotic Singing, buttressed by your Glee Club, for the Kansas State game, February 25%? I have mentioned this in the enclosed copy of a letter to Chancellor Melotte Mre Kee Davidson says that he will help out in eny way he cane I will ask Kee to get in touch with you regerding the printing of these songse Dobtless the Alvi Association, the Athletic Association together with the Minister of Propaganda could have thes printede I would ape preciate it, Joe, if you would select the songs and I will be glad to cooperate fully with youe You may reach me at Kee 8Se I think this would be a fine thing for everyones By the way, I do appreciate your singing the second time at the Kansas-lebrasin gamee I did not have nerve enough to ask you but the call came from the Chancellor's office because he wes so impressed by tho first exhibition thet you put on at the Missouri gamée This accounts for the confusion whem you c@lled ur. Zalkenstien:in the Athletic Office, and of he knew nothing about ite I have always handled all those detal: anc the Athletic Association has never been in on ite This is just one of my extra side jobs that I get myself into because I want the public to have the best end the cleanest entertainments Again thanking you for all the fine work that you have ee oe I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach February 12, 1941 Professor Russell Le Wiley 302 Frank Strong Hall University of Kansas Dear Professor Wileys I am enclosing copy of a letter I have written to chancellor Malott regarding our entertainment between helves of the basketball games, I have merely built up the between halves cxe hibitions because I realized that the public desired fine entertaiment end were not content to twiddle their thumbs, especially those who do not go out in the smoking room for a whiff. Mifteen minutes is e. lone time to sit and some diversion avay from the strenuous game of basketball is always 2 welcome ideas : We heave always enjoyed your fine cooperation and we appreciate the many times you have put om our between halves entertaiment when you were loaded dow with other duties. With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Jane 14, 1941 Dre Allens Mre Kuersteiner's office called yesterday and reported that Mr. Kuersteiner would not be using the auditorium on Tuesday afternoons any more this semester.and it would be open for basketball practice. 1g | oo | oe Be the ? Why, arid Canwm um (oe Oe ee ha eh Oe. Director of Physical Ziusation and Recreation, FCAsAll Varsity Basketball Coaches THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN Oct. 13, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: In reply to your letter of September 19th, let me say that ab’ our faculty meeting last evening it was decided that following a procedure similar to that now being carried on by the College of Liberal Arts, the School of Fine Arts will list Physical Education for one credit each semester for one year, asking that our students for graduation present an additional two hours over the present requirement for the various degrees which may be in the field of Physical Education. This will be included in the next cata- logue. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, Se D. M. Swarthout DMS :AF Dean Septenber 19, 1959. the will to in to ree earned Doon yg to tale Recreation, Director of Physical mducation and Varsity Basketball Coachs School of Fine Arts, University of Kansnage Dear Dean Syarthouts It has the School fox a total oredi.t for an studantsa tions you the from the Would you be add to our are which puts us If these eredit in these courses I em sure i+ I shall greatly of this suggestions