BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF ST.LOUIS OFFICE OF ‘THE SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION Dre Forrest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Docs I want you to know that your films are just the thing I needed for my situation and that they are going over very well. You are to be congratulated on such a fine piece of work. Of course I got an additional thrill out of seeing the film because of knowing most of the boys. The other high schools on learning of the film have asked to see ite I am wondering whether I may keep the film another week. The Extension Division slip says no, but I tought that because these are your personal films I might be able to use them a little longer than is customary. I am quite certain that our men want the film and as a result I should probably be able to get the educational museum to buy them for use At the present time we do not have a film covering basketball. I suppose that you are already quite wrapped up in your 41-42 team and that you will have your usual outstanding outfit. Thanking you again for the courtesy that you have again 6 x- tended to me, I remain Most sincerely, Lt OPR:GR OTTO P ROST Assitant Supervisor Physical Education.