Oct. 6, 1941 Chancellor's Offices Campus Dear Mr. Nichols, Tn making a study of the fees charged for courses in the Department ef Physical Education we are again faced with the — fact that a fee of $1.50 plus $1.00 is still charged for ‘eourses 67W and 68W. As I recall, we have asked that this fee be removed because it entaile e duplication of fees for the women students whe enrell in these courses. Courses 67W and 68W are for junior women majoring in Physical Education, and in most cages these students are enrolled at the same time in other major courses forvhich the towel end locker fee is charged. I am under the impression that we have previously asked the bud-— get committee to act on this request. I trust that action may pe taken on this fee at an early date. I also wish to recommend the adoption of a fee of $1.00 (no deposit) fer course No. 176, Teste and Measurements in Physical — Bé@ucation, for the materials used in this course, effective at the beginning of the second semester. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball Coach . BUSINESS OFFICE March 17, 1942 DEPARTMENT OF: hager enh Eh Catan Please list below all courses in your department to be offered during the coming "SUMMER SESSIONS" for which laboratory fees are to be charged. Also list the information designated in the column headings. Will the head of each department check these fees so there will be no mistakes made in charging them? NO. OF COURSE NAME NO. OF HOURS FEE Locker and Towel $1225 plus $1.00 dep Towel (only) Be i . DEPOSIT REQUIRED: $1.00 ANY NEW FEES OR CHANGES IN LABORATORY FEES should be referred to the BUDGET COMMITTEE for approval. Please return to the Business Office, completely filled out, not later than April 1, 1942. Yours very truly, Karl Klooz Bursar _—_— — -— oF om me sr - of Athletic u— | Mss Mi ovy oe Loe te alafs. aX, : eo ree ie aide COvises BYe - prem homer © fa roan oF The Shreamliuers. anv Be Challenger ii “(Bnd Rie CHICAGO - OMAHA - PORTLAND he, ULE tA haw [LeBel Ath) 1 Ree - ath BROVL ae JZ | Fas ane as oo SUN VALLEY - IDAHO Je 32M : Physical Education 2 $225 Sew _ Physical Education 2 2e25 34M Physical Education 2 2025 oa Physical Education 2 2025 37 First Aid 2 1200 (no | . depe) 68 | Physical Education 2 1.50 Freshman and Sophomore Physical Rducation ., (activity courses) © 1 ~~) B25 Gyme privilege = 1 towel ticket | 075 $1200 ped 194 | 31M Physical Education 2 $2025 Siw Physical Education 2 Zend 35M Physical Education fg 2025 Sow ' Physical Education 2 2e25 67 Physical Education 1 1.250 200 Theory & Prace of Athletic Training 3 1.00 (no depe) Freshman and Sophomore Physical Edueation . 7 _ (activity courses) 1 2025 Gyme privilege ~ 1 towel ticket a ae Sg 075 $1.00 Oetober 6, 1941 fo members of the Department of Physical Bducetion: In order to clear up certain matters at the Business Office in whieh are charged in Physical Education courses, We study of the situation and I om enclosing here= with for your information a copy of the letter which I om sending te Mr. Owens at the Business Office. : E > glasses to see ase Ghat they Dawe padl the toned and and lecker fee $2.28. If a student is unable to present his receipt card showing tuat he has paid thie fee, insist that the f ee be paid if he wishes to get eredit for his slase work. + eel ture that the women is structers are mak a Se we do not wish the girls to eerry the load for the dopartuent, it is vitally important that the students to whom this service is rendered pay their share. ae E g ef Direstor of agictend Education and Recreation rca/pe Varsity Basketball Coach University Business Office, University of Kansas, Attention: Mr. Owens. Dear Mr. Owens: Confirming our conversation held in the Business Office the other day, I am sending you a list of courses in the Department of Physical Education with the fees charged in each case. I trust that this summary will be of benefit to you in checking student fees. The towel and locker fee of $2.20 plus $1.00 is charged for the following Physical Activity Courses for Men: la 6a,b,c¢,4 / lb 7a le 7c 2a 8a,b 2c 15a 3a 15c 3b 16 3c 17 4 18 and 3 5a 19 5b Towel and locker fee of $2.25 plus $1.00 deposit is charged for the following Physical Activity Courses for Wonen: la 8a,b le: 9a ca 9e 2b 10 Ze lla Se lle 3b l2a 3c 12¢ 3a l3a se 13b 4 l4a 5 l4c¢ 6a,b,c,d 7a 7 Zee Towel and locker fee of $2.25 plus $1.00 is charged for the following Physical Activity Courses for both Men and Women: 4la a 44a 4le 44c¢ 42a 45a 42b 46c 42e 46a 43a 46c 43b 43c Note: No fee is charged by this department for courses 47a, 47b, 47¢ - Equitation. $2.25 plus $1.00 deposit is charged for courses 31M, 52M, 33M, 34M, and 31W, 32W, 33W, 34W. A fee of $1.00 (no deposit) is charged for courses 37 and 200. At the present time a fee of $1.50 plus $1.00 deposit is charged for courses 67W and 68W, but we are attempting to have this fee removed because these courses are fer junior women majors who ere, in most cases, enrolled in one of the 30-series courses for which they have already paid a towel a locker fee. No fees are charged in any of the other Physical Eduéation ‘courses at this writing except, for example, a student enrolls in say course Noe 62 but is not enrolled in any of the other major courses for whieh the towel and locker fee is charged. In that case, the student would be charged a fee of $2.25 plus $1.00 deposit. I trust that the above explanations are clear to you, but if for any reason you have further’ questions I shall be very happy to clear them up for you. ‘Sincerely yours, ‘Dir. of Pe E - October 16, 1941 Mr. Seaver Owen ie ‘University Business Office Campus Dear Mr. Owen, — Thank you for your good letter as of Oct. 14. I am writing a letter to my colleagues in the department of physical ed- ucation who enrell students in physical education courses to ve extremely careful in the designation of numbers and letters when enrolling students. We will not have any more of this until late January, but I'm taking time by the fore-lock and em impressing this situation upon these faculty members. I am quoting your letter to them as follows’ “Phis will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of October 6, in which you gave me an illuminating and thorough resume of the courses for which fees must be charged in your department. z appreciate this effort on your part and hope that I will be able to avoid a repetition of the mix-up thet we had this enrollment period. "T have but one thing more te ask of you. I want you to help me my instrueting all those people under your jurisdiction to be meticulous in the designation of numbers and letters when enrolling students in Physical Education courses. If this is done, and in addition I em able to handle the fee assignation job better we will avoid any further difficulty." wee Thank you very much. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach KARL KLOOZ, BURSAR THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE BUSINESS OFFICE Wednesday, October 14, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director Physical Education and Recreation Dear Sire This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of October 6, in which you gave me an illuminating and thorough resume of the courses for which fees must be charged in your department. I appreciate this ef- fort on your part and hope that I will be able to a= void a repetition of the mix-up that we had this en- rolliment period. I have but one thing more to ask of you. I want you to help me by instructing all those people under your jurisdiction to be meticulous in the designation of numbers and letters when enrolling students in Physical Education courses. If this is done, and in addition I am able to handle the fee assignation job better we willavoid any further difficulty. I thank you again for your help to me in this matter. Yours truly Seaver Owen October 1é, 1941 Dear Fellow Faulty Member, © ‘I have just received a letter from Mr. Seaver Owen of the University Business Office. He states as follows: "This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Oct. 6, _ in whieh you gave me an illuminating and thorough resume of the courses for which fees must be charged in your department. I appreciate this effort on your part and hope that I will be able to avoid a repetition of the mix-up that we had this enrollment period. "I have but one thing more to ask of yous I want you to help me by instructing all those people under your jurisdiction to be. meticulous in the designation of numbers and letters when enrolling students in Physical Education courses, If this is done, and in addition I em able to handle the fee assignation job better we will ' avoid any further difficulty." This is self-explenatory. Walees the numbers end letters are made elear in the designation of physical education courses the business office assistants are apt to make errors because they go to the catalogue to determine what courses they are required to charge a towel fee for. I am sure thet you can see their quandry if the _Gesignation is not perfectly clear as it is mede out on the enrollment cards « The scribes as well as those advisors who enroll should be extrenely careful in these details, Thank you fer your continued cooperation. : Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ; g— OPP A Ly } 4 Y DEPOSIT $1425 $1.00 7 ae $2.00 for each Fath "S9 31M Physical Education 2 $2 025 31w Physical Education 2 2025 353M Physical Education 2 2025 Sow Physical Education 2 2e25 67 Physical Education 1 1.50 200 , 7 & Prace of Athletic Training 3 1.00 (no depe) ‘(activity onemn) 1 7 2e25 Gyme privilege <- 1 towel ticket \ 32M Physical Education Say Physical Education 37 First Aid 68 Physical Education $1.00 ~ 7 1 40, $2025 2025 2025 2025 1200. (no depe) 1.50 2e25 ofS a 32M Physical Education 2 hrse $2025 32W Physical Education 2 hrse 2025 S4W Physical Education 2 hrse Zech 37 First Aid 2 hrse 1.00 (No Depe) 68 Physical Education 2 hrse 1.50 80 Tre of Athe Injuries 3 hrse 1200 (No Depe) Freshman and Sophanore Physical Education 1 hre 2025 Gyme privilege ~ 1 towel ticket : 075 $1.00 (with exception of courses Nos 37 and 80) 32M Physical Education 2 hrse S2W Physical Education 2 hres 340 Physical Education 2 hres = First Aid : = 80 Tres of Athe Injuries S hrse Freshman and Physical Education 1 hre Gyms privilege « 1 towel ticket $1200 (with exception of courses Noe 37 and 80) 1400 (lo Depe) 1450 1600 (No Depe) 2025 ofS - ern DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Bhi e FE BE ; PEE pestonreronor ; a e z seys yyy Ir go 4 | SHE Gym. Priv. ~1 1 SUMMER SESSION FEES (1939) Course Noe 2006 Theory & Practice of 7 Athletic Training S hrse - $1.00 (no depe) Locker and Towel $1425 Towel (only) 075 Deposit - = $1.00 for Looker & Towels and Towel (only). Business Office April 12, 1956 . DEPARTMENT OF: Physina/ Bl an ate ry Please list below all courses in your department to be offered during the coming "SUMMER SESSION" for which laboratory fees are tc be charged. Also list the information designated in the colum headings.. Will the head of each department check these fees so there will be no mistakes made in charging them? NO. CF COURSE NAME NO, OF HOURS FEE ~~ Locker and Towel —«s $1625 0——s«H00 Towel (only) | } 75 1.00 DEPOSIT REQUIRED ? | ANY WEW FEES CK CHANGES IN LABORATCRY FEES should be ree ferred to the BUDGET COMNITTEE for approval. Please return to the Business office completely filled out not later than April 25, 1958. Very truly yours, Karl Kloozg Bursar | 37 — — pimes Gemmeonesr 4 4 OS) i ‘ Se