October 1é, 1941 Dear Fellow Faulty Member, © ‘I have just received a letter from Mr. Seaver Owen of the University Business Office. He states as follows: "This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Oct. 6, _ in whieh you gave me an illuminating and thorough resume of the courses for which fees must be charged in your department. I appreciate this effort on your part and hope that I will be able to avoid a repetition of the mix-up that we had this enrollment period. "I have but one thing more to ask of yous I want you to help me by instructing all those people under your jurisdiction to be. meticulous in the designation of numbers and letters when enrolling students in Physical Education courses, If this is done, and in addition I em able to handle the fee assignation job better we will ' avoid any further difficulty." This is self-explenatory. Walees the numbers end letters are made elear in the designation of physical education courses the business office assistants are apt to make errors because they go to the catalogue to determine what courses they are required to charge a towel fee for. I am sure thet you can see their quandry if the _Gesignation is not perfectly clear as it is mede out on the enrollment cards « The scribes as well as those advisors who enroll should be extrenely careful in these details, Thank you fer your continued cooperation. : Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach