Business Office April 12, 1956 . DEPARTMENT OF: Physina/ Bl an ate ry Please list below all courses in your department to be offered during the coming "SUMMER SESSION" for which laboratory fees are tc be charged. Also list the information designated in the colum headings.. Will the head of each department check these fees so there will be no mistakes made in charging them? NO. CF COURSE NAME NO, OF HOURS FEE ~~ Locker and Towel —«s $1625 0——s«H00 Towel (only) | } 75 1.00 DEPOSIT REQUIRED ? | ANY WEW FEES CK CHANGES IN LABORATCRY FEES should be ree ferred to the BUDGET COMNITTEE for approval. Please return to the Business office completely filled out not later than April 25, 1958. Very truly yours, Karl Kloozg Bursar