BUSINESS OFFICE ~ ems «ly 1, 1981 Ye : 4 r ay 5 ; DEPARTMENT OF: Physical 7 / Please list below all courses in your department to be offered during the coming "FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS" for which laboratory fees are to be charged. Also list the information designated in the column headings. Will the head of each department check these fees so that there will be no mistakes in chargin them? FALL No. of Course’ Name No. of hours Fees 200 : y Theory and Practise 3 ‘ $1.00 (no dep.) | Athletic Training 2 31M i Y Physical Education 2 $2225 33M » Physical Education 2 $2.25 31Ww _ Physical Education .o- $2.25 Sow , Physical Education 2 $2.25 py? ; : Ld i 67 : Y Physical Education 1 $1.50 oS Freshman and Sophomore Physical Education (activity courses) 1 $2.25. Gym. privilege- 1 towel ticket 075 DEPOSIT REQUIRED: $1.00 Signed: