For Residents of the State $10.00 Por Non-Residents 20,00 PAID ONLY ONCE - = at the time of entrance For Residents of the State | $25.00 For Non-Residents 75.00 that at the University in the Schools of Business, Law, Medicine and Pharmacy, the fees shall be; Residents $50.00 At the School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas: Residents oye Non-Residents 00 All of the above Incidental Fees are payable each Semester. HOSPITAL FEES: (Payable each Semester) $ 5.00 fhe following Schools will enroll in the Gymesium: Colle of Liberal Arts & Sciences School of Education College & Law (Combined Degree) All other Schools will enroll at the office of their respective schools. (College & Medicine at the School of Medicine Office) FEES SHOULD BE PAID AT THE OFFICE OF THE BURSAR IMMEDIATELY AFTER ENROLLMENT... | 1.