September 25, 1945 Miss Dorothy Fulhage Warren lotel McPherson, Kansas ? te Dear Miss Fulhage: Enclosed you will find the football schedule . which you requested. The team looka fine this _year and we hope that you will be able to attend some or all of the home games. = Yours very sincerely, Director of Physical Education FCA: LM Eno. Warren Hotel McPherson, Kansas September 24, 1945 Director of Athletics Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Will you pleage send me a schedule of your games (football) for this season designating the ones to be played at home. Would appreciate having this informationat your earliest possible conveniencee Yours very truly DE sik ag ¢ Dorothy Fulhage ‘September 13, 1945 | ae Miss Ada Friesen Music Supervisor « Phys. Educ. Director South Haven High School South Haven, Kansas . My dear Miss Priesent We are in receipt of your letter of September 10, 1945, inclosing a check for $1.10 to cover the cost of our syllabus, “Teaching | Physical Education in the Elementary School." We made a mistake on the price of this booklet and have since discovered it is $1.25, We are, however, inclosing this booklet, and trust that you will forward us the additional $ .25. We are sorry to trouble you with this inconvenience. Sincerely yours, ' Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education vey Basketball Coach FCA sined : , Inclosure SOULH HAVEN PUBLIC SCMOOLS Awight B. Gardy, Superintendent South Raven, Gansas September 10, 1945 Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education University of Kansas Lawnence, Karsas Lear Mr. Allen:. Thank you for your prompt reply as to the syllabus "Teaching Physical Educatioh in the Elementary School". I am in need of something very similar to that, and am enclosing a check for 1.190 to cover chagges on the booklet "Physical Education Activities for Intermediate Grades" compiled by Miss Ruth Hoover, Miss Joie Stapleton, and Miss Jane Byrn. A prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. Very sincerely a eae Ada Friesen Music Supervisor & Phys. Educ. Director South Haven High School South Haven, Kansas 1925 Rhode Island Lawrence, Kansas September 6, 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor: Attached is a copy of the letter that was sent to Mr. Thomas; I am hoping that you might use your good influence in its promotion. I do know that you are held very high in Mr. Thomas' esteem. Thanks loads. Sincerely yours, REF : fmh ; Atta ch e blind cc: Dr. F. C, Allen _- 1925 Rhode Teland Lawrence, Kansas — ur. E he Thomas gee Kangag Athletic Comaission ‘ Topeka, canons , Dear Sir: | Sinthinch he enn Wane skits © eabiebinnh th es tee tee te te Sccompauy applications for officiating in High School Athletic contests. Wy athletic experience was gained at Pleasantville High School ead New York University, pertiatgeting in Seetals, taketheli, baseball and ise hacktys Whi des Shp Metenapibhi dnen iin tae Shas dnte Gest tals 1939, I officiated for High Sehools and Semi-Pro at football, MeO TET, ont Nesehell genet. At present I am employed by the Hercules Powder Gompany at the Sunflower Grdaance orks as Property Control Engineer and expect to main~ vain my assigument for seue time. ly paramount interest is to adninister fair play and promote Latmuhe” COC eee injury to the contestants. Dr. Fe Gs Allens lire Me Getto, and rs Be 6. Quigley have con- sented to furnish any additional references. 3 Yours weny twaly, | Septenber 5, 1945 a i aR a Miss Ada Frieser Music Supervisor — South Ilaven High School South Haven, Kansas Dear Miss Frieser: sets Wiehe: Millet Mesa: hkl, wt lie’ Wedeeee Physienl Dietitian Heperteeed ja ey of Sony ak & —— ee We do not have the syllabus, "feashing Phy- sical Education in the Elementary School" by Salt, Fox, Douthe&t, and Stevens. We do have, however, a booklet a entitled, “Physical Education Activities for Intermediate Grades" compiled by Miss Ruth Hoover, Miss Joie Stapleton, and Miss Jane Byrn, all of our Department. This booklet contains over one hundred pages of games, rhythmic acti- vities, and general suggestions to teachers, and sells for $1.00, plus ten-cents postage. | If you are interested, please send us a cheek for $1430, and we shall forward tis book to you as soon as possible. | Bincerely, } Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach YCAsmed