ri February 8, 1946. evidvooxd ,nrodT «J asi fy, dd rownevsel F1ol ,yrstorse8d oan Miss Bernice Coe, lmnager, Print Department, : FIIM-TEL, INGs, 25 west 46th Ste, ee Pove (849 New York 19, N.Y. Dear Wiss Coe; Since receiving your letter of December 12, 1945, regarding our order for one print of KILLING THE KILLER, I have anxiously awaited the receipt of this a filme You stated at that time that it should be ready for delivery in about two weeks. It has not beenreceived as yet, and I am wondering if there is anything you can do to hurry it along, 7 I will appreciate your earliest attention to this order. We are urgently in need of this film. Very sineerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCAsh Varsity Basketball coach.