March 26, 1946. ey \ Mre Je Re Fluker c/o American Mission Ae Pe O- 885 New York, New York : Dear Bob: Your letter of December 3 has been on ny desk for sometime, It arrived in the heat of our basketball season and consequently, it has suffered by such ill timing. I am ashamed of the fact that so much of my correspondent has had to lie unanswered. Your problem of having more sports films and sports information to present to the youth of other nations is one that should concern all of us. lowe ever, up to the present time I have had no communication from the State Department concerning it, and know of nothing that is being done to help your situation. From all that I have heard from. boys who have \ come hack, I agree with you heartily on the theory that world peace and world democracy might well be based on spotts. Now that I have time, since basketball season is over, I shall make every effort to find out if any- thing along this line is being done and you can be assured that I shall do all that I can to render assistance to people like you, At present the K.U. film library doesn't even have a picture of the Kansas Varsity of any year, but we are cone templating making one of this year's Jayhawkers. I will keep you in mind, If there is any way that a can be of ase sistance, I shall do so, \ We have had a very good year in basketball and, although lossing to the Oklahoma Aggies at the District 5 Play-Off, we did win our Big Six Conference Championship.