Wre Je Re Fluker oRe March 26, 1946 & ; A Mount Oread is flushed with spring and with an overe- flowing attendance record. We have many vate students in physics] education and our department is beginning to take on the postwar aspect. . I have mentioned your letter to several of the boys, all of whom wish to be remembered to you; namely, Denzel Gibbens, Don Pierce, Wayne Replogle, Henry Shek, John Pfitsch, Dick Miller and Irvine Haden, to mention a few. Write again when- ever you have the time, We are always happy to hear from you and I hope that by my next letter I can have more specific information to offer regarding your situation. Sincerely yours, Director of. Physical Education, FCA: F Varsity Basketball Coach. Ad. Jase etek 20 meg olatimen + ae a whe : - D freeteeres oy Pine b,