to go at the job from every angle, and the Army is going to help all it can. But this is only part of the job, und a part of the job which only some of us can do, because we can't all be on committees. : But we can all talk <= we can tell everyone we know just what this problem is, how important it is, and that this community has got to do its part in helping solve the problems. If you get the important people in an american community behind any idea, I don't care what it is, you can put that idea over. You people in this room can sell the importance of this problem to the people of this community -~ if you will. I don't know how meny of you know people who can actually go to work at the Sunflower Ordnance Works, but if you talk about it every day, everywhere, what you say will reach the people who can go to work at Sunflower Ordnance Works. There is only one more thing I want to say. Did you ever stop to think of the number of men who were killed in the last hour of the last war? If the war had ended one hour earlier -- sixty short minutes earlier, those men would have lived -- to come home to their mothers and fathers und sisters, to their wives, to their sweethearts. This is a bigger war, a tougher wer, than the last one, Its last hour is still a long way off, and no one knows how many men, how many americans, will be killed in that last hour. But we do know this. Right here in this community, by doing everything we can to help the army produce the weapons it needs, we can help shorten the number of hours that Americans have to fight in Ekurcpe, in asia, and in the Pacific. And each hour which we help to cut from the end of this war, will mean thut hundreds -- maybe thousands -= of americans will not die -- but will live, will live to come home to their mothers, fathers, and sisters, tc their wives, to their sweethearts. Some of them will come heme here, to this community -~ to us, the pecple of this room. I should like to ask a question. How many of you have someone close to you, someone dear tc you, in the Armed Forces? Will you put up your hends, pleaseeececesee Thank YCUseovvesccesere I don't need to ask whether you ~- we -- all of us -~ will do everything we can to bring them home ~=- SoOCNsec+es and alive. '- 15 «