May 25, 1046. Mr. Ray Frisby, oe : : 200 Ne. Star, El Dorado, Kansas. Dear Ray: Forgive me for not answering your letter sooner. I have been out on(commencement speeches for the past two weeks. I quite agree with your attitude that you should get as meh college as you can before you go into the service. I presume that the University hae mailed you a general catalog. If not, etd ao cas I will see that one is sent you. ae ee oe ee know that you be delighted with it. If you feel that you shouldn't join a fraternity I would not, begause your residence hall will give you board and room much sheap- er and you will be with a bunch of outstanding students, academically and otherwise. It is not necessary to belong to a fraternity to be an outstanding individual at the University of Kansas. | Since you will not be 18 until next January 19, and sine you would have about six weeks after that before you would possibly be called, you would have a mighty good opportunity to finish nearly a - year's work. You could enter this swmer. In that case you would get two semesters in, which would be of very definite advantage to you. Then, after your service, you could come back and Uncle San would pay the frbaght. if I were you, I would certainly gamble on this opportunity. If you need work we oan give you work at 507 an hour, and give you as much as you can afford to take with your school work . Regarding the courses, fees, tuition and so forth, you will find that in your catalog, and it is very accurate. I would say, — Come ahead, and,I assure you I will be glad to have you on my squad. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical. Education, FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. —