opie os mei eRe os §.5. ALCEE FORTIER Dn fa ARMED GUARD Pho 2 e : C/O FLEET POST OFFICE ‘ee : : NEW ORLEANS, LA. 3a January 31, 1945 Dear Decter Allen: In pert fer a shert stay 3e this is just a line te say, "Helle", When in Lawrence semetime age I did want te have mere ef a con- versation with you instead ef our few words ef exchange. I did my best trying te find yeu stepping at yeur effice and heme but te ne avail. After visiting with Mike fer a shert while after the Kiwanis dinner I failed te see you leave. Just want yeu te know that I was disappointed as I was leeking ferward te eur visit. Returning te New Orleans efter my leave I was assigned my ship and have been at sen every since.with little time in pert. Since ceming abeard this vessel a let ef water haw gene under my feet. Have visited many feriegn perts which was an experience te see but have seen entirely tee much water which I wouldn't say is enjey2ble. Net being able to mention the pert I can tell you that I have been te India. It is beyend comparisen the werst country I have ever visited. When the geed Lerd laid it eut He surely must of had an off day. Seme ef the sights you see hardly weuld be beleivable unless ene witnessed it himself. Peeple by the milliens, deseased, underneurished, and ex- ‘pleited, mill around the ceuntry everywhere. Much has been written abeut their custems, meres, and religious beleifs, by mere qualified men than myself se I'll net venture inte detail in this regard. I am enly thankful that we departed frem the ceuntry befere contracting seme ferm ef deadly trepical deseases. Befere returning te the states we will have circled the werld cevering mere than twenty-five theusand miles. - pessea eee seas ly Qur mail is having a great deal ef treuble catching up with us as we mevem se hurriedly frem pert te pert. Se far we have enly had ene mail call se I am at lest fer the latest lecal and sperting news. I have received your monthly NewsLetter on numerous ecassions and like many ef the ethers express appreciation for such welceming news . Decter, hene this letter finds you in the best ef spirit and health- please remember me ts all thesehin the athletic department. Wishing yeu luck in the ceming bes'tetball seasen-may yeu centinue te be ever victerious. Resvectfully yours,