Mre Morris Allder, Norman Courts, Norman, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Allder: Lee I recently received a very nice note from He V. MeDermott, signed by F.K. I am neither a Sher= lock Holmes, nor A. Conan Doyle, but the letter was so full of southern hospitality thet when I read it I was shocked to see MoDermott's names My native ability in judging Seotehmen was inmed- iately stinuleted, and I thought back when in the menory of man dees a Scotchman named lcDermott ever write that long a letter, and I began to check and double checke I checked first as to similarity in type, stvle of letter and even handwriting, and I reasoned that some genial southern gentle- —— th For thet reason I wish to congratulate you on your ingenuity in Betting business, but I would suggest that you switeh typewriters now and then. And when you use that Scotch- man's name just write “Come early. ‘Stay late. Pay your bills. HeVeliene” : Really, we will cone to see you sone tines Sincerely dupa Mirector of Physical Education and Renrents ori, Varsity Basketball Coache