Summary, 1941-42, p. 3 Fall Handball . The Handball Elimination Singles Tournament was won by Tom ‘iia}ton, Bota Theta .Pie Tho runnereup wis. Chain Healey, Phi Gamma Delta, The organization winner based on total points was Beta Theta Pi. There were three Divisions and 70 men enterede Final Drawings: Healey, Phi Gamma Delta Healey Sollenberger, Phi Psi ) ) : ) Healey Pierce, Beta Theta Pi ) ) ) Pierce ) ) Sleeper, Phi Delta Theta) ) ) Walton, Beta Theta Pi Walton, Beta Theta Pi ) ) Walton ) Burtis, Beta Theta Pi ) ) ) ) Walton ) Newcomer, (hi Delta Theta ) Me Spadden ) licSpadden, Phi Gamma Delta ALL-UNIVERSITY GOLF The All-University Golf Elimination Tournament wes won by Bill Jones, Beta Theta Pi. The runner-up was Dick Brown, Phi Delta Theta. The organization winner based on total points was Beta Theta Pi. There were three divisions and 59 men cntered. Final Drawings: Jones, Beta Theta Pi Jones Conley, Phi Gamma Delta ) Jones x ) : ) McElhenney ) McElhenney, Phi Gamma Delta) ) ) Jones, Beta Theta Pi Brown, Phi Delta Theta ) ) Brown Morris, Beta Theta Pi ) ) ee ) Brown ) Mundy, Beta Theta Pi ) oe ) Mundy ) Kick, Phi Gamma Delta ) fC nme rll rl mel Ol rl rl rll rll rl rlcrerlCl rl Tl rlClCc OlUClUCcrhUlUrlhlhlcrhrlhlcrOl rT Ol rlhlhlrlOlPTllhl rl eellc rl rl rll rl aC rel elle elle ALL-UNIVERSITY TENNIS The All-University Tennis Elimination Tournament was unfinished because of inclement weather, There were no points given for this reasone