Summary, 1941-42, p. 6 SPRING —— ee SOiTB..LL Bach team played seven games. The championship was won by Phi Delta Theta; the runner~up was Pflugerville Pflashese Division I was won by Phi Delta Theta who didn't lese a game all seasons Division II was won by Beta Theta Pi who lost one gamee Division III was won by Carruth Hall who didn't bose a game. Division IV was won by Rock Chalk Co-ops There were 30 teams playing and 4 divisionse Final Drawings: Phi Delta Theta ) Phi Delta Thets Phi Gamma Delta ) ) ) Phi Delta Theta (Champions) Beta Theta Pi ) ) Pflugerville Pflashes ) Pflugerville ) _aeaacebeane ee ean eh ee eR ER HO OR aww eee rene eer Oe Tee Team Tennis The tournament was unfinished because of the time element. There wers three divisions and 16 teams. Each team played four games but the finals were not played. Heading the divisions were: Division I, Phi Delta Theta; Division II, Delta Tau Deltg Division III, Beta The ta Pi and Phi Gamma Delta. Team Horseshoes The tournament was unfinished beeause of lack of time. There were two divisions and 13 teams. Each team played four games but the finals were not played. Leading the divisions were: Division I, Newnan Club, and Division II, Beta Theta Pi and Phi Gamma Delta. nkaweaun hea ew eee ee Ee ORE AE OE OO Oe ee Oe ee eee ee” Inter-Organization Golf The Inter-organization Golf tournament was run as an elimination tournament. The champion was Phi Gamma Delta and the runner-up was Delta Tau Delta. The last two rounds are shown. Delta Tau Delta Delta Tau Dolta Phi Kappa Psi Phi Gamma Delta (Champions ) Sigma Phi Epsilon ee Se ee ) Phi Gamma Delta Phi Gamma Delta 9)