December 7, 1939. TO ALL INTRAMURAL TEAM MANAGERS: A student intramral manager representing the Intramural Board of Managers will ve present at all games. They will be there to help youe Call on them for assistance. The members of the group are as follows: Senior -- Farle Radford Junior “— George Cheatham -- Lee Huddleston Sophomore -- Bill Collinson Larry Smith Maurice Beringer Conrad Voelker Freshman -- Je Rex Watkins Bob McCarty Bob Knox Sincerely yours, te R, Elbel, Assoc.e Prof. of Physe Ede ere/hj GENERAL INFORMATION Intramural Basket Ball 1939 - 1940 Time Clocks -- Officials will be responsible for placing closks on scorer-timer tablose Score Cards -~ Officials will be responsible for securing score cards at . of fice and returning them after gemcse Practico Balls-- Balls for "warming up" before games should be checked out at the towcol room in the basement - Men checking them out are responsible for their return. ‘Uniforms -- No toams will be allowed to compete if any of its members are not wonring shirts. Seo #5. Identification Jorscys -- Officials will check out identification jerseys to teams where uniforms of both tcams arc similar in appearance. These jerseys must be returned to official at close of game. Please co-operate. Qe : 6. Eligibility -- Refer to your Intramural Rules for eligibility of players. Te 10. ll. be Team A is considered the organization's "first" team. No playor may compete on a team of lower rank than the one on which he started, however, he may always move to a highor rank, EXAMPLE: Player of "C" team may move to “B" team, and "B" toam player may moved to "A" team; But player on “A" toam may not move to "B" or "Cc" toam and "B" team playor may not move to "Cc" tenme . ce After the start of the season no man will be allowed to compete until ten dsys aftor *is name has been filed on the organization's eligibility sheet. A man entering the University ot start of the second semester may compete 48 hours after tho first classcs mect. Championship Series--(a.) Division winners in the various divisions in class TAY compete for the Intramural Chmmpionship. (b) Single games decide the (finals, and < two out of three game scries decides the championship. -}) Men to compete in the championship gamos must have compctcd in at least b0% of the regularly scheduled games of his organizatton during the time in which ho has been cnrolled in the Universitye Games Stert on Time -- Teams must appear within 10 minutes aftor the time games arc scheduled. Forfcits may be claimed after this time. Postponement -- Due to congested condition of courts it is practically impossiblo to postpone gamese Request must bo made at Intramural Office at least 5 hours previous to time of game. Out of Bounds -- Out of bounds should be declared whenever the ball in any way strikes the gallory or projections supporting balcony. Ten Second Rule -- The "ten second rule" will not bo enforced in Intramural LANES e No Smoking in Gym -- There has always been a "No Smoking" Rule in the gymnasi- um and we ask your cooperation to have tho men of your organization adhere to this rule. GENEPAL INFORMATION Intramural Beskct Pall pe 2. 12. Rules Changes -- The following are the important rules changes: "Any player may request a time-out under the same conditions as formerly portained to a captain's request for time-out. If a player's request is recognized, the time-out should be granted and charged even though the captain does not desire ite" "after a free throw following a technical foul, play is resumed by a throw- in from out of bounds at mid-court by any player of the free thrower's team. "aA change in wording is made in this Section, but the intent is altered only slightly. Ona free throw the ball is not in play until it touches the ring or backboard. Players mst not touch the lano, or its boundaries, but they may be in the air over the lene before the ball touches the ring or backboard, provided they do not disconcert the free-thrower. When it becomes evident that the ball will not touch cither the ring or backboard, players are not forbidden to touch the ball, provided they do not delay the game by so doinge "If tho ball misses the ring, or fails to enter the basket, tho free-thrower has made a violation. This applios even though, after missing the ring, the ball touches the backboard and is tapped into the basket or against the ring. "Tf o pleyer in the act of throwing for goal is fouled from behind or is roughly handled, two free throws are to be awarded whether the ficld goal is made or missed." "Me captain of the offended team is authorized to waive the free throw resulting from a personal foul end have a player of his team put the ball in play from out of bounds at mid-court. If two or more free throws are awarded, this option applies to tho last free throw. The Officials will assume thet the free throw is to be taken unless and until the captain expresses his desire to waive the free throw; that is, the Officials are not to ask the captain for his choice each time a foul is called." INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Instructions to Timers and Scorers Nach team is responsible for furnishing a man to act as scorer and timer for games. Timing Clock - Timing clocks are avilable for each game, They should be placed — on the table in full viow of the representative of opposing team. Playing Time - Games consist of 8 minute querters with one minute intermission- betweon guarters and five minutes between halves. TIMERS Time Outse Not charged against team -- a- When a foul is decisred tho officials sign is automatic declaration. of: time outs b- When official suspends plev for a legal substitution. e= Whon ordered by official because of some necessary delay- ball rolls under scats, etce d- If an injured or disqualified pleyer is removed from game within 1 minute and substitution is made within 30 soconds thcreaftere Charged timo ocut-- ae When more than 30 secmds is consumed for a substitution. bs When an official grants the request of any player - can only be granted when ball is in control of player's teame Ge For an injured or disqualified pleyor who docs not leave game within one minute =- 2 time out shall be charged against his team for each minute or fraction thereof consumed. de When both toams request a time out simultanoously each shall be charged with a time oute Number of Time Outs-- Five charged timo-outs may bo grented to ench team during regular playing times Ono additional time-out may be granted cach team for cach overtime period of a tic game. After a tenm has used its allowed number of time-outs, it may be granted additional time-outs at the expense of a technical foul for cach such time-oute Time in - After timo has been out tho game watch shall be started when the Official signals time-ine If this follows (a) a free throw for a double fail, the Official signals time in by a chopping motion of his hand after the last free throw, including any substitute free throw, this signal being givene le £8 soon as it is evidence that the ball will go into play by @ rebound, or 2. If the throw is succossful, or is for e technical foul, or if the ball is awarded out of bounds for any othor reason, as soon as the ball crosses the boundary line when it is thrown into play. Instructions to timers and scorers (Continued ) pe 2. The gamo torminates-- Tho game terminatos with the timers signal. If ball is in air and goal is made it shall count. Free throw for a foul made during play shell be allowed although play has terminated in the moantime. SCORERS Scorers should keep the box score ond running score. The box score is official- each goal, foul or free throw or free throw attempt should be recorded first. The running score is of sccondary consideration. Check Scores = Scoras should check thoir scores with reprosentative of opposing tenm at close of cach quarter. It is woll to repeat the score after each goal or free throw. If necessary stop gamo to correct any discrepancy. Porsonal Foulse Scorers should inform officials immediately when a player hes made four personal fouls. If doubtful as to whether a foul is a personal or not ask the official. Substitutions-- Substitutes must report to scorer. Scorer signals officials when ball is dead before "sub" may enter gamc. Substitution may not be made in the interval following a goale Substitutes ontcring second half must report to scorere A player who has left tho game cxccpt for disquelification or four personal fouls may ve-cnter the gamo twice. Time Outs - Time outs must be recorded by scorer if doubtful as to whether or not to charge a time out ask official. Notify official immediately when allotted number of time outs have been consumod. -=-ll ell lhl lll eo per na e e December 7, 1939. TO ALL INTRAMURAL TEAM MANAGERS ;: A student intramral manager representing the Intramural Board of Managers will be present at all games. They will be there to help youe Call on them for assistance. The members of the group are as follows: Senior -- Harle Radford Junior -- George Cheatham ~- Lee Huddleston Sophomore -- Bill Collinson Larry Smith Maurice Baringer Conrad Voelker Freshman -- Je Rex Watkins Bob McCarty Bobo Knox Sincerely yours, BE, R, Elbel, Assoc. Prof. of Physe Ede ere/hj GENERAL INFORMATION Intramural Basket Ball 1939 + 1940 Time Clocks -=- Officials will bo responsible for placing closks on scorer-timer tablese Score Cards -- Officials will be responsiblo for securing score cards at office and returning them after games. Practico Balls-- Balls for "warming up" before games should be cheeked out at the towel room in the basement - Mon checking thom out are responsible for thoir return. Uniforms -- No teams will be allowed to compete if any of its members are not wearing shirts. Sec #5. Identification Jerseys -- Officials will check out identification jerseys to teams where uniforms of both tcams are similar in appearance. These jerseys must be returned to official at close of gamo, Please co-operate. 6. Eligibility = ~- Refer to your Intramral Rules for eligibility of players. Te Be 10. ll. be Team A is considered the organization's “first” toam. No playor may compete on a team of lower rank than the one on which he started, however, he may always move to a highor rank, EXAMPLE: Player of "C" team may move to "B" team, and "B" toam player may moved to "A" team; But player on "A" toam may not move to "B" or "C" toam and "B" team player may not move to "Cc" toame c. Aftor the start of the season no man will be allowed to compete until ten deys after bis name has beon filed on the organization's eligibility sheet. A man entering the University ot start of the second semester may compete 48 hours after the first classos mect. Championship Serics--(a.) Division winners in the various divisions in clase WA compete for the Intramural Chmmpionshipe (b) Single gamos decide the c \=finals, and e two out of three game scries decides the championship. -) Men to compete in the championship games must have competed in at least b0% of the regularly scheduled games of his organizatton during tho time in which ho has been cnrolled in the University. Games Start on Time -- Toams must appear within 10 minutes aftor the time games are scheduled. Forfeits may be claimed after this time. Postponement -- Due to congested condition of courts it is practically. impossible to postpone gamese Request mst bo made at Intramural Office at least 5 hours previous to time of game. Out of Bounds -- Out of bounds should be declared whonever the ball in any way strikes the gallery or projections supporting balcony. Ten Second Rule -- The "ten second rule" will not be enforced in Intramural BaAnes e No Smoking in Gym -- There has always been a "No Smoking" Rule in the gymnasi- um and we ask your cooperation to have tho men of your organization adhere to this rule. GENERAL INFORMATION Intramural Basket Ball pe 2. 12. Rules Changes -- The following are the important rules changes: "any pleyor mey request a time-out under the same conditions as formerly pertained to a captain's request for time-out. If a player's request is recognized, the time-out should be granted and charged even though the captain does not desire ite" "Apter a free throw following 2 technical foul, play is resumed by a throw- in from out of bounds at mid-court by any player of the free thrower's team. "A change in wording is made in this Section, but the intent is altered only slightly. Ona free throw the ball is not in play until it touches the tring or backboard. Players must not touch tho lane, or its boundaries, but they may be in the air over the lane before the ball touches the ring or backboard, provided they do not disconcert the freo-thrower. When it becomes evident that the ball will not touch cither the ring or backboard, players are not forbidden to touch the ball, provided they do not delay the game by so doinge "If tho ball misses the ring, or fails to enter the basket, the free-thrower has made a violetion. This applios even though, after missing the ring, the ball touches the backboard and is tapped into the basket or against the ring. "If a pleyer in the act of throwing for goal is fouled from behind or is roughly handled, two froe throws are to be awarded whether the field goal is mado or missed." "The captain of the offended tcam is authorized to waive the free throw resulting from a personal foul and have 4 player of his team put the ball in play from out of bounds at mid-court. If two or more free throws are awarded, this option applies to the last free throw. The Officials will assume thet the froe throw is to be taken unless and until tho captain expresses his desire to waive the free throw; that is, the Officials are not to ask the captain for his choice each time a foul is called." INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Instructions to Timers and Scorers Bach team is responsible for furnishing a man to act as scorer and timer for games.’ Timing Clock - Timing clocks are avilable for each game,- They should. be placed ; on the table in full vicw of tho representative of opposing teame. Playing Time - Games consist of 8 minute quertors with one minute intermission- betweon quarters and five minutes between halves. TIMERS Time Outse Not charged against team -- a- When a foul is declered the officials sign is automatic declaration of time out, b- When official suspends play for a legal substitution.- c- Whon ordered by official because of some necessary delay- ball rolls under seats, etce d- If an injured or disqualified pleyer is removed from game within 1 minute and substitution is made within 30 scconds thoreafter. Charged time out-- ae When more than 30 secméds is consumed for a substitution. be When an official grants the request of any player - can only be granted when ball is in control of pleyer's teame ce For on injured or disqualified player who docs not leave game within one minute - 2 timo out shall be charged against his team for each minute or fraction thereof consumed.’ de When both teams request a timo out simultaneously each shall be charged with a time out. : Number of Time Outs-- Five charged timo-outs may bo grented to ench team during regular playing times Ono additional time-out may be granted cach team for cach overtime period of a tio games After a team has used its allowed number of timo-outs, it may be granted additional time-outs at the expense of a technical foul for cach such time-oute Time in - After time has been out tho game watch shall be started when the Official signals time-ine If this follows (a) a free throw for a double foul, the Official signals time in by a chopping motion of his hand efter the last free throw, including any substitute free throw; this signal being givone le 28 soon as it is evidence that the ball will go into play by = rebound, or 2, If the throw is succossful; or is for 2 technical foul, or if the ball is awarded out of bounds for any other reason, as soon ns the ball crosses the boundary line when it is thrown into play. Instructions to timers and scorers (Continued ) po 2. Ihe game torminates-- Tho game terminatos with the timers signal. If ball is in air and gonl is made it shall count. Free throw for a foul made during play shell be allowed although play has torminated in the meantime. SCOREPS Scorers should keep the box score and running score. The box score is official- each goal, foul or free throw or froe throw attempt should be recorded first. The running score is of secondary considoration. Check Scores = Scoras should check their scoros with ropresentativo of opposing tenm at close of oach quarter. It is woll to repeat tho score after each goal or free throw. If nocessary stop game to correct any discrepancy. Personal Foulse Scorers should inform officials immediately when a player hes made four personal fouls. If doubtful as to whether a foul is a personal or not ask the official. Substitutions-- Substitutes must report to scorer. Scorer signals officials when ball is dead before "sub" may enter game. Substitution may not be made in the interval following a goale Substitutes ontcring second half must report to scorere A player who has left the gamo oxcept for disquelification or four personal fouls may rve-onter the gamo twico. Timo Outs - Time outs must bo recorded by scorer if doubtful as to whether or not to charge a time out ask official. Notify official immediately when allotted number of time outs have been consumod.