a Mareh 28, 1945, Mr. Henry Tha, Coach, Basketball Tean, Oklehom, A. &M. College, Stillwater, Okla. ? " Dear Hank; Here is the telegram I dictated to bead you in New York on Tuesday, the 27th: "our sinserest and best wishes to you ‘id your —, team for vietory tonight and for the Red Cross game.” But due to war-time restrictions, as you know, it is not possible to send a message of this sort. So Chis is the one that was gent to yous “Sorry I cannot witness seer fine team’s vistery tenigns and in the Red Cross game.” I was sure you would read between the lines, and know that we wore really pulling for you and your splendid team. | | : | ( Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FOA: AH ~ Varsity Basketball Coach.