April 30, 1945, bite Henry bP. Iba, Director of Athletics, Oklahom Ae & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Dear Henrys ‘Until the war is over we will be far undermanned. We do not have the - eet up here at the present that will enable us to compete with the boys who have e freer conception of eligibility. ‘Therefore, dwing the war T will just worry along and play a very modest schedule. However, I am hoping after the war that the Big Six Conference will . have the same attitude as does the Missouri Valley. I agree wi that Kansas and Oklahoma A. & li. could pack them in if we had tition, but frankly, Henry, I know where ay bread is buttered haven't got the stuff to compete with your boys as your set up arranged. Sut we will be battling after the war, I hope. £ A eee ie I was delighted to have a visit with yow good mother as I know how proud mothers are of sons who achieve great things, and you certainly had & fine outfit. I sent you a wire in New York because I wanted you to know that we were a hundved per gent for you and your boyse I thought they did a grand job and looked much the smarter ball olub as compared to their opponents that evening. I didn't. care for all those Palestine Indians that Arkansas had assembled. I think when we go out and get a ' bunoh of bald-headed fellows to play with kids we are mking a mistake. With every good wish for you continued success, I an Sincerely your's, eee Diveotor of Physical Education, FOA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.