Ma. Harold G. Inghen, Direotor, University Extension pivision. ~ Dear Harold: Mrs. Allen and I reseived your letter of the 23rd inatant telling of your need for accomodations for Friday night, March iZth. Mes. Allen has filled the house up with four ee is out. We axe always glad to cooperate with you when- ever possible. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR February 23, 1943. Dear Faculty Colleague: I am addressing this inquiry to a small and selected group of our faculty and staff who I am confident will respond to an emergency if they can conveniently arrange to do so. We are entertaining on March 12 and 13 a combined meeting of the Kansas State Art Teachers Association and the High School Art Conference, This will bring to the campus from 60 to 75 art teachers, in addition to many high school students. We can arrange lodgings for the students at the organization houses and dormitories but there are insufficient accommodations available at the hotel or in rooming houses for the adults, principally women , We will need accommodations for at least fifty women for Friday night, March 12, and so far have located places for less than twenty- five. In order to take care of the balance, it seems necessary that we ask faculty members to open their homes for one or two guests that night, These people expect to pay at least a reasonable price for the accommodations so that you will be reimbursed enough to cover at least your laundry and inci- ~ental expense -- also maid service, if you are fortunate enough to have that available. JI realize that many of us can arrange to entertain a guest for a single night, if circumstances are favorable at the time, where it would be tmpossible to provide a room regularly. So if you find that you can help in this emergency, will you please call my office -- KU 87 -- to report this and advise whether you can take more than a single guest. Ordinarily, guests entertained in private homes have been asked to pay 31.50 per night when occupying a room alone and not more than 1.00 per night for two occupying the same room, We will instruct those enrolling for the conference that these are the usual rates unless you prefer to set your own figure. If you volunteer to assist, you will be called in advance that day before any assignment is made, So do not plan definitely on this | until you have received a call from my office. Cordially yours, | hawd Sey ane Director, HGI-DR P.S. If you cannot help.this time, could you possibly arrange to assist with any conference which may be held later this spring? NED [IRISH NINE ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK CITY January 22nd, te ee = Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education & Kec., Kansas University, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doc: Under separate cover, I am forwarding to you, a cartoon of Ray Evans, done by Tom Paprocki of the A.P. I thought the boy would like to have this. I think it might be a good idea if you or Evans dropped a note to Tom at the A.P., 50 Rockefeller Plaza, thanking him for turning this over to you. Sincerely, NI/ed January 26, 1945. Mre Ned Irish, 9 Reoletailer Plaza, Dear Hed: I wish to acknowledge receipt of the picture of Ray Evans, and also your fine check. I will be sending you ‘the letter that you ask se ak eG dane On’ Me, Incidentally, I am putting Evans’ caricature up on the bulletin board, and then will present it to him with your compliments. Your sending this to me just confirms what I have already said to you - that you never neglect a detail that makes the other person happy or comfortable. Very sincerely yours, . ; Director of Physical Education, PCA AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR October 28, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen, Head, Dept. of Physical Education, Robinson Gym. Dear Phog: I trust that you have received before this time a copy of the letter which was sent to all faculty and staff members concerning the Community Chest drive. As you know, everyone was invited to return his or her subscription through the campus mail, making it unnecessary for anyone to take time for personal solicitation. I invited everyone who might desire added information con- cerning the various activities represented in the fund to call my office with such a request. And, of course, some always expect a second reminder before taking definite action. So I am counting on you to follow up on the faculty and staff members listed on the enclosed sheet. Each has received a pledge card and you may check with my office at any time after Thursday noon for the names of those who have returned their cards or remittances. If your list names represent only the members of your department staff, please make it a point to contact any members whose names have been omitted. Such persons have not received the letter, so you will need the information about the Community Chest budget and a pledge card for them, Extra copies are enclosed for this purpose. Thanks for your help on this drive. Cordially LE Sz Chairman, University Committee, Community Chest Campaign. P. S. It is not intended that students shall be asked to contribute to this budget. So if you find on your list the name of an employee who is here as a student and merely working to help in meeting his school expenses, please explain to him that the letter was sent through error and that no pledge is expected. However, do not make it im— possible for such a person to contribute if he desires. HGI: dj Dr. F. C. Allien Shenk, Henry Hulteen, Alberta 7 tlkeebein, Be bs - Bliss, Beverly J. fu LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST ROBINSON GYMANISUM — Stapleton, Joie Vv Hoover, Ruth ) lo Curt, Vie ——— Henry, Gwinn . —— Webster, Mrs. Imogene ~~ —Davidsen; Deir Ait social eee Se it Department of Physical Education October 30, 1942 Mr. Henry Shenk - Mr. E. Le Falkenstein Miss Beverly Bliss Mre J» Ge McElhinny Mr. Reginald Strait Miss Joie Stapleton Miss Ruth Hoover Dear Friends: I have been designated by Mr. Ingham, chairman of the University Committee of the Community Chest Drive, as the individual to call upon the personnel in the gymmasiun. Let your conscience be your guide in giving. But this year the USO is included in the commmity chest campaign and everybody is conscious of the great work the USO is doing for all our soldier boys over the seven seas and in every land. I do not know what you care to give, but the general practice for laborers, artisans and professional people is to give the equivalent of one day's income. I will appreciate your sending your contribution to Mr. Ingham or if it is more convenient, if you will turn in your card to my office, I will see that Mr. Ingham gets it posthaste. Thanking you for your fine cooperation, I am Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education FCAs:bg | Varsity Basketball Coach Enc. frsciivaiuletue quan at a apebeet sige pa THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR October 29, 1942. Dear Phog: I wrote last Saturday to Henry Shenk, Joie Stapleton and Vic Hurt, asking each of them to help on this drive. I assume that I will ‘not need to send any definite names to either Henry or Miss Stampleton. But it may be that you would prefer to have Vic Hurt see certain members of the coaching staff. Iffso, ask Mrs. Hulteen to call me to tell me which names should be assigned him and I will get that information to him immed- iately, checking those names off your list. ~ Thanks again for that splendid donation which you made. Perhaps you noticed the item in the Journal-World last night to the effect that the first check received showed an increase of 10%. I mentionedthis at the report meeting yesterday noon and stated that it was your check -- but requested that others omit the name when referring tbh this donation. As a matter of fact, I received several other checks in the Same mail, but your's was evidently the first one written and was contributed even before you had received a pledge card. So it represents the No. 1 dona- tion in the K.U. drive this year. Sergeant Kollender gets the credit for being the first one to turn in a 100% report. He insisted that he preferred to see his group personally rather than waiting the results of a mail campaign. And he had secured subscriptions from every member of the Military Science Department and all of the faculty group in Fowler Shops within twenty-four hours, The mail response is very good, but I got started about two days too late on this, so that there will be little opportunity for any personal follow-up before Friday and Saturday. Asa result, we will not know the definite outcome of the campus drive until early next wed. Thanks again for your splendid support and help. Cordially yours, Chairman, University Committee, Community Chest Campaign. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 27, 1942 University Faculty and Employees: Again this year we are asking your help in support of the Lawrence Community Chest. And for the third successive year, those res— ponsible for the Community Chest budget are looking to the University community to subscribe its cuota in full. May we make our contribution as a University family rather than to subscribe to the solicitation which is being made in the residence district. We over—subscribed our quota last year, contributing approximately $2300 of the total budget of 12,163.50. Let's equal that fine record. The budget this year, printed on the back of the enclosed circular, includes both the K.U. Y.M.C.A. and K.U. ¥,W,C.A. for the full sums that have been raised in previous years from both faculty and towns— people for the support of these organizations. There will be no other campaign locally for funds for these organizations. The Lawrence community now has more than 1,000 men in the armed services of the country and our contribution to U.S.0. has been in— creased to $4,000. This represents an increase of $16000 on that item, alone, yet the total budget is only $1716.50 higher than last year. So a small increase in our subscriptions or in the number of persons con- tributing to the fund will enable us to attain the goal. ‘ The Community Chest campaign started this morning, following the Kick-Off Breafast at Hotel Eldridge. A thorough canvass of the business and residence sections of the city is being made through personal solici- tation, But on the hill, so many members of the faculty and staff have volunteered to return their subscriptions through the campus mail without soliejtation that we are inviting all to respond in this way. The cam- paign is to close next Friday so we hope that you can decide immediately how much you wish to contribute and will return your pledge card immediately. Pledges may be paid quarterly on Nov. 1, Feb. 1, May 1, and Aug. 1. Should you desire further information on any of the organiza-— tions included in the Community Chest budget or the purposes for which any of this fund is to be used, there are faculty and staff members in every building on the campus who have volunteered to render this service. Please call my office to request additional information. There will be no pressure exerted by anyone for a contribution. Feel free to give as your conscience and vour pocketbook dictate. But if you wish to know what others are giving, the contributions from the Univer- sity faculty for the last two years averaged the approximate equivalent of one day's earnings. The subscriptions varied from one-fourth to one-half of one percent of the annual income in most cases. A few gave much more and so:.e gave less, but the average was maintained. May we have your signed pledge through the campus mail not later than Friday, October 30, the last day of the drive? Cordially oe Vo rali az ee HGI:dj Chairman, Ca Se atts ittee Community Chest Campaign LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST BUDGET 1942 - 43 BOY BOO 5 5 es Joint Christian Council (Girl Reserves—Hi-Y) . 50.00 Gift Sees 7.453 44s 700.00 RU DeteGiks oe eee 900.00 Rela Tebpebe 6 se 950.00 Salvation Army ... 25,995.00 Social Service League 1,050.00 Aer Wi Fae a ke eS 300.00 $8 5145.00 . «$1,200.00 Agency Allotments: SPIWGee fk a es -~ 600.00 Campaign Costs. . 4.» . 500.00 AOI is 6 ss GOO Organization Expenses . 1,700.00 TOTAL CHEST BUDGET Balance on hand . . s)s06 6 $2,565.00 Less Emergency Reserve. . 1,000.00 Spetial Reserve . ss. . s-<- 700,00 (Amount raised for 4th of July program not used but invested in War Bonds) 1,700.00 Balance: To be applied on 1942 Chest Budget. ... NET CHEST BUDGET COMMUNITY. AND WAR FUND ACTIVITIES Christmas Activities, «ss @ 900.00 United Service Organization $9 845.00 865.00 $8,980.00 Pete 6 oA ea SG 4,000.00 Seneeeeeeeeeeanee Activities Total . GRAND TOTAL .. 4, 5900.00 $13,880.00 Your Community NEEDS Your Help ‘lt matters more than ever this year” COMMUNITY CHEST U. S. O. Lawrence, Kansas - October 26, 1942 Social Service League The aim of the League is “To help the poor to help themselves.” For thirty years the Social Service League has served the needy of Lawrence. The efficient League Store, 905 Rhode Island street, provides clothing and furniture to border-line cases at a nominal cost, and with- out cost to those unable to pay. So far this year the League Kitchen has canned over 13,000 quarts of produce for the tables of needy fami- lies. In the Sewing Room about 3,000 garments have been made or repaired. The Salvation Army The Salvation Army is an army that builds through its three point program of, 1. Better religious education ; 2. Better characters ; 3. Better health. All three of these mean better citizenship. During the past year local people received Christmas baskets, emergency grocery orders, © clothes, and furniture; a large number of transients were assisted with meals and lodging. The Salvation Army nursery was open 271 days during the past year. Girl Scouts Girl Scouting is a-leisure-time, character building movement for . girls from seven to eighteen years of age. There are nearly 300 Girl Scouts in Lawrence, and over 100 adults assisting in the work. The year-round program includes homemaking, arts and crafts, sports and games, health and safety, community service and international friend- ship. Boy Scouts of America Today the paramount need in national defense is the strengthening and invigorating of Democracy in the United States which is the aim of the Boy Scout movement. Lawrence with 11 Troops and 3 Cub Packs, has 330 Scouts and Cubs. More than 100 adults assist. Joint Christian Council The war emergency program prevents Hi-Y and Gir] Reserves from functioning as formerly. The Joint Christian Council is composed of the cabinets of these organizations. The Council promotes character building and religious activities of the high school. They sponsor religious assemblies for the entire student body with worship programs with religious leaders as speakers. University Y. W. C. A. | The Y.W.C.A. is a Christian organization which reaches out to help supply the religious needs of all women at the University of Kansas. At the same time, it provides a channel for practical expres- sion of the Christian faith. University Y. M. C. A. Five hundred and sixty-five students are members of the Univer- sity of Kansas Y.M.C.A. which has as its program this year religious activities, cooperation with local and campus agencies, and freshman orientation. Five Bible study groups will be held and members inter- ested in the underprivileged will cooperate with the local recreational center. In addition to the above program the Y.M. this year is doing everything possible to help in the war efforts. 4-H Clubs The annual Fair of the 4-H Clubs provides a place where the sons and daughters in farm families can display their work and progress. This great program encourages these young people to be better farmers, farm wives, and citizens. Cash awards for winning entries at the an- nual fair provide an incentive to participate in the program. U.S. 0. United Service Organizations — USO — is a national agency formed in March, 1941, to meet the off duty recreational, social, and spiritual needs of our Armed Forces and the Forces Behind the Lines. USO as a single agency coordinates the efforts of six great national welfare agencies—The Young Men’s Christian Associations, the Na- tional Catholic Community Service, The Salvation Army, the Young Women’s Christian Associations, the Jewish Welfare Board, and the National Travelers Aid Association. By the end of June, 1942, more than 750 USO Clubs and units had been established, principally in communities adjacent to army camps and naval stations. It is planned co establish more than 1,000 by June, 1943. There are in excess of one thousand men in the armed forces from this community. These men, together with hundreds more to go, will benefit directly through the various USO activities in all parts of the world. LAWRENCE * COMMUNITY CHEST BUDGET 1942 - 43 Boy Scots — 25 $1,200.00 Joint Christian Council (Girl Reserves—Hi-Y) _.. 50.00 Gir Sconis. An ee 700.00 ROW YW A ee 900.00 Do MA 950.00 Salvation Arhiy <2 2,995.00 Social Service League - 2.1.5 1,050.00 4-11 Club Mair. 2 oni ee 2 300,00 $8,145.00 Agency Allotments: 5 Shiitikege . 25 ee $ 600.00 Campaton Costs. 2 28, 500.00 Adnimistratione 280 si ee 600.00 Organization Expenses ____. 1,700.00 TOTAL CHEST BUDGET Balance on hand = oe $2,565.00 Less Emergency Reserve $1,000.00 mpecial Bh Gserve 5 ot 700.00 (Amount raised for 4th of July program not used but invested in War Bonds). 1,700.00 Balance: To be applied on 1942 Chest Budget... NEL CHEST BUDGET COMMUNITY AND WAR FUND ACTIVITIES Ghiistmas Activities’. 2 a: $ 900.00 United Service Organization — MUO ce ee 4,000.00 Activities Totak 224 =: GRAND STOPAL 2.0 $9,845.00 865.00 $ 8,980.00 4,900.00 $13,880.00 SUMMARY Oe om ae as HS oe a aa om SS GS un ae Gap = Tetal subseriptions (Nev. 1, 1941) . .. + « $2,243.35 (Included in this amount for USO - $261.10) Additional pledges sent to Community Chest: - Hevember 5. ce cecx2x cee ee ee ~~ ae Ee 3200 Total K.U. pledges eo eee eo ee © @ © © o $2,254.35 : : — Ostober 27, 1942. ire Harold G, Ingham, Chairman, University Committee, Community Chest Drive. Dear Harold: pe I am enclosing my subseription for the Lawrence Community Chast. 1 will be pind to cocperate with you as per your P.8. in your October 24th commmication. If there is any wey that I can help yeu out in this drive please command me. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, PCAtAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enol. \ THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 24, 1942 Fellow Faculty and Staff Members: I am asking your assistance on the Community Chest drive — in making the canvass of the University faculty and employees. I appreciate that I should have called you by telephone or that I should at least be addressing this communication to you personally. But I haven't found time for this, and the drive opens next Tuesday. I know that you will pardon this impersonal approach — and will respond just as enthusiasti- cally to the call for help. I recognize that you are extremely busy this year. We all are, especially those who have the reputation for getting things done. And, of course, that's the reason we need your assistance on this worthy project. The task will be made as easy as possible for everyone this vear. The first letter to faculty and employees will request their donation or pledge card by mail. So your responsibility will be limited to fol- lowing up personally on those who fail te respond, and to giving infor- mation on the Community Chest to any individual on your list who re- quests a personal interview, Your assignment will be limited to a single department or staff, or to not more than twelve persons in case you consent to canvass more than one department. We all believe in the Community Chest — certainly we do if we nave had the experience in earlier years of soliciting funds for one of these causes after the canvass has been completed for several of the others. This is everybody's job, and I am hoping that we may count on your efficient assistance, as usual, in going “over the top" on this. Please call my office, K.U. 87, Monday, in case you cannot serve. And if I do not hear from you immediately, I will know that you are awaiting your definite assignment. Cordially yours, ei Nig an Chairman, University Committee HGI:dj Community Chest Drive 7 P.S. IMPORTANT! The Kick-Off Breakfast for workers will be held at the Eldridge Hotel on Tuesday, October 27, at 7:30 a.m,.This will be your opportunity to get specific information on all of the activities in— : cluded in the Community Chest this year and the need for the funds allotted to each. Please attend if you can conveniently arrange this. | J : : : tes LEZ wall At lled] Foveorsfiaag Ava ZL tee Bue as ixfole % - fg ent) orn al ale a of moh fe oreaney ete THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR November 11, 1942 Dr. F.°0. Alien Dept. of Physical Education 105 Robinson Gym Dear Dr. Allen Please accept my sincere thanks for the splendid job that you did in carrying through on the Community Chest Drive. Your prompt and effective assistence deserved immediate recog- » nition and something more then a simple "thank you". But in the rush of the past week I have not found time to call the many persons who helped so enthusiastically on this; and I shall feel under obligation to express my appreciation in assisting wherever I can on similar activities. So count on me as one of the workers whenever you have a similar responsibility. The fact that the Community Chest Drive went over the top attests to the enthusiastic effort of all of the workers. We still lack less than $100.00 of meeting the K. U. quota and this also will be oversubscribed since there are a number of faculty and staff menbers who have not yet responded. So if anyone should ask, you can assure him that it is not too late to accept his subscription at this time. Again meny thanks for your help in getting the 100% response from your list. - Cordisily 2b Chairmen LGA Committee Community Chest Campaign Sep Mr. Den Isett, Gedar Rapids, Iowa. Dear Don: fhank you very much fer your two fine letterse I um so doggome busy this conditioning pregram that acknowledgment, and at the first breathing spell I em going te write you a letter. We do apprec- iate everything you have done. Very cordially yours, Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coashe ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA September 1, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc, My plans now are to arrive in Kansas City on the streamliner that goes through Lawrence at 1:50 in the afternoon, on Saturday. It is probable that I will return to Stillwater Sunday evening, although I might possibly stay over until Monday. I will stay at the Hotel Continental, and if I am not registered there by 5:00 Saturday afternoon something will have happened to prevent my making the trip. Looking forward to seeing you if arrangements can be made. Sincerely yours, Kl. He Pe Tb9f ee Director of Athletics April 12, 1943. ¥r. Henry Iba, Director of Athletics, Oklahoma Ae & iM. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Dear Henry I am sending you carbon I have written to Bddie copies of a couple of letters that and Hal Middlesworth. I want you to electi Yiiickey and know thet according to my way of you certainly got nothing but « raw deal in the walter ef 0 tion of a representative of the Pifth District. egy I do know that Dr. King leans very strongly ageinst a play-off and I think that he is honest in his om deductions. But as far as a fair, ge atin lle peegligl cdl . beaten Oklahoma by a much larger margin than they beat you at Norman — fair play would hews enghasdeed & a play-off. a I had nothing to do direaty CeAsde representative. would I give cn ee ce me up with the N.C.A.A., I thought that a denial might be in order, as you perhaps read Middlesworth's colwm. Some time I want to have an opportunity to sit down and talk with you. I have always tékarded your friendship highly, and as I look at it you and I are two plainespoken individuals who can talk to cach ee ee ee ee en ee ee Therefore, it will be a pleasure to see you some time ani have a visit with you. With all good wishes to you and yours, I am Simerely yours, — Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Versity Basketball Coach. April 12, 2948. Again T wen te my te yen Unt T tnd wettiy & bo Greely. or indivestiy with the selection of the N.CeA.A. repressututives z Gare nothing about the N.0.A.A. nor would I give them that much eo- sideration. I have not worried my mind with then. | WALL Rogers used to say, “All I know T read in the newspapers", and singe “al Middlesworth wrote that article and aul Eddie Mokey linked me up with the N.C.A.A.,. I thought that a denial might be in order, iieelm ouitiuntac wamemen manasa aureion ee be a pleasure te Boo you sone tine and have a vistt with you. "With all good wishes to you end yours, { em | Direator of Fiysieal Biuostion, — FCAsAH 2 ! en