THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR October 28, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen, Head, Dept. of Physical Education, Robinson Gym. Dear Phog: I trust that you have received before this time a copy of the letter which was sent to all faculty and staff members concerning the Community Chest drive. As you know, everyone was invited to return his or her subscription through the campus mail, making it unnecessary for anyone to take time for personal solicitation. I invited everyone who might desire added information con- cerning the various activities represented in the fund to call my office with such a request. And, of course, some always expect a second reminder before taking definite action. So I am counting on you to follow up on the faculty and staff members listed on the enclosed sheet. Each has received a pledge card and you may check with my office at any time after Thursday noon for the names of those who have returned their cards or remittances. If your list names represent only the members of your department staff, please make it a point to contact any members whose names have been omitted. Such persons have not received the letter, so you will need the information about the Community Chest budget and a pledge card for them, Extra copies are enclosed for this purpose. Thanks for your help on this drive. Cordially LE Sz Chairman, University Committee, Community Chest Campaign. P. S. It is not intended that students shall be asked to contribute to this budget. So if you find on your list the name of an employee who is here as a student and merely working to help in meeting his school expenses, please explain to him that the letter was sent through error and that no pledge is expected. However, do not make it im— possible for such a person to contribute if he desires. HGI: dj