University Y. W. C. A. | The Y.W.C.A. is a Christian organization which reaches out to help supply the religious needs of all women at the University of Kansas. At the same time, it provides a channel for practical expres- sion of the Christian faith. University Y. M. C. A. Five hundred and sixty-five students are members of the Univer- sity of Kansas Y.M.C.A. which has as its program this year religious activities, cooperation with local and campus agencies, and freshman orientation. Five Bible study groups will be held and members inter- ested in the underprivileged will cooperate with the local recreational center. In addition to the above program the Y.M. this year is doing everything possible to help in the war efforts. 4-H Clubs The annual Fair of the 4-H Clubs provides a place where the sons and daughters in farm families can display their work and progress. This great program encourages these young people to be better farmers, farm wives, and citizens. Cash awards for winning entries at the an- nual fair provide an incentive to participate in the program. U.S. 0. United Service Organizations — USO — is a national agency formed in March, 1941, to meet the off duty recreational, social, and spiritual needs of our Armed Forces and the Forces Behind the Lines. USO as a single agency coordinates the efforts of six great national welfare agencies—The Young Men’s Christian Associations, the Na- tional Catholic Community Service, The Salvation Army, the Young Women’s Christian Associations, the Jewish Welfare Board, and the National Travelers Aid Association. By the end of June, 1942, more than 750 USO Clubs and units had been established, principally in communities adjacent to army camps and naval stations. It is planned co establish more than 1,000 by June, 1943. There are in excess of one thousand men in the armed forces from this community. These men, together with hundreds more to go, will benefit directly through the various USO activities in all parts of the world.