LAWRENCE * COMMUNITY CHEST BUDGET 1942 - 43 Boy Scots — 25 $1,200.00 Joint Christian Council (Girl Reserves—Hi-Y) _.. 50.00 Gir Sconis. An ee 700.00 ROW YW A ee 900.00 Do MA 950.00 Salvation Arhiy <2 2,995.00 Social Service League - 2.1.5 1,050.00 4-11 Club Mair. 2 oni ee 2 300,00 $8,145.00 Agency Allotments: 5 Shiitikege . 25 ee $ 600.00 Campaton Costs. 2 28, 500.00 Adnimistratione 280 si ee 600.00 Organization Expenses ____. 1,700.00 TOTAL CHEST BUDGET Balance on hand = oe $2,565.00 Less Emergency Reserve $1,000.00 mpecial Bh Gserve 5 ot 700.00 (Amount raised for 4th of July program not used but invested in War Bonds). 1,700.00 Balance: To be applied on 1942 Chest Budget... NEL CHEST BUDGET COMMUNITY AND WAR FUND ACTIVITIES Ghiistmas Activities’. 2 a: $ 900.00 United Service Organization — MUO ce ee 4,000.00 Activities Totak 224 =: GRAND STOPAL 2.0 $9,845.00 865.00 $ 8,980.00 4,900.00 $13,880.00