April 12, 1943. ¥r. Henry Iba, Director of Athletics, Oklahoma Ae & iM. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Dear Henry I am sending you carbon I have written to Bddie copies of a couple of letters that and Hal Middlesworth. I want you to electi Yiiickey and know thet according to my way of you certainly got nothing but « raw deal in the walter ef 0 tion of a representative of the Pifth District. egy I do know that Dr. King leans very strongly ageinst a play-off and I think that he is honest in his om deductions. But as far as a fair, ge atin lle peegligl cdl . beaten Oklahoma by a much larger margin than they beat you at Norman — fair play would hews enghasdeed & a play-off. a I had nothing to do direaty CeAsde representative. would I give cn ee ce me up with the N.C.A.A., I thought that a denial might be in order, as you perhaps read Middlesworth's colwm. Some time I want to have an opportunity to sit down and talk with you. I have always tékarded your friendship highly, and as I look at it you and I are two plainespoken individuals who can talk to cach ee ee ee ee en ee ee Therefore, it will be a pleasure to see you some time ani have a visit with you. With all good wishes to you and yours, I am Simerely yours, — Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Versity Basketball Coach.