MRED IRISH NINE ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK CITY (2) Some games are rougher than others and the same team on different nights will commit more fouls, but I do not think that is strictly a local problem as you will probably agree. Your views are always interesting and certainly have done a great deal to get basketball the attention it deserves in the press of the country. I certaily hope that you will continue your fine efforts along these lines since many other coaches seem to be content to let things drift along. My best wishes to you for a successful season, although I think Bruce Drake will make a lot of trouble for the teams in the Big Six with his new pivot man Gerry Tucker. Tucker gave an exceptionally brilliant performance here against St. John's, and Bill Reinhart tells me he was just as good against his team in Washington. Nels Norgren has asked me to get together some material and put out a publication as soon as possible for the National Association of Basketball Coaches. If you have anything that you think would be interesting to the coaching fraternity I would appreciate it if you would send it along. Sincerely your . Director of Basketball NI: FC Madison Square Garden