THE INDIAN-DETOUR AND GRAND CANYON LINE The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System From__ Lawrence To_Lincolin & Ames, & returne ITINERARY OF YOUR TRIP _ This schedule is based on current time tables, which are subject to change without notice iv, lawrence Santa Fe, 8.02PM or 9.27PH,. tri Feby 230 Ar, Kansas City, “a 9.10PM or 10.20Pi 236 iv, Kansas City Mo Pace 12659 Wri, Veby 23. Av, lIducolin Bebr, mi Sat" 24, iv, ldineolin New CBAq, 7. 30AM ~~ Sun Feby 25. Ar, Omaha Nebr “e Bea ue 25 ly, Omaha Henry CNW. & e55AM | Gun ** 25. Ar, Ames,la. aw 12.43Pu nh mm 26, interstate iv, Ames, Lae Transit,( Bus). 1062020 ion ** 26. Ar’ Desiloines, “8 11.25 Pil “7 6 (26. Iv, Des Moines Ia Rock Island, §2.55AM Tus Feby 27. Ar, Kansas City PESO Bees 6 OR ae Ivy, Kansas City Santa Fe, 8. Ali 3 ee neg, Ar, Lawrence -s 853A “Oe Pe Round trip rail fare per ca) ita, i Leena iP a7. an, 7. Lewer berth Kansas. aity =: neolin, ya : Le 35 Upper "" me ey a . £eGGe re jth: Dee Moines: ry Kansas ct, is 2065 stand wenie fer occupancy at Kansas City 10.Fiil. Sleeper ready for occupancy at Des Moines at 10 PM, Sleeper released on arrival at lincolin and Kansas City, Rate include transfer from Bus depot to CNW depot at Des Moines Iae Understand that the Buse line will Pola 15 minutes at Des Moines if ~~ Coe 2019940. Remarks : Grand Canyon National Park and the Indian-detours, on the Santa Fe to or from California and Southern Arizona, offer matchless stopovers of any length and at any season. The Santa Fe is the only railroad entering Grand Canyon National Park. Pullmans direct to the Rim. indian-detours explore by motor the cliff dwellings, Indian pueblos-and quaint native villages of the Spanish-Indian country about Old Santa Fé, New Mexico.