IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION April 21, 1941 FOR MEN Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Sorry to hear you are baseball coach as I know how tough you are to beat at basketball and I expect you will have these ball players raring just like young broncos. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the competition in our coming series. Our Friday game will begin at 4 otclock and the Saturday game at 2 o'clock. This will give you a little more time after the Saturday session to get headed on your way back home, You will hit at the diamond for the background any time that you care to come out and up to 3:25. At that time I would like for you to take your infield practice and we will follow with ours, then allowing our grounds keeper six or seven minutes to brush the diamond and get it ready for the ball game. I have secured the services of Pete Knudson, high school coach near here who has umpired and played in the Western League; and the other man will be Curt Daib, a minister near here, a regular fellow and the perennial umpire of the State High School Tournament. I am sure that you don't know either of these men, consequently I haventt written you before making the appointment. : I hope that the weather and everything else will be satisfactory. With a host of good wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, aL ee a Be Le inmm Baseball Coach