copy NED IRISH Nine Rockefeller Plaza New York, NeYo February 28, 1939 Mre Forrest Ce. Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas At the time of the National Assne of Basketball Coaches meeting in Chicago last spring we discussed the possibilities of your K. U. basketball team making an eastern trip in the near futures 7 Does the 1939=40 season seem an appropriate time for such a trip? I am working on the for Madison Square Garden and Gacemruiiin WAL Sk FALURREMER eed SE vos Saw eomnaeahine & tobe : would not like te go so far as te mike it impossible to schedule you. We plan to run two nights in Philadelphia and three nights in the Garden during the week between Christmas and New Year's and also will probably have Oklahoma Aggies here on the weekend of December 16, so there would be plenty of oppertuitty far you to make the trip without losing any time from classese How will your team wind up this season? We so selden get any scores Sein your eacldak tat 1% is dftieak’ to keep Sresk /< ae If you win the Big Six titlw will your team compete in the NCAA tournament. Sincerely yours, See te Nata