—— \ Pe i f ao 7¥ tL { Cir. #104 Det, 28, 1938 ‘ State of Iowa Boserd of Educational Examiners Des Moines STANDARDS FOR SPECIAL AND SUPERVISORY CERTIFICATES FOR MUSIC, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND ART TO EE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMEER 1, 1940 The board of educational examiners announces new standards for special certificates for 1. Music 2. Physical education 3. Art 4. Music supervisor 5. Physical education supervisor 6. Art supervisor The standards as stated in this circular will become effective September 1, 1940. Institutions training teachers should immediately call to the attention of all junior and senior students majore - ing in these fields the fact that new standards are to be ef- fective as of the above date. City superintendents should require that all special music, physical edueation, end art teachers hired for the spring of 1940 meet these stendards. Teachers in service who expect to qualify for the special cer- tificates at some later date should be notified of the new Standards. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE THE BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL EXAMINERS DES MOINES, IOWA