lire Henry Iba, Mrestor of Athletics, Oklaham As & ie College, Sillwnter, Oklahomte Congratulations on your winning the Missouwi Valley You are in, now, sir, and all you have to dh is eit and scout those other fellows that are cutting coach otherx'ts threats, making thanselvos easy prey for your doughty COWDOYS « ‘Tins vaeetidmat Ue debt Ch whodlt.« wertain ihe. teem be eliminated fram the Big Six playeoff they were inquire ing as to whether they could get in the Writers Invitation Tourmment at Medison Square Garden. You need not worry about that, Hank, a bit because the Sig Six rules can estop then fron doing soe Ye camot play in any tournament with the ex coption of the ibtienal Collegiate, according to our Big Sic rul@e This apparently dous not effect your Missouri Valley Like 3t does the Big Sie If Oklaham desired to do such a thing they would have ee ee ee the Big Six Conference would not grant ite So wiless they te piap-ert with you Geir torment cys ere ove this year, at least. : This ts for your infommtiane Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache