V. CAUSES OF ILL-HEALTH With the establishment of the correctness of the germ theory of disease and development of scientific knowledge has come an ever in-~ creasing accumulation of information about the exact causes of ill health, For purposes of study these causes of ill health may be classified as to: {a} Exciting Agents 1. Living or animate, as: micro-organisms. 2. Mechenicél, as: automobile accidents, etc. 3. Chemical, as: lead poisoning, etc. 4. Physical, as: heat, cold, or electricity, etc. or as to: (b} Mode of Transmission 1. Communicable, as: diphtheria, etc. 2. Non-communicable, as: heart disease. LIVING CAUSES OF ILL HEALTH Our remarkable progress in the control of disease has come as a result of the proof that certain of our deadliest diseases are caused by living micro-organisms. For these contributions to the welfare of mankind we have to thank that remarkable group of scientific workers who founded the science of bacteriology. The list of these benefactors is too long for us’ to any more than men- tion 2° few of the more prominent ones. Pasteur, Koch, Neisser, Laverean, Eberth, Klebs, Loeffler, Shandim, Hoffman and Noguchi. We are prone to remember and honor the men of history who were great generals or admirals and were famous for destroying human life while we are apt to ignore or forget the men whose fame rests upon preserving human life. Review the lives of a few of this latter group. Micro-organisms and Disease Year after year we have seen a gradually lengthening list of micro- organisms that have been convicted of causing disease in man. These or- ganisms may be classified in two great groups: (a) Bacteria; (b) Protozoa. Bacteria-—-The group of bacteria includes a long list of members which may be considered from the standpoint of their action when taken into the human body, as: (a) Pathogenic or disease producing. (b) Non-pathogenic or non-disease producing. Non-Pathogens. The importance of non-pathogenic bacteria to humans and plants is seldom fully realized. The carbon cycle end nitrogen cycle are necessary for life. They are dependent upon the action of non-patho- genic bacteria. Commercially these bacteria are essential for the pro- duction of butter, cheese, tanning hides, curing tobacco, etc. ait « Pathogens, The proof that specific bacteria were the cause of : specific diseases marked the first great step in the rational, scientific control. of commmicable diseases. The more important members of this _ group will be cmsidered in connection with the diseases which they cause, Proof of Disease Production In’ order to be certain that a given orgenism is the cause of a given disease, a very exact, scientific method was devised wiich is know as Koch's Postulates, after their originator: (a) Same bacteria always found with some disease. (b) Same bacteria isolated from diseased animal and grown in pure culture outside the body, (c) Pure culture must reproduce disease in animal. (ad) Same organisms recovered from enime1l am grown in pure culture, Growth and Reproduction of Micro-organisms The gravth and reproduction of bacteria are dependent upon favorable conditions adapted to their peculiar needs: (a) Temperature (b) Moisture (c) Rgod supply bestruction of Micro-Organisms Sterilization or disinfection is the name applied to the procedure of destruction of micro-organisms. Methods: 1, Heat--dry or moist. 2. Sunlight. 35. Chemicals. Spread of Micro-organisms A knowledge of the ways by which micro-organisms spread from person to person is vital to any intelligent defensive hygiene plan against commmicable diseases. Chapin classifies then as follows: (a) By cmtact (b) By fomites (inanimate obj ects) (c) By air (a) By food am drink (e) By insects Sources of Infection The chief source of infections is to be found in man and lower animals. Modes of Infection The micra-organisms which cause disease enter the body through one of the following chamels: (a) Respiratory tract (b) Digestive tract (c) Genito-urinary tract (a) Skin and conjunctiva 8 Exits of Bacteria from Body From the standpoint of defensive hygiene or prevention it is im portant to know the mode of exit of the disease producing bacteria from the body of the infected individual. {a} Nose and throat (b) Bowels or bladder {c) Mucous membranes {fenital) (a) Blood (indirect by insects) Fate of Bacteria in the Body Every human being is constantly taking micro-organisms into his body. The fate of these orgenisms within the body has a vital relationship to defensive hygiene. They may: (a) Live; multiply and produce disease (bv) Live, multiply without producing disease-—"carriers" (c) Killed by defensive mechanisms of body. Determiners of Infection Whether an individual who takes micro-orgenisms into his body will develop disease or not depends upon a number of factors: {a) Type of organism (bv) Virilence or strength of organism (c) Number of organisms (a) Degree of resistance or immmity possessed by the individual. Course of Infection A brief outline of a typical infection will serve as a basis for a better understanding of what is happening in disease caused by micro~- orgenisms . (a) Cause--e specific bacteria or protozoa taken into the bodys _ (bo) Incubation period--a battle of resisting forces with infecting organism. | (c) Symptoms: 1. Premonitary 2. Onset 5. Fully developed (d) Results: 1. Recovery 2. Degeneration of organs 3e Death Mechanism of Infection We must remember that they, conditions are favorable {a} res- How do micro-orgehisms cause disease? being living organisms, cannot survive unless for then: They must carry out their fundamental cycles of life: piration, {b) nutrition, {c) excretion, (d) reproduction. « ib = During the process of nourishing themselves, micro-organisms injure ian. The manner in which this is brought about is: (a) By production of soluble toxins or poisons (diphtheria). (b) By production of insoluble toxins due to splitting up of proteins of body. (c}) By mechanical action. Infections may be: (2) Local-—boils; (») Gceneral--typhoid fever, Infections may spread by (a) etnies Co) blood stream, (c) lymph strean. References: Storey--Defensive Hysiene, Book II, Chapters 17 and Lee Rice, T. Be—Conguest of Disease, Chapter 2. Bossard——Problems of Social Well-Being, Chapters 8, 9, 15. Chapin, C. Ve—-Sources and Modes of Infection, Chapters 4-8, Dekrui Microbe Hunters. Radot--Life of Pesteur,. dhe a DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Re Se 4. Be ee cab Which one of the groups of exciting causes of ill health do you consider most important today? Is there any change going on at the present time in the relative importance of these groups? What? Why? What would happen if we destroyed all of the bacteria? How do bacteriologists proceed when they wish to decide whether a disease is canmunicable or not? In what way are disease producing bacteria most frequently spread from one person to enother? What information is it necessary to have about a given bacteria in order to provide defensive measures against it? What conditions determine whether an individual who takes patho- genic organisms into his »ody will become ill? Compare the process of fermentation with microbic disease? low do bacteria harm the human body? Certain persons who are exposed to communicable diseases do not come dom with them; other persons recover from them. This raises two cuestions which are of great practical importance to every individual-— resistance ard immunity. a St oe Resistance. We need to account for: {a} The already existing resistance to infection. (b} The resistance which develops during the infection. (c) The resistance which persists after infection. These questios can best be answered by a study of the phenomena which are grouped under the title of immunity. Immunity is the power which certain living organisms possess of resisting infection. It is a specific pover. Virulence or pathogenicity is the ability of a micro-organism to over- come the” protective méchanisms of the host. The action of these organisms and reaction of the host results in whet we call disease. Susceptibility is due to the absence or suppression of the factors which underlie immunity. Types of Immunity: {a) Naturel--mey be inherited by an individual or a whole species. (pb) Aequired--through artificial means; may be either (a) active, or (b) passive. 1. Actives (1) Attack of disease {2) Introduction of virus or live organisms (3) Introduction of vaccine or dead organisms (4) Introductiaom of toxins 2. Passive: {1) Introduction of anti-bodies from another organism. Theories of Immnity: The science of immunology is only 30 years old. The explanation of it has been a subject of discussion for centuries, ven primitive peoples have tried to immunize themselves. There have been many theories. (a) Exhaustion {Pasteur} (b) Retention (c) Ehrlichs-~Side-chain Duration of Immunity (a) Transient--in a great many infections: diphtheria (from attack of disease}; tonsillitis; comnon colds; influenza. {b) Permanent--appears to be for life of the individual: smallpox; measles: typhoid fever; mumps; poliomyelitis; chicken-pox; etc. Tests for Immunity Scientists have developed a number of tests which will determine whether an individual is susceptible to a specific disease. (a) - 12 - Shick test--for diphtheria (b) Dick test-—-for scarlet fever (c) Skin test—for smail-pox Artificial Immunization Some of our most valuable defensive hygiene measures are based upon methods of producing immunity artificially. (a) (») Virus--material contcining live organisms Vaccine or bacterin--contains dead organisms. Some of the diseases for which we have immnizing methods: (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (3) Diphtheric-—toxin-antitoxin and antitoxin Tetanus—~-antitoxin Ravies—-attenvated virus Epidenic Meningitis--immne serum Typhoid fever-—bacterin Scarlet fever-—-—toxin-antitoxin Small pox-—-attenuated virus Plague— bacterin Cholera-——bacterin Measles——convalescent serum VII. DEFENSIVE HYGIENE OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES In the study of the methods of controlling cammuniceble diseases, the American Public Health Association has decided that in order to effectively (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (f) control a disease we should have the following informtion about it: Infectious agent Source of infection Mode of transmission Incubation period Period of cammnicability Methods of control 1. The infected individual ond his environment. {1) Recognition of disease (2) Isolation (3) Immonization {4} Disinfection 2. Genéral Measures Diseases by Sources of Infection One of the most valuable classificatims of communicable disease is the one mde with reference to the source of the infecting organisms. {a) Diseases Spread by Intestinal Discharges 1. Typhoid fever 2. Cholera 3. Dysentery 4, Food-poisoning 5, Hookeworm in 73 ie (b) Saliva Borne Diseases 1. Scarlet fever *~ Diphtheria vs Measles 4, Whooping Cough 5« Common Cold and Influenza 6.6 Pneumonia 7. Cerebro-spinal meningitis 84 Infantile Paralysis 9. Tuberculosis 10.6 Leprosy 11. Small-pox 123 Mumps: (c) Insect Bore Diseases 1. Malaria ke Yellow Fever Se Plague 4. Typhus Fever (a) Diseases Transmitted’ to or through Skin or Mucous Membranes 1. Hydrophobia or Rabies 2. Tetanus or Lock-jaw oe Anthrax A. Syphilis 5. Gonorrhea References: Storey--Defensive Hygiene, Chapter 17. MeLaughlin-~Comnunicable Diseases. Rice--The Conquest of Disease. Chapin--Sources and Modes of Infection. Appleton--Bacterial Infection. Rosenau-—Preventive Medicin e-Immunity. Bossard-—Problems of Social Well-Being, Chapters 7-15. U. S. Public Health Reports--The Control of Communicable Disease, (Reprint 436--Document Room). DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Define immunity; susceptibility; resistance. 2; How may an individual acquire immunity to disease? Se Is immunity a general or specific power? 4. Discuss the historical theories of immunity. 5, Of wmt practical importance is the knowledge of the duration of - immunity? 6. Howare the tests for immmity applied to the control of disease? 7, Outline the basic facts needed about - given disease for its effective control. 8. Name some of the principal diseases--according to source of infection. - 14 =. VIII. PROTOZOA AS CAUSES OF DISEASE IX. - Protozoa are classified as animal organisms. There is some uncer- tainty as to whether some organisms included in this group should not be considered as vegetable in nature,. The more important point for our pur- poses is whether they produce disease ani what defensive hygiene methods are necessary to combat their activities. Protozoa are simple one-celled organisms. About 7,000 species have been described. Each of them has a characteristic "life cycle.’ Diseases caused by a few of the protozoa will be discussed. Malaria--still an important public health problem. {a) Cause--Three distinct parasites (plasmodium) . (b} Source of Infection--Blood of infected individuals. {c) Mode of Transmission——Anopheles mosquito--parasite undergoes life cycle in body of mosquito and infection is transmitted to another individual by vite of mosquito. Carriers=—Common in infected regions. Prevention--Screening active cases--quinin prophylaxis and suppression of mosquitoes. O Qs ‘Dysentery-~(Amebic)--Most frecuent in Tropics but many cases demon~ strated in United States. (a) Cause--Endamoeba histolytica. (b) Mode of Transmission--Intestinal discharges of infected individ- ual. Transferred by drinking water, contact with fresh dis- charges, flies, etc. Trypanosomiasis or Sleeping Sickness--(Africon)--Next to Malaria, the Trypanosoms are man's most deadly enemies among the protozoa. (a) Cause--Trypanosoma (two species). (b) Mode of Transmission--Tsetse fly--Life cycle of parasite in the body of the fly. Syphilis--one of the mjor plagues of the world, (a) Cause~-Spirochaeta pallida or treponema pallidum. A very small organism, but larger’ than the average bacteria. Discovered by Schandin and Hoffman, 1905, (b} Prevalence-~Estimated 8% of poptlatio (Rosenau). {c) Organisms-~Blood, tissue juices, secretions, and sores of infected persons, (d} Modes of Transmission--(a) Directly, most commonly by sexual in- tercourse, less frequently by kissing, (b) Indirectly, common drinking cups, instruments, pipes, etc. (c) Congenitally, organ- isms pass from mother to child. (e) Prevention and Cure and Social Control. METOZOA AS CAUSES OF ILL-HEALTH Metozoa are the so-called’ higher animal parasites that often cause disease by means of their eggs, enbryoes, and larvae. The more important members of this group are: (a) Flukes, (b) Tapeworms, (c) Round worms, and {d) Hook worms. - 15 = Method of Injury. These organisms injure the individual by: (a) Taking nourishment from his body (b) Extraction of blood (c) Mechanical pressure or obstruction (d) Toxins (e) Injury to mucous or skin surfaces Trichinosis (2) Cause—-Trichinella spiralis--lives in upper part of intestines. Female bores into the walls of intestines and deposits ova. They wander through blood anid lymph stream to striated muscles where they locate ani become “encysted." (b) Carriers—-Hogs, wild boars, rats, dogs, and cats. To humans by undercooked and infected pork. Tape Worms (a) Cause--Taenia solium (pork), taenia sagmata (beef), fish. (b) Transmission--By means of larvae of parasites--taken into body by eating undercooked infected mat. (c) Prevention--Thoroughly cooked meats--meat inspection. Hook Worms. An important public health problem. (a) Cause--One of many species-—Necator Americanus (New World) from less virula@t old world form. (b) Source of Infection--Feces of infected persons—~Infected food and water. Polluted soil. (c) Mode of Transmissio--Larwal forms pierce skin--trensported through circulatory system. : (d) Prevention--(a) Education, (b) Prevention of soil pollution, (c) Personal hygiene including shoes. X. CARRIERS OF DISEASE The recognition and control of the so-called healthy carrier of disease is one of our most difficult public health problems. Carrier may be defined as an individual who is not suffering from given DISEASE, BUT WHO HARBORS Ti = DISEASE PRODUCING ORGANISMS IN HIS BODY AND IS CAPABLE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY OF INFECTING OTHERS. Classification (2) Active--one who has had attack of disease md continues to harbor organisms. (bo) Passive--one who has never had disease bit harbors organismSe Diseases--We have been gradually adding to the number of diseases in which healthy carriers have been demonstrated: (a) Cholera (b) Diphtheria (c} Plague (ad) Typhoid | (e) Epidemic meningitis xi. ae (f) Bacillary dysentery (gz) Poliomyelitis (7?) (h) Pneumonia Management of Carriers (a) Administration by health authorities (b) Medical ani Surgical Treatment References: Storey--Defensive Hygiene, Chapters 18, 19, 20. Rosenau-—Preventive Medicine, See articles on Malaria, Yellow Fever, Dysentery, Sleeping Sickness, Syphilis, Trichinosis, Tapeworms and Hook Worms. Also on Carriers. : Bossard-—Problens of Social Well-Being, Chapters 10-15. McLaughlin--Communicable Diseases. . DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. How do protozoa and metozoa differ from bacteria? 2. Are they relatively more or less important to man as causes of ill-health? 3. Whet are the essential points in the life cycles of.the malarial parasite? 4, Why is amebic dysentery of special importance to inhabitants of the Pacific Coast? 5. Discuss our mowledge of the presence of syphilis. 6. Which is the most common method of transmission of syphilis? 7. Should an infection with syphilis be a permanent bar to marriage? 8, Name the most important disease producing metozoa. 9. Discuss the defensive hygiene of metozoa. 10. Discuss the management of healthy disease carriers. ‘WEGHANICAL CAUSES OF ILL HEALTH AND DEATH The importence of a defensive hygiene program against mechanical causes of ill health and death is evident when it is noted that approxi- mately 6% to 8% of the deaths recorded in the Registration Area annually are caused by accidents of various kinds. While we have no universal compulsory registration of accidents, the increasing number of states that require industrial and automobile acci- dents to be reported is furnishing 1 rapidly increasing basis for more accurate statistical study. A considerable number of organizations and government agencies are engaged in accumulating evidence of the muses of the various mechanical injuries. Among these my be metioned: oe 17 = (a) Bureau of Census-—-U. S. Department of Commerce (b) State Industrial Accident Boards (c) State Traffic Departments (d) Automobile Associations (e) Insurance Companies (f} Safety Organizations Statistical Evidence Mortality--In this field as in the field of disease our most complete returns are taken from the mortality records. For details as to number and exact causes of death see references at end of section. Morbidity—While the deaths from accidents are sufficiently dramatic the results in now-fatal cases are of equal, if not greater social impor- tance. At present we have only partial statistics due to incomplete report- ing. Sufficiently accurate estimates will be found in the references (Bossard) to indicate the degree of defensive hygiene problem. Analysis of the Problem For purposes of discussion, mechanical causes of ill health may be classified as to their place of occurrence: {a) Industrial (b) General--including automobile Causes Careful studies are being made to determine the causes responsible for accidents as a basis for preventive measures. These studies have re- vealed a great frequency of certain influences: (a) Carelessness of individuals or groups (b) Defects of individual (mental or physical) (c) Fatigue (d) Faulty machines Character in Relation to Prevention--Accidents may be classified from the standpoint of responsibility, in order to plan an effective de- fensive hygiene program against them. (a) Personal-—-those in which the action or ability of the individ- ual is largely responsible: ie Burne 2. Accidental drowning 3. Accidental shooting 4, Accidental falls (b) Group--where ma jor responsibility is caused by carelessness or neglect of the group: 1. Machinery accidents due to lack of safety devices 2 Mine accidénts Se Railred accidents 4. Street car accidents - 18 - (c} Combination--or the accidents where there is a dual responsibil- ity of the individual and group: 1. Automobile 2-e Machinery oe obreetcar 4, Railroad Automobile Accidents--The repid increase of motor propelled vehicles has led to an enormous number of fatal and non-fatal accidents with all of their personal and social consequences. The importance of this problen justifies a little closer study of the causes and methods of prevention of this class of causes of ill health. Study this problem as a typical example of the facts necessary and method to be employed in mechanical causes of ill health. See references at end of section and be prepared to discuss analy- sis of automobile accidents by cause. Defense against Accidents--A successful plan of defensive hygiene must include both education and regulation. Education of Individual (a) Children--Moderm cmditions make it necessary that the education of the child to protect itself should be begun early. It should be made an important part of the health program of the schools. (b) Adults--Safety campaigns in both industry and the general com munity should be promoted with sufficient freouency and inten- sity to thoroughly inform every adult of the accident hazards. Regulation--Notwithstanding the soundmess of the educational efforts, a well-planmed, adequately-enforced set of regulations are necessary. (c) Automobile Regulations——Adoption and enforcement of standard eutomobile code--regulation of pedestrian traffic. (bo) Industrial. Regulations--All but five states in the United States have compensation laws--enforcement of safeguarding. (c) Public Utilities--The regulation of public utilities such as railroads and steamships is en important part of control of accidents. References: Storey--Defensive Hygiene, Chapter 14, Rosenau-—Preventive Medicine. Bossard-—Problems of Social Well-Being, Chapters 19-20. (See further references at end of these chapters) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. What is the estimted annual cost of accidents in the U. S.? 2. Discuss the social problems involved in accidents. o 19 « 3e Do you agree with the statement that carelessness is the most important element in accidents? Why? 4, What has been the effect of the safety campaigns in industry? In communities (with reference to automobile accidents)? 5. What do you understand by the term “human engineering” in indus- try? 6. Outline a program of "accident hygiene” for the purpose of con=- trolling the personal element in an industrial plant having dangerous machine processes. XII. CHEMICAL AGENTS AS CAUSES OF ILL HEALTH Chemical agents have been recognized as important causes of ill health as a result of the frequency of poisoning in industry. The attempt to understand ani solve this problem has been me of the influences which has brought about the development of Industrial Hygiene. Proper cmsider- ation of this branch of preventive medicine is given in the course on Group Hygiene. Consideration will be given here to the more important chemical causes of ill health. Statistics Chemical agents as causes of death are relatively infrequent (1577 Registration Area 1924). As a cause of acute or chronic ill health, they are of considerable importance on account of the rapid development of new chemical processes in industry. Classification These chemical agents may be conveniently classified as to the na- ture of the substance: (a) Inorganic (b) Organic Inorganic Chemicals The list of inorganic substances ccpable of causing injury to human beings is a long one. Only a few of the more important ones will be given consideration. Lead is one of the most frequent, serious, and insidious of occu- pational poisons. Lead is a typical cumulative poison. Frequently a comparatively large single dose may be taken without noticeable effect; but small quantities inhaled or ingested, are stored in the body, resulting in chron- ic poisoning ani sometimes death. Practically all forms of lead are poi- SONOUS » sources There is a long list of possible smyrces both in and out of industry. Some of the principal ones are: (a) Pottery and earthenware processes (bo) Lead mining, smelting, and refining {c) Gasoline--(Ethyl gas) (ad) Printing trades (e) Miscelleneous: drinking water; beer made in lead lined vats; paint; face powder and cosmetics. Absorption Respiratory tract most frequent and serious. Dust or fumes is the carrier of the substance. Enters blood directly in lungs. Intestinal tract--through liver into the circulation. Skin--not as frequent--though it occurs from paints, cosmetics and hair dye. Storage in Body Lead is stored in the bones. Safely stored without ill effects as long as calcium balance of body is positive amd a normal hydrogen concen= tration of the blood. Excretion=—through feces ard urine. Symptoms Acute form--Intense colic, diarrhoea, rapidly developing anemia, convulsions, and mental symptoms. Chronic form-Anemia, constipation, colic, paralysis (wrist drop), "blue line" on gums, muscular vain, and swelling of joints. Maternal and Congenital--Lead is a race poison, causing: {a) Sterility (b) Prematurity and still births {(c) Dwarfing Prevention rests here, as in control of cammunicable diseases, upon a knowledge of the sources and modes of infection: {a) dust, (b) fumes, (c) by hands to gastro-intestinal tract. (a) Prevention of dust and removal of fumes (bo) Cleanliness of body clothing and surroundings {c) Milk drinking Arsenic is a source of a considerable amount of occupational poison- ing. The principal sources of arsenic poisoning are: {a) Lead smelting (b) Paris green manufacture {c) Sheep dip (d) Hides, feather, and fur processing (e) Criminal use «= Wode of Entrance Inhalation of fumes or dust or swallowing with food or drink. Symptoms (a) Acute--conjunctivitis, eczema, ulcers. {b) Chronic--Anemia, neuritis, degeneration of liver and kidneys. Mercury Sources (a) Mercury mining and smelting (>) Manufacture of barometers and thermometers {c } Hat making (felt) Mode of Entrance (a) Inhalation of vapor (b) Skin (c) Rarely by swallowing Symptoms {a} Anemia {b) Headache ard dizziness {c) Tremor (a) “Ptyalism” (fetid breath, soft, swollen, ulcerated gums, with loosening teeth) (e) Enlarged glands. Prevention--Same as for lead. Phosphorus Sources--Chiefly match making with white phosphorus. Mode of Entrance--Swallowing Symptoms (a) Necrosis of bones of jaw (b}) Foul odor of breath Prevention (a) Prohibition of use of white phosphorus (b) Mouth hygiene Carbon Monoxide--is the most important of all gas poisonings. Sources (a) Illuminating gas {b) Exhaust from autos {c} Blast furnaces (ad) Mine gas « 22 « Mode of Entrance--Inhalation _ Action--Reniers red corpuscles of blood incapable of uniting with oxygene Symptons (a) Acute and sudden dizziness (b} Blurring vision (c) Nausea (d) Stupor and loss of consciousness Organic Chemicals Only a few of the more important organic chanicals that injure health can be considered. The ones selected are: alcohol; opium; co- caine; ami tobacco. Alcohol my be considered as a food, a medicine, or a habit forming drug. Varieties: (2) Methyl (wood alcohol)--very dangerous, used commercially and to adukterate cheap whiskies. (b) Ethyl--main component in alcoholic beverages. Properties--In large amounts a poison. Dispute is about "small" a= mounts » (a) Food--Burned body 1 gram produced 7 calories. (b) Nervous depressant--Acts by removing inhibition. It is not a true stimulant. (c) Habit-forming drug. Effects (a) Health (b) Longevity Opium ani its Derivatives The problem of the habit forming drugs is one of our major public health problems. The opium group includes opium, morphine, codein, and heroin. Use~-nunber of addicts not accurately known. Estimated in 1924 to be 110,000. Physical Effects Lowers ability to withstand pain or distress Causes gastro-intestinal disturbances Destroys self-control, will, memory. Effects reproductive system aQiae&éno Sociel Effects —. 2 (a) Contributes to crimes of violence, poverty, disease, and disor~ ganization of homes. Control (a) Federal: Laws--Food & Drug Act, Harrison Law. le Organization: U. S. Public Health Service, Anti-Narcotic League. (b) International: League of Nations, Health Section (c) State: Departments of Health, Hospitals and Clinics. Tobecco The use of tobacco should be considered from the standpoint of its effects as: {a) Habit forming substance {b) An injurious substance (c) In its relation to efficiency Composition of Tobacco While tobacco as used is the leaves of the plant nicotiana tabacum, our interest from the standpoint of defensive hygiene is in the active principles in the plant which are possible chemical poisons. Nicotin is the most important of these, In its pure form, it is one of our most powerful, fatal, and rapidly acting poisons. The nicotin content of the various kinds of tobacco vary considerably from 1.3% to 4%, for Havana ani Maryland, to 6% to 8% for Virginia or Kentucky tobacco. Tobacco contains many other substances which give it a characteris= tic flavor. One of them, pyridin, on heating gives rise to substances that are of importence in estimating the physiological effects of tobacco. Two of them are carbon monoxide and furfural. Combustion of Tobacco Our interest lies in understanding what is responsible for its charm and its ill effects. There can be no debate about the serious ef- fects of such a powerful poison as nicotin if used in any but the most minute quantity. It is its effects when taken into the body in such amounts and forms as are present in smoking and chewing tovacco that causes much controversy. The amount of nicotin in the smoke of burning tobacco depends upon the kind ami formof tobacco, and the amount of moisture present. This varies fra 14%, to 35%, in cigarettes, to a much higher percentage in ci- gars and pipes. It is claimed by some investigators that nicotin is practically des- troyed in the process of smoking and that the effects of tobacco are lim ited to the decamposition products resulting from the pyridin. This does not explain the fact that the same physiological effects are pro- duced by chewing tobacco. «~ 2 « Effects of Tobacco The important point is what amount of these substances are absorbed by the body and what are their effects when taken in regularly over long periods of time. This will vary with whether the user inhales, swallows the saliva, uses a holder, as well as upon the kind and forms of tobacco used. Wicotin causes a brief stimmlation of the brain and spinal cord followed by depression. The salivary flow is increased temporarily fol- lowed by a decrease. The heart action is at first slowed and blood pres- sure increased followed by rapid heart action and lowered b lood pressure. Its final effects are not that of a stimulant but of a narcotic. Habit Formation The use of any narcotic is always accompanied by the danger of habit formation with its consequent dependence upon the substance. This ap- plies with peculiar force to tobacco. The individual who is miserable unless he has his given amount of tobacco at a given time comes in the Same category, psychologically, as the morphine habitue. Tobacco end Efficiency A large number of experiments have been made to determine the re- lationship of the use of tobacco to mental and physical efficiency. In the field of mental accomplishments, the evidence seems to show a higher accomplishment among non-smokers, thougn many of the experiments were not conducted with edeqate controls and stendard conditionse From the physical standpoint, the evidence is clearer both from practical ani experimental experience. The athletic coach does not per- mit his teams to smoke, The mortality experience of the insurance com penies show more favorable death rates among non-users of tobacco. References: Storey--Defensive Hygiene, Chapter 16. Rosenau--Preventive Medicine (1927). {Industrial Poi- sons, page 1232); Alcohol page 515). U. Se Public Health Service--Bulletin 116 (1921) (Document Room) Pearl—-Alcohol and Longevity Fisher & Fiske--How to Live, (Alcohol and Tobacco) | Earp--The Student Who Smokes O'Shea--Tobacco and Mental Efficiency Eddy, C.--One Million Drug Addicts in U. Se Current History, July, 1925. : Waring, J. Je--The Hygiene of Smoking, Hygeia, June, 1925 California Narcotic Commission--Narcotic Habit, (363.99 C153) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Is it true that chemical causes of ill health are relatively un- important in the United States? Why? - = o» Be 22 What are the five fundamentals for the prevention of occupational diseases ani poisons? {Rosenau) 3. Outline a plan for the prevention of lead poisoning in a pottery using lead. 4. Explain the preventive action of milk drinking in lead workers. 5. Discuss alcohol as a food. 6. Is alcohol a true stimulant? Why not? 7, Explain the function of Pure Food and Drug and the Harrison law in controiling drug addiction. 8. What are the important active principles contained in the tobacco plant? Explain the way in which pyridin is said to produce its ill ervecss on the body. 9. Wheat is the relation of the use of tobacco to habit formation? Efficiency? 10. Explain physiologically why the athletic cach prohibits smoking for men in training. XIII. PHYSICAL AGENTS AS CAUSES OF ILL HEALTH Certain physical agents are capable either directly or indirectly of causing ill health. A few of the more important will be discussed. Atten~ tion will be called to the heaith influences of certain other ones. Atmospheric Pressure While changes in atmospheric pressure are not usually of much impor~ tance to the average individual, a knowledge of them is essential under special conditions of work, recreation, or transportation. Diminished Due to the rapid growth of aviation, diminished air pressure is be- caning more and more important, Occurrence {a} Mountain Climbing (b) Aeroplaning and ballooning Effects The effects of living at very high altitudes with their low pressure can only be mentioned. The acute effects express themselves in headache, lassitude, and some= times nausea. The extremities are cold, the pulse is weakened, and the respirations are deeper and more frequent. The face becomes pallid ond lips and nails blue. Readjustment sometimes is made. « 2% « In more severe cases there may be vomiting, fever, fainting, and per- sistence of the other symptoms. The physiological effects of low pressure are due to the low partial tension of oxygen. This causes a deficiency of oxygen in the blood (anox- emia). The body tries to compensate for this cmdition by: ass (a) Increases respiration (b) Chemical alterations in blood (lowering alkaline reserve) (c) Increased hemoglobin (increase in red blood cells) Increased Pressure Increased pressure is of importance chiefly in the industrial field (a) Tunnel workers (b) Deep sea divers The subjecting of the individual to high pressures results in a con- dition called Caisson disease or “bends,” the latter name given by workmen from the excruciating pains causing the individual toe double up his body. Symptom s (a) Slow respiration (b) Slow pulse (c) Peins in ears (d}) Headache ami dizziness (e) Excruciating pains (f) Vomiting Death may occur from internal hemorrhage or there may be paralysis (diverts palsy). Physiological effects are most marked am dangerous after decom- pression. Effects are due to: {a) Increase in amount of gases in blood (nitrogen) (ob) Increase in chemical absorption of oxygen {c) Air emboli Prevention (a) Gradually increasing pressure {b) Gradual decompression {(c) Caref’ 3: medical supervision Temperature The relation of temperature and light to health as two of the impor- tant elements in climate can only be mentioned. The influence of climte on the vigor and vitality of races is an interesting field of study. At this time, we will only comsider the acute, extreme variations in temperature. Low temperatures (a) Chilblains . - 27 = {b) Frost bites (c) Freezing High temperatures . High temperatures are of more immediate interest. Heat Stroke--the cause of 300 to 400 deaths in the United States © annually. 1t is the result of hot moist atmosphere marked by headache, rapid pulse and respiration, loss of conscioumess, and sometimes death. Burns--may vary in effect from simple redness to cremation. In 1924, 6895 persons were accidentally burned to death and in addition 1625 lost their lives in conflagrations. Cost: (a) Bceonomic, (bd) Vital. Defensive hygiene of increased temperatures Light is an important source of both health em ill health, The effects of light my be summed up under tle following heads: (a) Insufficient light may affect eyes or have relation to rickets in children. (ob) Excessive licht-—-"sun stroke," sunburn. (c) X-Rays or Radium may injure as well as aid health. Electricity my be an important cause of ill health and death unless proper defensive hygiene measures are taken. (a) Lightning (b) Commercial electricity Defenses (<) Safeguarding (b) Education References: Storey--Defensive Hygiene, Chapter 15. Rosenau-—Preventive Medicine--Articles on Pressure, Tom- perature, and Light. Huntington--Civilization and Climate. Sunset Magazine--What Price California Climate, June, 1928. uckiesh and Pacini--Light and Health DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Discuss the relation of aviation to health. 2. Why are the respirations quickened when the atmospheric pressure is diminished? 3. Explain the increased number of red cells produced under same con= ditions. “ 4, Ontline a defensive hygiene program against Caisson's disease. 5. Discuss relation of high temperature to health. 6. Why are burns of so much importance as a problem of defensive hygiene? 7. Discuss relation of insufficient sunlight to rickets? 8. What defensive hygiene measures are particularly indicated in the University to meet the hazards of insufficient light? XIV. DEFENSIVE HYGIENE OF HEREDITY Our knowledge of heredity has been transferred from the realm of spec- ulation to the realm of experiment. The rediscovery in 1900 of the work of Mendel furnished the foundation for the rapid growth of the science of genetics, Normality and Abnormality As a result of the statistical and experimental study of heredity, we have had revealed to us with great vividness the mechanisms by which ‘both normal and abnormal characters can be transmitted from generation to generation. The knowledge of these mechanisms has uncovered for us some of the most pressing problems of Defensive Hygiene. Problems The principal problems of heredity for which we should adopt a more intelligent and agressive defensive program are: (a) Hereditary mental diseases (vo) Feeblemindedness (c) Nervous and mental instability. Extent of Problem While there is some controversy over whether the large increase in mental deficiencies of various kinds is an absolute or relative one, there is no doubt of the immensity and importance of the problem. An intelli-~ gent opinion upon control measures should be based upon a working know- ledge of the basic and exciting causes of: (a) Mental diseases (b) Feeblemindedness. Control of Human Heredity Even though we have accumulated considerable knowledge of the mechan- isms of both normal and abnormal heredity, it is a difficult and complex problem to apply in the human field. Any program of applied eugenics to be successful must be practical and not visionary. In this course we are concerned directly with the pre- vention side and only indirectly with the constructive side. «pO (a) Positive Eugenics (Discussed Course 150) (b) Negative Eugenics (1) Laws restricting marriage (2) Selective mating (with idea of dilution of defects) (3) Segregation (4) Sterilization (5) Undesirable immigration Program of Defensive Hygiene of Heredity Every well informed person should have sufficient knowledge of what Science has shown us about heredity to enable him to act intelligently himself and to participate wisely in the community's attempts to meet the problems arising from heredity. A working program includes many things that can be done at once and some that are only possible with increased intelligent public opinion. (a) Community program (1) Control of procreation of mentally deficient (2) Institutions and colonies (3) Exclusion of abnormal immigrants (4) Restriction of marriage (o) Personal program (1) Knowledge of heredity (2) Pre-nuptial examination (3) Ideals of responsibility for reproduction of healthy germ plasm, References: Storey---Defensive Hygiene, chaps. 2-6. Guyer---~Being Well-Born, chaps. 8-13-19-20-23, Conklin--Heredity and Environment, pages 116-120 and 287 (5th ed) Bossard--Problems of Well-Being, chaps. 21-25. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. If the statements of modern biologists and physicians as to the trans- mission of feeblemindedness and insanity are true, how do you account for the great opposition to their social application? 2. Are the present day laws restricting marriage likely to influence marked- ly the reproduction of the unfit? Why? 5. If the upper grades of feebleminded now segregated are sterilized and released, what other problem does it affect? How? 4. What would you include in a personal program of defensive hygiene of heredity and constructive program that would make for race improvement ? XV. DEFENSES AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL DEFICIENCIES AND EXCESSES The earlier part of this course has concerned itself with a consid- eration of the mechanical, physical, chemical, and micro-organismal causes of ill health. Science has also demonstrated that we have another great group of causes: sickness, inefficiency, and death. They may be broadly classified as environmental excesses and deficiencies. These excesses and deficiencies play an important part in our levels of health. One might consider them from a chronological point of view on account of their peculiar effects on every age group. (a) Pre-natal (d) Maturity (b) Infaney and pre-school (e) Old age (c) School or college The time at our disposal will permit only a consideration of the prin- ciples involved in the health effects of excesses and deficiencies, Food Excesses and Deficiencies No argument is needed to establish the fact that food is one of the prime essentials of life. The difficulty is to convince the average in- dividual that we have sufficient scientific knowledge to prove that more than instinct, taste and the subjective sensation of satisfaction of hun- ger are necessary to insure the individual an adequate diet and to protect him against food excesses and insure him against food deficiencies, Food Deficiencies From our studies of normal nutrition, we learned that the amount of food taken in by the individual should be adapted to his age, body weight, and degree of activity. Further, that this intake should be distributed properly among proteins, fats, and carbohydrates with an insurance of se- curing sufficient vitamins and inorganic salts. If we are to plan successful defensive hygiene of foods, we must know the correct amounts and distribution of food elements and understand the Signs of deficiency of each group. (a) Protein (c) Carbohydrates (e) Water {(b) Fats (d) Vitamins (f) Inorganic salts Food Excesses It is impossible to judge exactly whether an individual is taking food in excess without a careful study and expert examination. It is doubtful wisdom to take the unreliable testimony of the feelings and the scales, It seems almost uncecessary to mention that we should be able to recognize the signs of excesses of: (a) Water (c) Fats (e) Inorganic salts (vo) Proteins (d) Carbohydrates wBte Excretory Excesses and Deficiencies The excesses or deficiencies of the excretory organs are of vital importance in health maintenance. The lack of knowledge of normal amounts of various excretions lead to much permanent physical damage. Deficiencies (a) Deficiencies of intestinal excretions. Constipation is one of our major health problems. Relation to diseases. (vo) Deficiencies of urinary excretions. Knowledge of normal amounts and character of urinary excretions is fundamental to health. (c) Deficiencies of skin excretions. Not relatively important. Excesses The excesses of excretions are more likely to attract attention but are none the less important. They include the same organs; (a) Urine (c) Perspiration (ob) Intestinal (d) Menstruation Excesses and Deficiencies of Exercise Exercise is fundamental to good function. Both deficiency and excess need to be guarded against. Deficiency of Exercise A deficiency of exercise has a serious effect on: Metabolism (a) (bo) Organic growth (c) Functional growth The signs of deficient exercise may be summarized: (a) Weakness and lack of endurance to voluntary muscles (bo) Weakness and lack of endurance of heart and circulation (c) Weakness and lack of endurance of muscles of respiration Excesses of Exercise Excessive exercise may be a serious matter. The understanding of the signs of over exertion are among the most important hygienic facts. To interpret fatigue properly is difficult but possible. Fatigue may be either local or general. The degree of fatigue and the rate and complete- ness of recovery are of vital importance. (a) Normal muscular fatigue (ec) Exhaustion {b) Acute muscular fatigue