COURSE 153 ~ GROUP HYGIENE TiTRODUCTORY Modern life is dominated by group activities. The health hazards and the health safeguards involved in these relationships justify a special con- sideration from the standpoint of hygiene. Scientific investigation fur- nishes a sound foundation for the special application of the proven princi- ples of hygime to the group. Objective of Course ee pee The objective of this course is to illustrate the method of application of the principles of constructive and’ defensive hygiene to group life with particular reference to the family, school, and occupational groups. Hygiene and Group Life The evolution of present day society has led to the development of certain groups or mits. Because of their vital relatimships to the preservation and the improvement of the race, certain of these groups have been selected for the study of how the principles of hygime can be adapted to the life of any groupe 1. Family group 2e School group Se Occupational group Method of Study of the Group oe ee The coursé is not primarily interested in social organization, We will, therefore, consider the organization of these groups insofar as they have a rather direct bearing on the problems of hygiae. A brief outline of certain characteristics of any group will be essential for consideration in attennting the application of the principles of hygiene to that particular ZTOUD. 1. History of development. 2. Composition - numbers, age and sex, economic and social relation- ships. 3. Government of group - source and sanctions of group regulation, 4. Health resources of group. 5. Health liabilities of grow. 6. Environment of group - physical, biological, and social. References: Storey, T. A. -— Group Hygiene, Part I. ee Bogardus - Introduction to Sociology, Chaps. a Fairchild — Foundations of Social Life, Chaps 7. Blackman and Gillin — Outlines of Sociology, Part 2, Chaps. 4-6. Gilletts, M. iM. - The Family and Society. — Jones, T. Js — Four Essentials of Education, Chaps. 4—5. FAMILY GROUP Thre family is the most significant of our social institution, In many ways it is more important than the school, the church, the industrial order and the