=~ 6 @ (Course 153) _{4) Preparation for the care of children, All too ‘Frequently we wave assumed that it was only necessary for the mother to have a Imo wledge of the growth and development of children. very father should be thoroughly familiar with principal facts of both physical and mental hygiene of children, The intelligent teamwork of both parents pays large dividends in healthier, happier children. fa) Pre-natal period (b} Natal period {ce} Pre-school period {d) Adolescent period {e) School period Refer ences: Rich, M. — Family Life Today, Chap. 9. es Lucas,’ W. P. - The Rumbat Child. Groves, B & G. ~— Wholesome Childhood. Richardson, F. H. — Parenthood ad the Newer Psychology. Spencer, A. G. — The Family and Its Members, Chaps. 8-11 O*Shea - The Child, His Nature, and His Needs. Location and Maintenance of Home. ee ce The physical surroundings of the family has a’ very definite influence upon the health levels of the grow. Consequently, the parents should be capable of judging the values of: 1. Snvironmat of house 4, Water supply 2. Construction 5. Sewage disposal Se Heating and ventilation 6. Household cmveniences References: Broadhurst, Jean — Home and Community Hygiene Taber, C. W. — The Business of the Household Balderston, Re — Housewifery Health Service for the Family The influence of health ami sickness upon the integrity and happiness of the family is coming to be seen more clearly as a matter repaying forethought and planning. In common with the advances in other lines of professi onal service, the medical sciences have developed rapidly to meet the needs and problems of modern life. ‘With our increased knowledge of health and disease, there las emerged-a number of groups of health advisers, who are’ capable not only of treating disease but also of preventing. More imp ortant, they are rapidly changing the objectives of the services to the promotion of health. This aoplies partimlarly to the physician, dentist, and nursée Wvery weil infarmed person shouid understand how to select and how to use such advisers both as an imividual and as a responsible menber of the family group. “4. Selection of health advisers, The efficiency of the health service OF the family will depend largely upon whether discrimination has been exercised in the selection of health advisers for the family. It will be impossible to exercise this discrimination unless you have - gome standards by which to judge the individuals.