oe 4, You should have a general understanding of the sex instinct in man-- its stages of development, its normal expression, and the values and penalties attached to it. 5. You should have a knowledge of the factors determining infection and resistance and the principles of artificial immunization in the case of certain of the common infectious diseases. 6. You should have a knowledge of the causes and prevention of the degenerative diseases to offer a prospect of passing through middle life without a breakdown, 7, You should know and therefore be armed against health hazards lurking in the environment, such as polluted water and milk supply, congestion in housing, poisonous dusts of certain industries, infected soil, etc. 8, You should appreciate the necessity for frequent medical and dental examination. 9, You should have an intelligent basis for choosing wisely your medical and dental advisers, and for realizing that the modern practice of medicine is grounded on sciences, and not on mystery, fancy, and tradition. 10. You should have “a knowledge of the important health problems facing the community, of the methods of attacking these probiems, and of the results to be expected from intelligent conmunity action in the public health field. The student may have all of the knowledge outlined by Farrand, yet be on the way to chronic ill health and inefficiency, Health facts must be translated into health practices, ‘This will be done only when the individual has a health program based upon sound knowledge built up by practice in the use of discrim- inating judgment. Such an objective has been well expressed by Smiley: 1. To be able to carry out during each day a program of activity with great zest and without undue fatigue, nervousness, worry, or loss of weight. 2. To be able to eat three well-balanced meals a day with enjoyment and without fear of digestive disturbance. 3. To be able to sleep soundly eight hours a night. 4, To be able to enjoy at least one hour's vigorous exercise. 5. To be able to enjoy the society of others without irritability, boredom, or undue self-consciousness,. 6. To be able to enjoy logitimate sscape into the world of unrestity for at least two hcurs a day of literaturc, art, music, drama, hobbies, cr g-mes without evestrain, n orvousness, or boredom. 7, To be generally self-confident, optimistic, cutnusiastic, free of unnecessary fear, expecting success and attaining it with reasonable frequency.