~he Life Tables. One of the most valuable evidences for a health program is found in the tables constructed showing the expectation of life for the average individual. They reveal a gradually lengthening span of life. These tables are available for most of the important countries of the world. They form the basis for establishing life insurance rates. Morbidity Statistics. Only communicable and occupational diseases are required to be reported to the health authorities. Consequently we have no accurate record of sickness. Certain sickness surveys made by private organizations and the United States Public Health Service have given us valuable information. Physical defects have been revealed by examination of school children and by the examination of the men for military service during the World War. 2. Biological Evidence The biological evidence bearing upon a hygiene program can be found in the state of mental normality of our population. It raises the whole question of mental deficiency. We should consider the number and character of the various mental abnormalities, particularly as to their cause and prevention. 3. Economic Evidence One of the ways of justifying a hygiene program is to calculate the cost of sickness and death based upon the actuarial values of human lifes Certain diseases are now known to be preventable by definitely known methods, With this as a basis the value of a hygiene program can be ascertained in financial terms, REFERENCES : Statistical: *Moore--Public Health in U.»S., Chaps» 1-5. = *U,.S,. Census Bureau--Mortality Statistics (1900~1928) (Document Room) Baker, S. J e--Child Hygiene, Chaps ae Sedgewick, W. He--Principles of Sanitary Science, Chapss 1 & 4 Bossard=--Problems of Sodial Well-Being, Chaps. 7-206 | -Ravenal, M. P.e--Half Century of Public Health, pp. 94—117. “Whipple, G. C.-Vital Statistics. 2 ee *Kirkpatrick & Huettner--Fundamentals of Health, pp. 496+503. Biological: Rosenau-~Preventive Medicine, Section on Mental Defectives (p. 552, edition 1927) *Rossard--Problems of Social Well-Being, Chaps. 21-20. Economic and Social: ee en Fisher, -Ie--Report on National Vitality. - --- Moore, -He Hen=American Medicine and Public Health. *Dublin, Le Is--Health and Wealth, Chap. 1. * Required reading