Se tes a, Every cell must receiis a complete heredity. Any structural defect of a cell roszits in faulty function. be ivery cell must recive food, water, and free oxygen. “ith Chemical bodies broustht to it by the blood, it: = indi \- its om structure and supplies its fuactional oe mat:cr‘al. ce. Every tissue cell mut be relieved »f its wasse products. ds. Every tissue cell uet be functionally aciiv.. e. Every tissue cell must have periodic rust. Specialized Cell Function Cells have specialized furctions in tie body. aa underst-ndine of this is essential to a proper grasp of the laws of heredity and the appli- cations of the principies of hygiene. Somatic or souy cell. are ti specialized cells of various types that compose all of the organs and structures of the body. A small grour, called germ cells, are set aside in the early stages of developrent for the single purpose of reproducing the next generation, Cell Division Cell division is the biological process going on within the cells upon whieh depends reproduction, the transmission of heredity, the development of organs, the growth of structures, and all of the possibilities of differentiated function, The steps by woich these units of life produce the individual can best be understood sy a study of the two principal processes of cell division, a. Mitosis or indirect division of nucleus. Phases: a, Prophase c. Anaphase b. Metaphase d. Telophase b. Meiosis is the term applied to the process by which the chromos‘:zc nivinsr in the germ cells is reduced by half, or from diploid ‘v haploid ° Phases: Reduction division Equation division These two divisicns in (1) Four sperms, or male gametes, all capab!e uf participating in fertilization (2) zour ova, only one capable of fertilization. The other three ova thus formed are immature cell.» and are discarded by the body. Meiusis is vie physiological organiz2tion for the proéuction of differert assortments of hereditary faetors in the chromosomes of the germ ceils.