May 8, 1946 Dre Re Ie Canuteson Watkins Hospital ae : University of Kansas. : ae Dear Dr. Canutesons . In clearing off my desk today I found these two. ~ magazines, which I borrowed from you quite sometime agoe _. Please forgive me for not returning them at the proper time. I will personally return them to you tomorrows Thank you very kindly for the use of these magazines. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCAsMF os _. Varsity Basketball Coach. Encs ; / April 7, 1945. Dre R. I. Canuteson, Direotor, Student Health Service, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Canuteson: — i think you handled the Dudley matter in the best possible fashion. You gave the parents some good advioe, but whether they will take it or not, I am doubtful. Thanks for the letters. Sincerely yours, | | } Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. April 4, 1945 Dr» Kent R. Dudley Hospital, 215 South Street Tole, Kansas Dear Dr. Dudley, I have your letter of March 29th with the enclosures of correspondence with Dre Allen, and in the campus mail further correspondence from Dr. Allen, all of which reminds me of the old law on the Kensas statute books quoted to my by an engineers ing friend: "When two trains approach a crossing both shall stop | until the other has passed," Ruth came in yesterday and after talking with her I exoused her from gyme So @ar as her general physical condition is concerned, she had « B grade on her physical examination (on a grading system of A, 3, C, D) which would permit her to take certain types of gyme Since she has a low metabolic rate and is under Dr. Lenski's cere I have no qualms about excusing her from gym entirely. The bleod count yesterday was; 81% — hemoglobin (12.5 gms), 4,700,000 erythrocytes, 5,400 leucocytes, 67 polymorphonuclears and 43 lymphs. In explanation of the physical education requirements, for which I heave no responsibility exeept to pretest students who should not take it, let me say that all students sre to take physical conditioning unless physically wmfit to do so. The women's physical education department hae a wide choice of activities from archery and social dancing up through soccer, — so that practically everyone can find suitable recreation. Ruth, like all Fine Arts students, has a full schedule, and one which laposes a great deal of emotional end nervous strain, and for thet reason it would be wise for her to enter into some type of relaxing recreation other than walking to and from classes. She cen do this independently of the gym department, end she tells me they do get out and pley soft ball at the dormitory when the weather permits. | When you Lawrence, I should be happy to have , you call on us. I hope this matter has been arrenged satisfactorily to all concerned. Sincere ly, Ralph Ie Canuteson, lMeDe Direstor RICsk WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, Kansas April 3, 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, Ruth Dudley was in today and gave me the same story that Dr. Lenski reported. She is a Fine Arts student and,as you know,most Fine Arts students have a ridiculously complicated schedule. I advised her that she should arrange her schedule so that she had some type of relaxation other than movies and walking across . the campus to class. I am checking her blood count i to determine if the statement given us is perhaps true. I had a call from the Chancellor's Office regarding this girl a few days ago and I discussed the matter with Raymond Nichols today in the absence of Mr. Malott and it with their agreement that I applied my elastic conscience and gave her an excuse for gym. Siacerely 6 : Canuteson, M.D. Director April 3, 1946 Dre Kent Re Dudley 205 South Buckeye Iola, Kansas Dear Dre Dudley, Your daughter was in to see me today about the excuse from gym, and it was given to her without any question on the basis of the history of chronic fatigue and treatment by her femily physicians She has a rather strenuous schedule in the Fine Arts Schoo] and it has been our observation over a long period of years thet it would be wise to arrange her days work so thet she has a period of relaxation some time during the days Drs Allen has sent me copies of the correspondence in the cases Vory truly yours, Ralph I. Canuteson, MD. Director c RICsk ce to Dre Fe Ce Allen March 31, 1946. Dr. R. I. Canuteson, Director, Student Health Service, : \ University of Kensas. 3 Dear Dr. Canutesgon: IT am enclosing a letter from Dre Kent Dudley, together with my reply to him. I am sure he will not misunderstand this. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POA :AH “Varsity Basketball coach. Enc. March 31, 1945, Dr. Kent R. Dudley, Iola, Kansas. Dear Dr. Dudley: .° ‘J am sending your letter to Dr. Canuteson for his observation. I have again looked at my lotter to you on March 13th, and I do not see how you could have misunderstood my letter. I quote: "I am wondering if you won't kindly ask Dr. Frank Lenski to write Dy. Canuteson giving him the particulars regarding your daughter's indisposition.” You will see that the error was yours and not | mine. Therefore, for amy lack of direct comamication, as you eee, you will have to bear that responsibility. I trust that Dr. Canuteson will handle this in a way pleasing to. you, but as I told you, it is entirely up to hin. ' Very cordially yours, , . Direetor of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ; i Ree % eS eee Jee aes: ee ia Ss of Stee kate < < hoi Soe a NS al GS | Es Sse eer ce 2h ee Re Dee Wag at GE IP aes Rar A St ee RM a pints SUNS. hy a a et ae ee ae Either Fe oe NRE cree WG SORES SUS ER eo eae eens aye ee Gh RR ee HOSPITAL 215 SOUTH ST. TELEPHONE 296 DR. KENT R. DUDLEY VETERINARIAN IOLA, KANSAS March 29, 1945 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physieai Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens Received your letter of March 27, in regards to Doctor Lenski writing directly to Doctor Canuteson. The fact that Doctor Lenski wrote his letter to you was perhaps my mis- take. He could just as well have written the letter to Doctor Canuteson, and would, in all probabilities, have written the same letter, merely addressing it different. I understand that you are not standing on technicalities in this latter request, on the other hand, I am quite re- luctant to ask Doctor Lenski to write another letter, when he is as busy as he is at the present time. He is our lead- ing Doctor and only surgeon in this whole community, and is just simply going night and day, so I don't feel at liberty to make any further requests of him along this line, since he has already communicated to you with the information. I am quite certain that Doctor Canuteson would understand per- fectly why that I would be reluctant to make a further re- guest of Doctor Lenski, he being a Doctor and knowing what an awful strain is put upon physicians and surgeons at this particular time. It would seem that there has been sufficient corres-— pondence relative to this particular request for all facts to be established. After all, it is not a matter of life and death, and I feel that Doctor Canuteson is broad enough minded to understand the situation. I shall ask my daughter, Ruth, to call on Doctor Canuteson in the near future, at which time I would appreciate it very much if copies of all our correspondence were in his office. Wish to thank you ever so much, Mr. Allen, for your kind co-operation and courtesy in this matter, and you may rest assured that I appreciate it very much. Again thanking you and with the kindest personal regards, I beg to remain, Very truly yours, Pfft KRD: cl Dr. Kent R. Dudley ee by er SE is cae pe ae se ca be i a 8 shor per Seon, © Sy cee: ee 7s Ske eee Bay ae . March 13, 1945. Dre Frank Lenski, Tola, Kansas. Dear Dr. Lenski: | T am sending you carbon copy of a letter I have written to Dr. Kent R. Dudley in regard to his daughter, Miss Ruth Dudley. | i I heave had a conference with Dr. Canuteson and» we will do averytining in our power comnensurate with the lays that we must follow. Dr. Canuteson is most reasonable, and of course he must have some grounds for granting an excuse. lie. ieoked over her physical examination shart while I was in his office, but could find nothing in that record to excuse her. Very cordially yours, . | Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Maresh 15, 1945. Dr. Kent Re Dudley, President, — State Board of Veterinary Examiners, Tole, Fansase oo i icteiahatien samiiands Ot wis Dinlus 0 on Oh regarding your daughter, Miss Ruth Dudley. I inmediately took : this matter up with Dr. Ralph I. Canuteson, Direetor of the Health Service, who “exautinds all students of the University. t wa wondering if you won't kindly ask Dr. frank Lenski to write Dr. Canuteson giving him the particulars regarding your daughter's indisposition. ‘You will appreciate, of courses, that if she dees not have some ailment or some condition that would excuse her from physical education, it would be difficult for Dr. Cesmteson or for me to give her am excuse. We have a requirement in physical edueation that all students mmt follow if they expeot to graduate. I @a hopeful that Dr. Lenski will be able to furnish Dr. Canuteson with sufficient information Ghuat will permit Dr. Canuteson to grant your wish. Thanking you, and with kindest personal regards, I beg to remain ~ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, POAsAI _ Vareity Basketball Coach, State of Kansas Dr. KENT R. DUDLEY, PRESIDENT OFFICE OF IOLA DR. CHAS. W. BOWER, MEMBER STATE BOARD OF VETERINARY EXAMINERS 3119 STAFFORD, TOPEKA IOLA, KANSAS Dr. THOS. P. CRISPELL, SECRETARY EXCHANGE BUILDING, PARSONS March 9, 1945 Department of Physical Education, Kansas University, Lewrence, Kansas. Gentlemen: My deughter, Ruth Dudley, is enrolled in the University in the School of Fine Arts. She was home between semesters and at that time was given a statement from Dr. Lenski asking that she be excused from Physical Educa- tion. I received a letter from her today in which she stated that an ex- cuse of this kind was of no avail and that any exemption would have to be made upon a physical examination at the hospital. In the course of a day, she has to walk about six miles which I deem suf- ficient exercise for any one of her age. Both Dr. Lenski and myself being acquainted with her past health feel that the attendance on her part at Physical Education classes is purely superfluous if good health is to be considered. I fully appreciate the fact that you have certain school regulations and that you try to adhere to them, however, in this instance I am expecting you to excuse her from Physical Education for this semester. It is our opinion that about all it will do for her will be to completely tire her out and that is just what we do not wish to have happen. May I have the pleasure of hearing from you by return mail. Thanking you in advance and with the kindest personal regards, 1 beg to remain, Very truly yours, KRD-T Kent R. Dudley Maroh 27, 1945. Dr. Kent Re Dudley, Tola, Kansas. Dear Dr. Dudley 3 I was very glad to hear from you in your letter ef the 17th instant. I also hwve Dr. Frank Lenski'ts letter. Please do not feel that I am standing on technigal~ ities, but since Dr. Canuteson is eotor of Health Service at the University I would apprecia refer to my previous letter write to Dr. Canuteson. | Dre Canuteson has sole authority in excusing peeple from gym work on account of illness or through eo We issue no exousee from tiis departuent. {assure you that you can count on Dr. Canuteson's ee ee ee ee from Dr. Lanski. : Miss Ruth has net been in to see Dr. Canutesen, and I would advise that she drop in to see him at the health oenter. Very cordially yours, 7 ‘Direotor of Physical Sduontion, POA: Al Varsity Basketball Ccoache Kr. Frank Lengki, M. D., 206 So. Yefferson, lola, Kansas. Dear Dector Lenski: I am sending you carben.copy of the letter I have just written Dr. Kent R. Dudley regarding his daughter's dane for an excuse from her gym work. In the first letter I asked Dr. Dudley to have you write Dr. R. 1. Ganuteson because T know how much better things function when professional courtesies are observed. T am sure that you will agree with me that Dr. Canuteson is a most able and efficient administrator, and since Dr. Canute- son is the only person that ean or does exeuse anyone, your letter, T am sure, will be very helpful in enabling him to arrive at the just and proper eons lusion. ‘Thanieing you very mush for your very nice letter to me, and with kindest personal regards, I beg to remain a 3 inverely yours, Director of Physical WWueation, Varsity Basketball. Coach. Mareh 27, 1945. : ° Dr. Allen -. I have sent a copy of each of these letters about ‘Ruth Dudley to Mrs. Kiesow for Dr. Canuteson. AH I beg to remain, HOSPITAL 215 SOUTH ST. DR. KENT R. DUDLEY VETERINARIAN fOLA, KANSAS March 17, 1945 Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education, Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor: So glad to receive your very nice letter and may I at this time thank you for your very courteous consideration of my request? | oi You will probably hear from Doctor Lenski relative to the reason for our asking that Ruth Dudley be excused from physical education. All her life Ruth has been mable to Stand up to gymnastics and calisthenics. She has had low — blood count and has had some thyroid trouble, however, at : this particular time, her blood count seems to be up. We a have had to get her excused from this type of exercise all through high school, even although she had tried it three different times. It seems that it brings about a state of complete exhaustion, and this, of course, reacts quite severe. ly on her nervous well being. This is easy to understand, since as you know from your own professional knowledge, how easily © people are affected who have any tendency towards a thyroid deficiency. : . | es , As I stated in my other letter, she is getting about six miles a day walking, and she seems to be getting about all th she can stand up to. Last Thursday, she came home from the Hi and called her Mother and she was crying just simply because she was so exhausted. Now, you can readily understand thet if this continues, we will be forced to take her out of school, © and that in its self, would be rather a tragedy. So, under tt circumstances, I would be very appreciative of any consider ti that you could give us. - 2 Lee Again thanking you and with the kindest personal regards, ERD? Cl Dr. EF Lenski 206 SOUTH JEFFERSON IOLA, KANSAS March 17, 1945 Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education University Of Sansas Lawerence Kansas. My dear Mr, Allen:- In regard to my statement concerning Miss Ruth Dudley , Of lola Kansas, taking gym. Ihave taken care of Ruth since she was a small child, and only this past month have I ever found her with a normal RBC. She has a secondary anemia and usually about this time of the year, gets very tired end list- less and during the entire winter months she takes liver extract, and she has an over active thyroid and is on one grain thryoid daily. While I am an ardent supporter of gym work, I feel with the amount of walking that she does, is about all she will be able to do, and carry her school program satisfactory. Thanking you, and with kindest regard, I beg to remain. imcerelynyours, Piosne Rey rank “énski 470 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, KANSAS March 30, 1945 Dr. Fe. Ce Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, Regarding examination of Tom Saffel shows that a heart condition is, if anything, more pronounced than one year &f0-6< I have advised him not to play footballor basketball and to change his maj Ore Sincerely, Pe, alph I. Canuteson, M.D. Director RIC sk ee to Mre Shenk Mareh 28, 1945. Dr. R. I. Canutegon, Director, Student Mealth Service, — ' Wetkins Memorial Hospital. Dear tr. Gamiteson: I am enclosing copies of my letters to Dr. Dudley and Dr. Lenski regerding Miss Auth Dudley. Doubtless you will hear from Dr. Lenski within a short time. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educ&tion, ‘Eno . Varsity Basketball Coach. January 25, 1945 Dean Paul Be Lawson College of Liberal Arts and Sciences University of Kansas Dear Dean Lawgon, | < . Charles Moffett was a bed soften in the hospital on the following dates: doteder 6, 1944 to October 8, 1944 « head injury sustained in football. November 26, 1944 to November 30, 1944 + infected abrasion of wrist sustained in football. o ‘ Decenber 7, 1944 + December 11, 1944 = furuncle on chin. January 8, 1946 to Januery 12, 1945 + stayed at hogpital nights for treatment of skin infection. Out during the days - January 22, 1945 admitted for treatment of boil on chine Very truly yours, malt Te Canuteson, MeDe Director RIiC«k oc to Dr. Fs Ce Allen January 15, 1945. or. R. tT. Canuteson, Watkins Memories] Mospital, University of Kansas. Dear Dootor Canuteson: Imaediately upon receipt ‘of your letter I had a short conference with Norman Carlson and I talked to him about his diet and habits. He did not fully satisfy me that he was taking as good care of him self as he should. He said that he was getting 7§ or 8 hours of Sleep, but he doesn't look it. I am having a special conference with him and will make a defin- ite check in the very near future, after which I will send him to you for a definite appointment. If you will be good enough to impress upon him regarding these necessary things, and then tip me off es to the recomendations, I will see that they are followed to the letter. I will even go to the point of absenting him from practice until he comes up to the expectations of your suggestions. — eee Thank you for ealling this to my attention. Sincerely yours, i os Director of Physical Education, _ POA:AH Varsity Basketballcoach. | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, Kansas January 11, 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence ,Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, I saw Carlson today for recheck of blood pressure which is slightly high, but not of any great significance now. This boy may not have what it takes to play good basketball, but I'm sure he would be more stable if he had more sleep, and perhaps more food. You probably can get more out of him than I can, or perhaps you know about his schedule. Sincerely, ee Ll Ralph I. Canuteson, M.D. Director RIC:k