January 15, 1945. or. R. tT. Canuteson, Watkins Memories] Mospital, University of Kansas. Dear Dootor Canuteson: Imaediately upon receipt ‘of your letter I had a short conference with Norman Carlson and I talked to him about his diet and habits. He did not fully satisfy me that he was taking as good care of him self as he should. He said that he was getting 7§ or 8 hours of Sleep, but he doesn't look it. I am having a special conference with him and will make a defin- ite check in the very near future, after which I will send him to you for a definite appointment. If you will be good enough to impress upon him regarding these necessary things, and then tip me off es to the recomendations, I will see that they are followed to the letter. I will even go to the point of absenting him from practice until he comes up to the expectations of your suggestions. — eee Thank you for ealling this to my attention. Sincerely yours, i os Director of Physical Education, _ POA:AH Varsity Basketballcoach. |