August 3, 1943 Mir, Wilbur Brunner Box 154 Oneida, Kansas Dear Yr, Brunner, ; We have received your note regarding your account heres We have chocked with the Department of Physical Tducation and they do net have you listed as participating in Freshman or Varsity basketball, which sports injuries are eared for at their expense. Apparently your basketball injury was received during intramural activities and is therefore not covered by the Departnente : : _ Bnelesed is « pemphlet which desoribes the health service et the University of Kensas, ‘the charges are enumerated herein, Every student paye the health fee et the beginning of every semester end there are certain other charges that are incurred during the semester for certein services euch as wray, hospitalisation er the use of the operating roan, We are rewenclosing the bill as this account is still due and owing, | ; e Sincerely, Ralph I+ Canuteson, MeDe. Director RIC tk ee to Dre Fe Ce Allen, Dept. of Physical Education, | “Bnete