Miss Ruth Hoover, Trinity Lutheran Hospital, Kansas City, Missourie fear Miss Neovers I was over in Dean Sehwegler's office meeting with the curriculum camittes, and I informed Dean, Schwegler and the other people that you were convalescings — Of course, it was a surprise to Dean Selwegler, Ure Turney, Tre Bayles, Dre O5rien, aud li. Russelle All of them wished to express to you their very best toward a hasty and complete recoverye We trust that it will not be long before you will be entirely well and be back with use We will keep im teuch with your progress and if any of us are navigating the avenues of Kansas City we may drop in and say helloe ‘ntil then you have -our depariment's, as well as our family’s best wishese i might add also that the mon*s department have been informed and they are all pulling for yous With every good wish, I om Sincerely yours