Ootober 30, 1946 \ ’ Gol. Lawrence Me Jones Director of Athletics United States Military hondery West Foint, New York ‘ Dear "Biffer": | I have a favor to ask you and I would greatly appreciate it if you would accomodate me. I know the problems that an Athletic Director faces with his football coach even though he is the finest fellow in the world. ‘The pressure on a football coach is tremendous nh 2 Oi Rae SeREPS Thy Saeee coaches do no kill ten or twenty guys everyday. | Here is a problem at the “University of Mensas. I am on the | Homecoming- Cormittee which chooses the Qieen or makes arrangements ce for this. lomecoming is here at Kansas on November 17, The committee plans to use ‘a kochdrome sixteen milineter film. The es length of the fila is between 400 and 500 feet and the time of : running will not exceed twenty minutes. Twenty-four University coed's will be entered and photographed, Sach girl will have a number which will be placed on her perentt whieh she submits and will be on the film - Allen Crafton, Director of Dramatic Art, is helping the comilttee with the staging and he will meet the Queen ¢ PEED... in order to help them so as Big avoid _kwardness before ae a We would like to ask as a great ‘favor thet your United Ceenen’ Military Academy football team select the Queene I know how little _ time your candidates have but I am wondering if you as a good old friend of ours and as a man who spend quite some time among us Mid-Vesterners would not do us this favor. I assure you it will be appreoiated more than you quite realizo, It. will add a thts bang” to on whole Honesoring program. I will greatly appreciate it if you will let me have your reply at the earliest possible convenience. The !iomecoming Committee is going ahead with the plens and all they need now is an angel in the shape of a Colonel. ' _ My kindest personal regards and congradulations to you and coach Blaik for the mente tus Army team, I an Sincerely yours, Javenter of Physical Seeenttin, Varsity maaan Coach FCA: 1m October 30, 1945 Miss Lois Thompson Miller 4all ‘Lawrence, Kansas Dear Lois: I sent this enciosed letter air mail today and I trust this gets the job done. Sincerely yours, —— ’ os } Director of Physical Education, “ Varsity Igsketball Coach PCA:1m October 27, 1945 Dear Mr. Allens Concerning the queen election for homecoming, I talked with Mr. Montgomery again, and he gave me the following information. Film size - 16mm. Length - between 400 and 500 feet Time - not to exceed twenty minutes Kodachrome Twenty-four University co-eds will be entered and photographed. Each girl will have a num- ber which will be placed on her portrait which she submits and on the film. The judging team will put down the number of the girl for whom they wish to vote. I was unable to see Mr. Ellsworth because he had gone to Wichita, and as yet I have been unable to see Mr. Hedrick. However, since it is almost certain that they will o.k. the plan, perhaps we could go ahead and try to get a team. Allen Crafton is going to help us with the stag- ing and meet with the queen candidates in order to help them so as to avoid awkwardness before the camera. The various houses are being phoned so they can elect their candidates for queen before Tuesday. Thanks again for your help and encouragement. Sincerely, 7 FT Ome J Lie 2? 2 A my nag a - a Ro - ee Le S Sosa 4 - ; 5 oe Osteber 16, 1945 ; The meeting was called to order by Eugenia Hepworth, chairman of the committee for the purpose of discussing plans for Homesoming on Nove 17. It was decided not te have floats for homecoming parade since the nightshirt parade is scheduled for that night, Friday, Now 16. _ ‘Discussion was held on having an informel dance Saturday morning at which wffee and doughnuts would be served. It was moved, seconded, and passed that such a dance be sponsored in cooperation with the Union Activities Committee. The dence will be held from 10:00 asm. to 12:00 noon in the Union : Wethods of selecting the Homecoming Queen were discussed. It was desided to let the queen committe devide on the method of clesting the queens Saturday night an all-school dence will be sponsored by the Union Activities committee. Shs sl dein 4p nies Sis tine eins ees ie os a way with the K Club, Jay Janes, and Ku Kus offering prizes for the three best exhibits. The following committees were appointeds ‘ Night Shirt Parade = Deen Henry Werner, Mike Kuklenski, = fedrick, tar oe B. de —_— Owen. Peek, Alberta Cornwell. , ~ Pat ——_ George Hedrick, EB. C. Quigley, Ww lien, Ed Browne, Don Pierce. Sasen: eee ttnins 1s dene Wllatihee, Yeed Mibciantt, We Ry klenski ’ « O'Neal, Sewell MeFerran. Between Halves - 3, Js O'Neal, Russell Wiley, BE. C. li » < enski. THE ALL-STUDENT COUNCIL UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Oetober 13, 1945 Dre F. C. Alien Physieal Hdueation Dept. University of Kansas Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Dr. ilien: Eugenia Hepworth, Chr. Mike Kuklenski Betty Jo O'Neil George Hedriek Russe!i Wiley Alberta Cornwell F. GC. Allen Jean MeIntyre Pat Penney Lois Thompson HR. CO. Quigley Caroline Morriss LeRoy Robison The above named committee has been selected for Homecouing week end, November 16 and 17. ‘Would you please attend a meeting Tuesday, October 16 at 4:30 in the Alumni Assoeiation Office? : Very truly yours, bug evace Maperoele, Eugenia Hepworth, Chairman Homecoming Committee (THIS SIDE OF CARDYS FOR’ ADDRESS } roar ogo or. Merndiry, Wntelv 29 Ae eran WAL