HELMS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL RECORD Prepared and Issued By -- HEIMS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION 117 West Ninth Strect Los sngoles, California February, 19 4 3 PAUL H. HSIMS, Sponsor PARI Ii HELMS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION = -™3 COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL RECORD Peet if Upon the following pages of this booklet, Helms «thlotic Foundation has recorded its Collegiate Baskctball selections. Included. aro annual collegiate baskctball National Championship scolections, for the years 1920 to 1942, inclusive; annual All-jncrica Collogiate Basketball Team scolections, for the yoars 1920 to 1942, inclusive; All-Time i1l-Amcrica Collcgiate Basketball Tcam selections; selection of the groatost collcg- iate basketball coaches of all timc; annual Collegiate Baskotball Player of the Yoar selections; Collcgiate Basketball Hall of Famo solcctions, and other collegiate basketball solcctions and factse The Helms ithlotic Foundation scloctions, in cvory instance, havo been based upon actual performances by players and toams, and not upon reputation, ‘Sclections have been made only after many months of cxact- ing rescarch, and careful study of the porformanecs of thousands of players and hundrods of tcams. It is truc that tho:nomes of many brilliant playcors’‘have been omitted from the Helms athletic Foundation sclcctions. However, in limiting the All-America Team solcetions to ten players cach year, tho situation is only natural. In naming tcams for National Championship honors cach year, the records of the foremost teams were carefully analyzed before a dcci-~ sion was reached. In a numbor of cases, it was an oxcecdingly difficult mattor to finally pick the Nationecl Championship tcam. In'naming the "greatest coaches,” Hclns -+thlotic Foundation was guided, to a groat oxtent, by the recommendations of collogiate basket ball coaches and authoritics =- to whom questionnaires wore sont in 1942. However, decisions wore not reached until ofter’the coaching records of coaches had been compiled by the Foundation, and until after such compilations had been carefully 4tiidied. Helns «thictic Foundation’is grateful to thoso coaches, sports writers, college news burcau dircectors, and authoritics who provided facts, infor- mation and recormendations, in rolation to the collegiate basketball ro» © scarch which has beon conductcd by the Foundation for the past six monthse Oddly cnough, this collogiate basketball record -- the first compiled and issucd by Helms «thlotic Foundation =» has becn titled "Part II." This may be cxplained as follows. It was’ planned by Hclms athlctic Foundation to prepare and issuc a collogiate baskctball record for the poriod 1900 to 1942, inclusive. The task was such a groat one, duc to the incompleteness of recorded collegiate basketball achiovononts, Piriiculoriy in he cariy yoors of the Game, that it was decided to first propate and issuc a col+ logiate basketball record for the period 1920 to 1942, inclusive ++ titling it "Part II," and, at a lator date, preparo and issue "Part I" -- =n the aah ec - 1919, inclusive. The expense for resoarch and the preparation of this Collogiate Baskct- ball record has beon defraycd by Poul H. Holms, of Los «ngcoles, who is tho Foundcr and Sponsor of Helms athlotic Foundation. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONS ee tee en ane eet ee oman eee AS CHOSN BY HSTIS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION . « » 1920 TO 1942, INCIUSIVE PTS. YOAR CHAMPION Ta OCC OO ACH CAPTAIN W iL PS. AGe 2 1921 PINNSYLVANTA, Gdward T. McNichol Dan McNichol ok 651 3593 1922 KANSAS «© Forrest C, Allen. o Georze Rody 16 2 596 378 1923 KANSAS ..e Forrest Ce sllene e Paul Endacott 17 1 567 299 1924 NORTH CAROLINA. « Nomen We Shepard « Winton Green 25 O 915 495 1925 PRINCETON...» Albert Wittmers » « SoC» Cleaves — 3 1 aS 1926 SYRACUSHe e « © ¢ Lewis Pe Andrease e« Victor Hanson 19 1 637 453 1927 NOTRE DALE. George E. Keogane e John Nyikos iS” 1 Gh Bee 1928 PITTSBURGH. « « « HeClifford Carlson Sykes Reed a oo te Go. 1929 MONTNA STATE « : Schubert R. Dyche » Frank Ward 35 8 2236 1204 1930 PITTSBURGHe « « e HeCliffore. Carlson Charles Hyatt 25 2 940 660 ° 1931 NORTHWESTARN. «+ « Arthur C. Lonborg »« Bert Riel 16 i. Seo Fe 1932 PURDUE eee Ward L. Lambert « « Join Wooden 17 i 7S 1933 KENTUCKY. © e e « Adolph Fe Ruppe « « Forest Sale = CS L075 630 1934 WYOMING « . « « « Wwillerd Witte » ee tos Witto =. - 26 %d ITO50 675 19355 Wi YORK.) « es « Howard Ge Canne e 5 Sidney Gross 19 1 740 48° 1936 NOTRE DAME. » « « George Ey Keogane (Martin Peters p2* 2 10535 67" (John Ford 1937 STANFORDe « © @ @ John W. Buntie « «+. 6 Bryan Moore 25 a 1326 914. 1938 TEMPLE... Janes Usilton « « » (Don Shields oS. 8: isk. St (Meyer Bloom 1939 LONG ISLAND . - » Clair I". Bees « « « Irving Torgoff 24 90 1320 815 1940 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Justin M. Barry (No Captain ) 20 3 1099 8a? 1941 WISCONSIN . . - « ‘iarold 4. Fosters « Gene Englund 20 3 1004 835 1942 STANFORD. »... Zverett S. Dean. » (Don Burness of: he OU aS (Bill Cowden *Also played tie .am NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONS **° AS CHOSEN BY HEIMS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION 1920 PSNNSYLDVANIA 46 Ursinus 13 24 Muhlenberg 6 oF Ta oe: 2: oe 36 Lehigh 20 $6 Lafayette 10 44 Wash-Jeff 16 29 Swarthmore 29 27 Princeton ok oe Yai & 16 21 Penn State 16 57 Colunbia 18 AL Derimouth 14 27 Delaware 21 26 Cornell 135 32 Columbia 10 45 Dartmouth 10 20: Corneil 15 44- Yale 16 26 Princeton 20 29° Adoring, 29 24 Chicago 28 29 Chicago pd _25 Chicago uae Veo (ee = 2) 393 1921 PEeNNSYLVANIA 42 . Ursinus Le 24 Temple ig 36 Muhlenberg 14 28 Drexel 10 14 Syracuse S 22 Columbia 16 19 Catholic a7 26 Dartmouth 18 37 Lafayette 12 41 Dartmouth 16 19 Lehigh LO 40 Va.Military 15 19 Cormell 20 19 Columbia 18 Ze Cornell 20 go Yeahs LL 44 Delaware 135 29 Swarthmore 17 46 Yoao.is 13 19 Penn State 21 33 Princeton 2a 24 New York ik _27 Princeton 20 651° (41 + 2) 353 i922 KANSAS 52 Minnesota i 88 Grinnell 16 28 Drake Zo 44 Washington 17 25 Nebraska 15 Ao Missouri 30 oO EAC. Be 41 Oklahoma 24 32 Iowa State . 21 Se Kansas Ste 23 42 Oklahoma 28 24 Iowa State 18 cl Grinnell 14 28 Drake 13 26 Missouri 16 4) Washington 26 44. Kansas Ste 26 43, Nebraska 16 596 (16 - 2) 378 1g7o 2a to A 29 Creighton 7 30 Nebraska 20 22 Lowa State 12 37 Towa State 17 25 Grinnell 8 42 Drake 18 21 Missouri a5 54 Washington 16 oo: een G 27 Oklahoma oi 4:1 Washington 14 44. Rangas Ste 23 56 Nebraska 15 “1 Drake ae 24 Kansas St. 17 42 Oklahoma 18 2o . Missouri 20 38 . Grimelieu: .16 567 (47 = i) « 299 * Non-collegiate 1920 - 1942, INCLUSIVE 1924 NORTH CAROLINA 32 Durham Elks* 22 oo Mercer 20 50 Guilford Bo 57 Davidson 27 40 Durham Elks* 22 oo 2 2 Oe 13 32 Wake Forest 15 ol, Trinity 20 40 VaeMilitary 25 So Catholic 22 26 Maryland 20 88 Lynchburg 26 19 Wash-Lee 16 53 Virginia 20 bo Beseemorine 1? 54 Wm. & Mary 18 40 NosCarsState. 9 eo Trinity 20 33 Wake Forest. 12 41 No.Car.State 24 26 Wash-Lee L? 41 Kentucky 20 37 . Vanderbilt 20 35 Misse Agrie 22 26 Alabama 4 915 (25 - 0) 493 1925 PRINCETON 29 Lehigh 9 31 Muhlenberg 23 25 Westminister 25 52 Carnegie Te 40 35 Firestoreco* 16 39 Ohio State 34 57 Penn Mile 10 24 Columbia 15 29 Haverford LL 42 Swarthmore Bo ro fF 8S AD 30 Cornell 15 58 Amherst LL 29 Catholic 20 38 Maryland 24 35 Pennsylvania 20 3L Cornell 18 oe: Fads ok 25 Dartmouth pas 56 .Dickinson 24 25 Columbia LO 30 Dartmouth 19 _28 Pennsylvania_29 777 (21 #2) 453 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONS . . As Chosen By Helms Athletic Foundation 1926 SYRACUSE 61 Clarkson 14 29 Buffalo 20 5O Pennsylvania 25 42 Princeton ay 54 Cornell 20 24 Buffalo 20 40 New York 20 c4 Niagara 18 30 Cornell 20 ne 6h OMY 20 42 Rutgers 20 56 Michigan 32 28 Colgate 22 28 Rochester 26 28 Rochester 22 SL Penn State 37 50 Rochester ne a4 St. Lawrence 18 29 Penn State 2) _2£9 Colgate 2 637. { 19. ei. 9 433 1927 NOTRE DAME Sl Armour Tech 13 42 Earlham LZ 24 Minnesota 19 19 Lowa 18 28 Northwestern 20 27 Northwestern EL 41 Detroit 24 22. Franklin:' 4 57 Wabash 26 56 Mich, State 15 27 Marquette a1 19 Wisconsin 14 46 Franklin 16 35 Wabash Ao 3o Pittsburgh 13 24 Detroit 23 04 Mich. State 22 Jo Marquette 13 42 Creighton 20 Sl Creighton “ee 631 (19 -— 1) 576 49 Michigan 39 36 Chicago 26 o9 Northwestern 34 44 Iowa 40 64 Dartmouth 3 90 Ohio State O28 45 Syracuse 24 67 Carnegie Tech 28 Sl West Virginia 26 42 Army 36 48 Colgate 37 50 Carnegie Tech 28 48 Penn State 25 56 Al.egheny 33 24 Notre Dame 22 59 Carnegie Tech 37 44 Wash & Jeff 30 b4& Grove City a 45 West Virginia 42 35 Wash & Jerf 32 _45 Penn State 28 993 eo. eo 662 1930 PITTSBURGH 57 Muskingum 50 35 Indiana 31 38 Northwestern 30 29 Towa el 38 Grove City 30 o8 . Ohio State 33 54 Nebraska a7 68 Montana State 37 24 Carnegie Tcch 18 43 Georgetown A 33 Notre Dame 13 48 Carnegie Tech 25 29 Syracuse 40 SL Fordham a7 25 Notre Dame 16 47 Penn State 20 38 Wash & Joff 30 2. West Virginia 19 47% Carncgic Tech 22 40 Temple &B 59 Army £5 25 West Virginia 343 29 - St« Vincent 28 - 67 Washington 20 47. Penn State ae 940 (23 =2 ] 660 Page 4 1929 MONTANA STATE 73 90 59 59 08 96 45 45 39 44 54 40 £8 46 o4 OF 4.5 Ve 67 62 O7 OL 53 69 40 DL 70 66 59 69 63 97 90 L1O 65 62 53 2256 Livingston Hardin Hardin Colo. Thr. Colo. Pats Livingston Whitman Whitman Vashe State Idaho Idaho Cook Paints* Cook Paints Cook Paints Montana — Utah Agri. Utah Agri . Brige Young Brig. Young. Montana Mt.St.Charlcs Montane lines Utah Agri. Utah Agri. Utah Utah Brig. Young Brige Young Mt .St Charics Utah Utah Groat Falls Billings Havre Colorado Colorado Colorado a9 28 21 30 29 15 42 30 4 el 40 44 ol 34 38 38 47 36 37 18 of 29 29 20 28 4 42 O7 Oo Ou 20 36 10 aL 55 417 ar et { 8 «2 ) 190 ' * Non-collcgiate NATIONAL COLLSGIAT? CHAMPIONS « » AS Chosen By Helms Athlctic Foundation Page 5 1931 NORTH AST&RN 1933 KaNTUCKY 1935 Ne YORK | 26 Bradley 29 62 Georgetown al 35 Alumni 22 44 Notre Dame 29 “4 -. . 59 Lafayette 39 31 Carloton 22 a 4 i 32 Alabama 10 — a a ra am at tee 2 17 58 Chicago 26 Aves otre amc %Q Ohio State se 45 Hopkins 12 27 Michigan a2 32 Creighton 26 25 Kentucky 22 oo. Jidinois 27 22 Creighton oA 37 Gcorgcetwon 21 26 Michigan 21 44 So. Carolina 36 36 Fordham 24. 35 Ohio State 22 42 ‘Tennessee a1 38 Templo 22 31 Chicago 16 “a eben = 37 St. Francis 11 35 Minnesota 26 40 ona iene h4 . 19 lianhattan 18 - derbilt 29 27 Chicago 15 an Bee 3D 29. Fa lo 33 28. .e1inois 35 283 So, Carolina 44 50 Gcorgetwon 36 40 Jowa 30 81 Mexico 22 46 Novy 36 45 Minnesota 23 45 Georgia Tech 22 27 Brooklyn 25 32 Ohio Stato 18 5S Alabarna SL 4? Manhattan 19 im ts $2 2 2a s me ek ae AB Florida pee 2h = a 2g 5r Louisiana Ste 38 25 Rutgers 19 46 Mississippi St_27 ZL CCNY aa 1932 PURDUE 1073 (20-3) 630 m0 {ig=-1}). 49 52 Washington Ua 23 pee i ay aa 1934 WTYONING 1986 Norah DAME 41 Pittsburgh 25 al 5] Montann Stato 2 - oC. _—: 62 Albion 26 51 Monmouth 26 eee has = f St. Mo 22 A, Endions 30 — eee ~ 65 estrone 1" 21 Tllinois 28 . | Liman oe os oe 37 Wostern State 22 as Siac Wee " 26 Marquctte 20 =e ae kere nd 3D ger ao 27 38 Ohio State 33 . a dow 8 40 Chicago 27 SS a ms i « 4:5 Ohio Stato 26 - oe. ne 2 Northw'n (tic) 20° 48 Northwestern 33 - ee wo 29 a sake 38 42 Indiana 29 > = 43 Pittsburgh ae 28 ‘Wisconsin al = rene - 37 Mar Aas 52 4. Jllinois 19 BA Grids Walioge 4 30 ae lvania 27 31 Northwestern 17 o , Getorae Sry 46 § ae 4:3 5a Ghienso 18 49 Colorado Mines 25 35 ie 2” sana ——- 41 Colorado Mincs 16 53 gt. Bonodict 1 7a. (+i) = . ao = 33 Tllinois 25 4” Brighan Young 44 : paar —- 43 Brightn Young 34 ‘1 Kentucky e 58 “Bolcn, NeMef 12 = a ae id 43 “Wilcox OLlors# 20 ne ae ee eee ene THE HELMS: AUL—TIME ALL-AMERICA ———- FORWARD FORWARD FORWARD CENTER CENTER ce nr ee PAUL ENDACOT T emma fame en ee oe VICTOK HANSON SYRACUSE ASHWORTH THOMPSON MONTANA STATE CHARLES HYATI — PITTSBURGH ANGELO LUISETTI = STANFORD JOHN SCHOMMER CHICAGO GEORGE GLAMACK NOKTH CAROLINA HARLAN PAGE CHICAGO EDWARD MC NICHOL PENNSYLVANIA JOHN WOODEN PUIKDUE KANSAS a a renters eens The Helms Athletic Foundation All-Time All-America Basketball Team selections have been made, following a most complete study of the performances of Americats foremost collegiate players of the past forty years, and following a careful check of the All-Time Team recommendations which have been made by many of Americats 3asket- ball authoritiese It is believed that the Helms Athletic Founda- tion selections make up the truly representative All-Time All-America Basketball Teame ALL-TIME ALL-AMERICA PLAYERS = ™®™ *FOR Wands « VICTOR i HANSON.s « « SYRaCUSEs « 1925, 1926, 1927 Exceptional floor man, spicudid shot. Chosen on the Helms All-America teams of 1925, "26, '27. Seorcd 203 points in 1925, 282 in 1926,( Syracuse record } and 277 in 1927. Hanson captained the Syracusc National Championship team of 1926,. Syracuse. dofcated Penn 30 to 25 in '26.° Hanson tallicd 26 of Syracuso's points. Hanson was a markod-man in covery game, but the best guards in the nation couldn't stop him. Hanson has been naacd for all-time honors by many leading Basketball authoritics. Chosen Playcr of Yoor in 1927, Was also 4 brilliant football and bascball playcr. Starrod in these sports at Syracusc, in addition to basketball. Captained all threo sports. Was an Jlleumerica cond in football. Rcccived a tryout with tho Now York Yankces, in baseball, Hanson latcr coached football st Syracusc. *FORWARD. « JOHN ASHWORTH THOMPSON. . . MONT. SLT. . 1927,1928,1929,19350 Outstanding shot.’ Clevor floor man. Choson on the Helms 11l-imerica teans of 1927, 1928, 1929, 19350. Only playor sinec 1920 to be given four-year All~ wanories, neconnt ton by Helms «thlotic Foundation. First gaincd honors as : freshman, on varsity tcoam. Icd Rocky Iountain Confcrcnee in scoring in 1927, 128,°'ond *29, Captain of Montana Stete tean in 1930. Greatest year was in 1929, when hc averaged 16 points in 37 gamo schedulo. ‘Team won National Cham- pionship, winning 35 of 37 gancs played, and scoring 2,236 points to opponcnts’ 1,204. This toam is often rofcrred to as "Wonder Tcan," Thortpson has beon naned for all-timc honors by nost Leading Basketball authori- tics. Chosen Player of Year by Holns Athlotic Foundation in 1929. *FORWLRD. » CHRLaS iit? ow PLTTSBURGH. «< 1926, 1929, 19350 Execptional ball handler, outstanding floor man, splendid shot. Chosen on the Helms all-imcrica toans of 1928, 1929, «nd.1930. Mombcr. of two Net ional Chempionship tcans at Pittsburgh, in 1928 and 1930. 1928 team was undcfoated in 21 ganes; 1930 squad won 23 and lost 2. Pittsburgh tcans lost but 7 games in 3 years Hyatt performed for Panthers, Chosen Pl-yor of Year in 1950. Hyatt hes been ranked for all-tine honors by almost covery outstanding Basket- ball authority. llny cloin him to bo the groatést playor of alletities Following his collogiate carceor at Pittsburgh, Hyatt played marty years of ‘anateur basketball, boing neny tincSnancd for Jlle.ncrica hqnors, end is still activo in the gone as anateur baske thall eodchs *FORILIRD. « ANGLO IUISETTI. » » SR.NFORD. « 1936, 1957, 1938 Brilliant all-around player. Chosen on the Helms All-eimcrica teams of 1936, 1937, end 1938. Ranked by Helms Athictie Foundation as the greatest player of all time. Led the Pacific Coast Confcronec in scoring in 1936, '357, ond "38. Eis 208 points in 12 ganes sct a Pacific Coast Confcrenee rocord in 37. He broke the mark the following yoar, with 232. In four yoars of play at Stanford. luisctti chalked up 2 total of 1,596 points against’the greatest teams in the notions Hank seored “416 points in 29 gaucs in 1936, 410 in 27 contcsts in 1937 and 465 in 22 gerncs in 1938. He accounted for the pon boas achicvenent in col- loginte basketball history on January 1, 1938, at Cloveland, Ohio, when he rog-~ istered 50 points in © gano agcinst Pie sne, which St- veford won 92 to 27. lai- setti made 23 ficld goals and 4 foul shots. He scored 30 points against Southorr California, in a Pacific Coast Conference gonc in 1936. Iuisetti is rankcd by all leading Basketball authoritics as an all-time playcr. He is regarded by many 2s the groatest playor of all times Chosen Playor of the Yoox in 1957, and igoc by OES, aeRAokse Foundatione LIL-TILM ALLSAMGRICA PLAyims Page 13 é 4 XCINTGR. . JOHN SCHOMIm. . . CHICAGO. . 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909 Renarkable ball handlor and flocr man. Splendid shot. Chosen on the Helns ill-amcrica toams of 1906, 1907, 1908, and 1909, Tho first playor to be given four-yeor All-Ancrica recognition’ by Helns «:thlotic Foundation. Led the West- m Conference in scoring in 1907, 1908, and 1909, being the only player to ever lcad Western Confcrence scorers on three occasions. Ranked by many Basketball cuthoritios, including Ralph Morgan, as onc of the very greatest of all collegiate players. Was a member of the University of Chicago teams which wore choscn National Champions for the 1908, 1909 scasons by Holns «thictic Foundation. Has served as Mide/cst Baskcotball official for many yoars, boing ono of the nost- capable in the gaiic. *CHNTER. « GHORG? GLAMACK. , . NORTH CARCLINA, 1940, 1941, - One of groatost shots of’all timc, ‘“ixcoptional ball: handlicr. Choscn on Helns All-.neriea toans of 1940, 1941. jm cmezing player. Stood 6 foot, 5 inchos in hoight.s ‘ii.s anbido> ctrous, and so nearsighted that tho bail was morely a din object. Shot by instinct. Scored 458 of North Carolina's 1,210 points in 1940, In three nights of Southern Conforenec Tourncment play in 1940, registered a total of 62 pointse Scored a total of 306 points in Southern Gonfonente pia in 1941, avcraging 20.4 points por gamce Scored 45 points in a gane cgainst Clemson in 194]. Glamack mide tho romarkable total of 578 points in 28 garics played by North Carolina in 1941, tho grontost number cover mado by a players Glanack was awarded the all-tinc contér post over Charlos "Stretch" liurphy, of Purduc's tears of 1928, 1929, and 1930, who was givon wor pony considcratione ¢ *GUARD. » BARLAN ORVILIT.PAGE.. . . CHICAGO, 1908, 1909, 1910 Played in days when guards had to be rugfod.s »« « and ho Wass an cxecptional defensive player who was nover outsrerted. Chosen on tho Helms jll-incrica teams of 1908, 1909, and 1910. lLember of University of Chicago tcams of 1908, and 1909, which woro chosen for National Charipionship honors by Helns ithlotic Foundation. Brillicnt gucrding Linited Pernsylvenia to 33 points in twoegaric Netional Championship scrics in 1908. With Page loading adefcnsc, Chicago heli opponents to 122 points in 12 ecient ranos in 1909, and to 156 points in 12 Confcrenee games in 1910. ; Ranked by many Baskotbeall authoriti oes ineluding Nalph Uorcan, as ono of tho very greatcst guards of all tince Took up coaching after loaving college, hoving « lengthy ¢ and succossful carcers *CUARD.. EDWanD MC NICHOL. . » PONNSYIVINIA. . 1915, 1916, 1917 A brilliant dcfensivo man, and C OuwC H Jee Oa hie eo we & aes Peck ios "Cit TVORiAs « « « « Dork Views : STANFORD. -« « « « e andrew Kerr L924 WASHINGTON » « » « seClorence bémindson CaLlIrGinins « « « « Baril Vichs 1925 ORGGON AGRICULTURAL R. H. Hager CALIFORNIA. « » « « CLharence Price 1086 Gh 18 0 Wea ow Jilliam Reinhart CabiVORNins « @ « «= Clarence ricco L927 ORG GONs « @ « slillioam teinhort Cal POINIA. « «2 » » Uievenee frice 1928 WASHINGTON . .. « eClarencé Edmundson *SOUTHERN CALIF. . . Leo Calland CALIPGRNins « « « « GleRengo Frice 1929 WASHINGTON « « « e0amrenée Bomenison Gall rURiss « & s Clarcnee Prices 1930 WASHINGTON . « « « eCilarence Ebdtmindson SOUTHERN CaLIF. . « Justin Barry 195) WaSHINGTON « « « » s@lorence Edmmndson GALIFOQWNIAs « « « w Glarence Price 1952 WASHINGTON . 4 « »« eClarence Hdmindson. C.LITORNIA. « « « « Clarence Puice 1935 OREGON STaTs , « « esmory Gill ~ SOUTHERN CALIF. .« « Justin Barry 1934 WASHINGTON . « « « eclarcnce Edmundson SOUTHURN CuLIF. . e Justin Barry 1955 OREGON STiTE . . « eémory Gill SOUTHERN CALIF. « e« Justin Barry L936 WASHINGION « « « » sClaroncc Edmimdson STANFOLD. « « «1 « » €0hn Bann 1937 WASHINGTON STATE » eJack Friel SEANTORDs « » « « « JOR Fumn 1966 OK EGO Hs s « « sHoward Tobsor STANTORDse « « « « « John Bunn 19359 OR ZGOWN. « « « sHoward Hobson Coltvitiixe « & « « Glabence Prisc 1940 OREGON STaTG . .. eamory Gill SOUTHERN Cull. »« « Justin Sa ry 1941 WASHTNGTON STATE. eJack Friel SPanrOlDs. « « ¢ # # BVOTCEL Doan 1942 OREGON STATE . . « elmory Gill OL ORDs « « « & » BrCrott Doan *Ployoff Scries privilege concedoi to that teor. Page 235 PACIFIC COAST ANNUAL ALL-CONFERENCE TEAMS CONFERENCE ( 4s Approved By Helms Athlotie Foundation ) ALL=P..CIFIC COST CONTERENCE TEAMS 1960 dees a TaM 1930 PLAYER TEM EF Mme Idaho F Kent Pursel California f . fone Tale California F Henry Swanson Washington C Hugh Latham Oregon G Jesse Mortensen So. Calif. G Harold Telford Tdaho G John Ichners So. Calif. G JR. Crawford Vashington G Art MeLarney Wash. State 1924 1931 F Amory Gill Oregon igri. F Richard Linthicum U.C.Le/. Fr. dobn Toit California F Henry Swanson Washington G Hugh Latham Oregon G Wilbur Caldwé1l So. Calif. G Aubrey Kincaid California G Ralph Cairncy Vashington G Dick Welts Washington G Joel Cofficld California 1925 1932 F Bob Hesketh Washington ~ F Joc Kintana California FF Gordon Ridings Orcgon agrie F Jerome Nemer So, Calif. CGC Bali Hieeins California — C Huntley Gordon (Vash. State G Carlos Stcclo Orcgon Agri G Ralph Cairncy Washington G