Page 9 ALLALGRIC COLLIGL.TE TEAMS . »« »« Ss Chosen By Helms Athletic Foundat ion ee Qaegqoeahtitwim few ASO OA GoOmrae ey ie GS 69 Ga 63 Gy Co ey tat ff Note: o.0.5 ANGELO LUISSTTII JOHN TOI ROBERT KGSSLER IS POOLE PUL NOWAK BILL KINNEAR VILLE! NASH VinNON HUFFILN ROBERT BGGE NOWIAN TLa 2.0.7 aNGELO DUISuTTI JiVELL YOUNG JOHN MOIR JOHN OfBRIEN PLUL NOWAK BOB SPESSuR FRED PRALLE JULES DCANDER iuwNOTS MURRAY TONLE ROUSEY 938 oNGELO LUISITTI JE TELL YOUNG JOHN MOIR BONNTG : GRAHAM HUBERT KIRKO. TRICK PAUL NOWAK FRED PiuLoe JOHN O*BRIGN IGNATIUS VOLPI LESYaR BLOOM Loo 8 Stanford F LAUREN Gli Oregon Notre Yane F Jalm@s HULL Ohio State Purdue F IRVING TORGOFF Long Island Arkansas F GUS BROBERG Dartmouth Notre Yame C CHESTER JiJORSKE Rhode Island St. ue oe C URGIL VINTERMUTE Oregon Columbia G ERNIE ANDRES Indiana Indiana G JSS RENICK Okla, A&M Washington G JOHN LOBSINGER Missouri Yash & Lee G BOBBY MOE Texas 1:9 49 Stanford F RaLPH VAUGHN Sow Calif. Purdue F GUS BROBERG Dartmouth Notre Dame F JOM DICK Oregon Columbia #. ViDbial BRAC Illinois Notre Vane GC G@i0nes Gino No. Carolina lash & Lee ¢ STANLEY MODZELEISKI Rhode Island kensas G JiSSE RENICK Okla A & M Long Island G BOBBY MOIS 72 2 3:8 Pennsylvania ’ G JOHN LOBSINGER Missouri Okina A kM G FRED BERETTA Purdue L941 Stanford F GUS BROBERG Dor tnouth Purdue F JOHN aDALs Arkansas Notre Yame F HO.VRD ENGLOMAN Koneos, + Mississippi IF GINS ENGIUND Wisconsin Baylor C GHORGS GLAMACK Nos. Carobine Notre Dame C STANLEY MODZELINISKI Rhode Isleri Kensae G Lan HUBER , Kentucky OOLambia | G MILTON Poaekrs San Dicgo State Monhettan G “Li? OFCONNOR Drake Tomple G Ray SUNDQUIST Vashington State L234 2 F @0BN BOTZ Jisconsin FF. FOICS BreOohriskp Iost Texas State Fo ad) eee Stanford , F GsonGs MUNROE Dartmouth C STANLEY MODZELEISKI Rhode Island C BOS KINNEY Rie o G SCOTT HAMILTON (ost Virginia G RY ZVuNS Kansas os G BUD MILLIK.N Oklos A & M G ANDi) Pele Illinois In several instanees, Holns Athlotic Foundation has taken the liberty to sélect players for positions which they did not actually play. ‘Tow: ever, in such cascs, players have been choson for positions which they were capablo of playing, as thoir performances provode