THE GREATEST CO..CHES ( Continucd ) Page 18 CLARENCE SINCL.IR EDMUNDSON ( Continued _) Bdnundson has had oxecptionnl success cs Basketball’ conch at Washincton. His toans won Pacifi¢e Coast Conféreneo, Northern’Division, championships in 1924, 1928, 19294 1900, Jodi, vce, 1934, ond 1936, and ticd for tho titlc in 1925 and 1937, only to lose out in the playoff scricSe Tdrundsonts Washins-ton teans won Poe ific Const Confcrenec championships in 1931 ond 1954. Tarmndson-co-ched Huskics won thé Northorn Division title for five consecutive seasons —= 1928 to 1932, inclusive. Washin;ton's sroatest yecrs undor Edmundson wore in 1929, when tho Huskics won 16 and lost 2, anc. wont undefsated in Northorn Division confcronce play; in 1981, with 22 wins and 3 lossos; and in 1934, with 16 triunphs and 3 setbacks Tanundgon has boon a nonber of the Baskotball Rules Comaittoc since 1940. He has also boon 2 nost successful Track anc Fiold Conch «+ his cans winning North- wost Track anc Fisia chanpionships on 10 oceasions, and twico fin 1ishing sccond in NeGelieie NOOtS., Bdrundson coached the umerican 800 Netors Run tofm in tho Olympic Genes of 1932. Ho was a mombor of tho Track cond Ficle Rules Cormmittoe from 1922 to 1927, Nicknanc is "Hece" NAT HOLMAN Born ct Now York City on Octobor 19, 1896. “Zduentod at Sawage School of Phyci- cal Bdueation, ana later at Néw York University. Excclled in Basoball, Footbal. cna Basketball in high school. Monbor of the Savaco S¢hool of Phys, Ed. Baskot~ boa 1 team in’ '1?. Was « member of the Germantown, Pae, professional Basketball ¢oan in 1919. From 1920 to 1927, competed for tho fanous Now York Coltic Daskct~ pall toem whieh claincd the world championship. Captaincd the toane : Took ovor Baskotbell conching assicnmonts ct City College of Now York in 1918, and has rondined there ovor sinec. Has been ono of the most succossful coaches in the geome. His‘teans’have five tinocs gone throuch tho season with but a singl° defcat -- in 1923, 1924, 1932, 1933 and 1934. Bést sonson wos in 1952, whon his squad. won 16 and lost 1 <= losing; only to Terple, 29353. During; seasons of 1932~'33—'34, Holman's quintets won 45 canoes, “na Lost bat 3. During seasons of 1922 to 1925, inclusive, his tonms won 47 and lost but 6. LON WALTER JOURDIT Born 2+ Frenchtown; Ponhsylvania, September 12, 1888. Gradu.ted from Univer- sity of Lomneyivanin, “ios. Uonber of Powneylvnnts football and basketball teas, Captain of the Quaker hoop squed of 1912-913. Took over Basketball coaching Cutics cat University of Fonnsylvenia in 1915. Guited Qunker teans through the 1920 soason, thon retired. Orme back to Ponn as Advisory in 1928, but ro~ turned to aetive duty, as Heac Coach, in 1930-S1. , Jourdet's Pennsylvania’ teams won Eastern Intercollegiate League titles in 1336; 1918, 1920, 1954, 1935, and 1937, Jourdet's squads of 1920 and 1920 went un- daesatad in fonters intovéotlegiate League play, Winning 10 games, and 12 games, respectivelye The University of Pennsylvania team of 1920, undor the leadership of Jourcct was chosen for National Championship honors by "Ho lms Athlotic Foundation, Tho quintct won 22 games and lost but 1. The only loss of tho scason was to Univor- sity of Chicago, in a post-soason intorscctional championship scrios. Penn wen 2 of the 3 camos played in this scricS. One of Jourdot's greatest teams was that of 1937, which won 17 and lost 35,