Circus Entertaining Boston The circus is in Boston Garden. The only casualty thus far'|i was May Kova, animal trainer, who was clawed twice by a black a panther. There was almost another circus in the House chamber is in Washington, where Rep. Gene Cox, 63-year-old fiery Georgian, walked over to the chair of 31-year-old Rep. Will Rogers, Jr., of - California, and said Rogers had accused him of taking a bribe. Cooler law-makers stepped in, just as Cox attempted to tie a headlock on Rogers...... There were no casualties....,. ‘The Ruml plan was killed by the House, after the Presiden’ indicated he would veto the bill, and some sort of compromise measure is believed on the way...... In Massachusetts, the House killed the proposal to finance old age assistance payments through a state lottery...... Seven women have been appointed as special|p police guards at Massachusetts Institute of Technology...... And Mrs. Alice Dixon Bond, literary editor of The Herald, is the new. president of the Women’s City Club of Boston...... ‘Navy Secretary Knox, in town last week, predicted Allied/n attabks on Europe and Asia in the near future.....: President) Roosévelt’s letter to Premier Stalin has been delivered personally | in Moscow by former Ambassador Joseph E. Davies. Stalin read|x : the letter, withheld immediate Eee ne: and then talked with Davies for two hours...... Set, Allan J. Gately of Medford, in the Army at Ft. Devens], for the past 13 months, received a ‘questionnaire from his local draft board last week with an explanation they wanted to classify him for military sérvice...... Three New England girls are among the. newly arrived WAACs in North Africa. Introducing Third Officer Susan Hammond of Nahant, Auxiliary Sadie A. Coury, Torrington, Ct., and Auxiliary Alice A. Boose, Lewiston, Me....... A‘ Yove-sick woman war worker was given WLB permission to . leave her job in Hartford and take another at Pearl Harbor, where her swain labors at war work, too. The WLB ascribed it a case of “sickness of the heart”..... ‘ LaGuardia Predicts Duce to Quit ... Mayor LaGuardia, who fought with Italy as an Allied nation in. the last war, predicted in New York that Mussolini would soon “sneak out of Ttaly in the dark of the night and abandon the RID ss Which wouldn’t be a bad idea...... It looks as though the Americans now have the island of Attu in their grasp, in addition’ to what remains of the Jap soldiers there...... Elmer J. Flynn, Jr., 23, of 12 Arnold circle, Cambridge, a Navy store- keeper, was given the Silver Star medal for heroism in landing operations on the African coast last November...... Nearly 30,000 workers are out in a wage dispute at six _ Chrysler Corporation plants in Michigan, where the principal item of production is tanks...... Tufts College awarded 206 degrees last week. Bernard Baruch, a war advisor, was to have received the honorary degree of doctor of laws, but he was called'§ back to Washington and thus lost out. Tufts does not award/} honorary degrees in absentia......Sgt. Edward J. Kelley of 319 Allston street, Brighton, and Capt. Charles F. Conner of 22 Thomp- : son lane, Milton, both heroes on Guadalcanal, are now taking it easy for a while on some South'Sea island camp,..... Braves Drop Notch in Standing The Boston Braves on their last Sabbath at home couldn’t ‘sée well enough to bat in runs and they dropped a doubleheader] to the Chicago Cubs, of all people...... And dropped into third|} place in the National League. .....The Braves, however, did nobly during their home stay and hope to do as well on the western) TOBE oo: The Red Sox come home after what might be called a poor road trip and they’re still in the cellar of the American|{ League...... There’s a new world lightweight champion of New York|} -....-Bo0b, Montgomery of Philadelphia, who defeated Beau Jack|} very decisively. sti Sole But Montgomery can’t be recognized as champion in his own state because Pennsylvania is a member ‘of the National Boxing Association and the champion of that|} group is Sammy Angott, another Pennsylvanian, who has beaten Montgomery three times in overweight matches...... So that’s|} a nice set-up isn’t it?...... Or isn’t it as important as cleaning |} the Japs out of Attu and Kiska and some more islands?...... OBAFO8 5 iis 0s Although their coach, Don Enoch, is now a lieuten- | ant in the Army, the Newton High track athletes won the state/} Class A championship once more...... A Newton habit...... Bel-|} mont High won the Class B championship...... And, finally, Suffolk Downs is still doing a big business...... The daily average|} for the first 12 days is $562,000...... This despite the fact. that all the travel there must be by trolley car...... Aren’t you fellows|} proud of the way horse-players are showing their ability to keep|} going wnder adverse conditions?...... ve Sincerely NRE wp eset rt Soo Seeds FOMAeaAMOMO ROOD