July 19, 1943. Sperts Editor, AP Features, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, Dear Chip: I am doing the best I can for you on short notice. I am sending you a copy of the speech that I made at the Southeast Missouri State Teachers College in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, in November, 1941. You will notice then that I set up a seheme for a national czar of inter- collegiate athletics. This is my own ides and you may use my byline on . the story if you desire. My idea was that this czar would have the same powers as Judge Landis, and that he would not be a comeissioner or an ethletic director, or anyone comnected with intercollegiate athletics. He would com entirely from the ae Se ee re ee ee eee ee ee see oh agen ste diy serene He should be a lawyer, and preferably a judge . ee ee “ca we aes & in rendering decisions. of necessity, be lucrative, tnteroe least | of the nation could pay this fee without a» woulc — commissioners of each conference under | be subject entirely to his decisions. He would have the athletic _direstor or coach, or to declare any athlete » partici pat He would also set up the scholarship . onferences. Yet he would correlate all of these } compa t: al , wh th each other. After this — of mye denned ao mich iroule of om oweete reining 1 commissioner ‘wuld have the power to suspend an institution sonform to the rulings. My notion was that no school would nge It would be purely a voluntary matter on the part