dume 1g 13435. Mre James i. Henmond, Lawyer, —_o Doar Mire Hammoud: . e 7 | | Acknowledging your favor of the 25th ultimo, I om sending you a copy of &@ speech i made at Cape Girardeau, Missowrl, in Novenber, 1séi, at the Southoast Missourl State Teachers College. Lawyers have had their disbaruent proceedings for erring leayyeras the doctors have done likewise. I doubt if athletic coaches will be~ aa the lawyers and physicians Lave acoomplished. However, I do know thet there are wauy athletic directors and coaches that would like to see a cleaner bill of health for athletics. ‘Those on the inside lmow that a football team that is four~deep with powerful meterial is not accomplished by the matriculation of the ordinary student in such end such a college. | ) : it would be u very difficult thing to get all the colleges in America to heave uniform rules, but I did think that there were enough educators who would welcome a more wholesome participation in athleties in the _ Golleges. The greet value of education through play oan be accomplished by doing away with hyper-proselyting that seems to have been in practice in the most emphatic degree just prior to our entry in the war. t think I am gaffe int saying that no “big time’ school in athletics is without ite subsidizing and proselyting. Judge Landis has done such a wonderful job in Wilding the confi~ baseball hed sunk to the lowest after the Black Sox scandal. I have a athletics if the American Association of University and College Presidents should act on same scheme tet would take the diseiplining out of their :