ee = January 14, 1946 © \ Capt. Glenn A. Haskin, MeAsCe Department of Physical Reconditioning Army Service Forces : Ninth Service Command Letterman General Hospital Sen Francisco, California Dear Capt. Haskins I acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 7th instant. I doubt if we will have any opening for you in our Department of Physical Education. Mre Ee Ce Quigley is the Director of Athletics and I would suggest that you address a letter to him if you are interested in coaching, We have work for the Department of Physical Education, with intramural sports for a foureyear undergraduate course in Physical Education, _ with a B.S. degree and all of its allied intramural and service work, as well as the academic credit for work taken in Physical Education. 5 I find that we will use a lot of graduate students who are working on their masters' degree in Education, with a major in Fhysical Education. We have a sizeable steff of full-time ; teachers at the present time and I hardly look for an enlargement of that staff, . I wish for you a very successful and happy New Year. Sincerely yours, ae | Director of Physical Education, FCA :MP Varsity Basketball Coach, ARMY SERVICE FORCES NINTH SERVICE COMMAND LETTERMAN GENERAL HOSPITAL SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 7 January 1946 IN REPLY REFER TO: Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Now that I have been notified of my separation date from the service, it makes it possible for me to look forward to returning to my civilian occupation once again. Since I will be released by March lst, may I ask if you anticipate an opening for a Physical Education man in your Department for the beginning of the Fall Term 19467 I am particularly interested in concentrating on Physical Education Work with the emphasis on Intra-mural Sports and possibly some coaching in Track, however, £ can assist with Football. : I have taken the privilege of listing the speciel- ized training that I have had and some personal data in which you might be interested. , I will be glad to furnish you with a transcript of my credits as well as references from the University of Illinois, the University of Wisconsin, the President of the State Association of Illinois, and the Chief of the Medical Branch, Barnes General Hospital. Sineerely yours, a Poa GLENN A. HASKIN Capt., M.A aCe Dept. of Physical Reconditioning GAH/b AVE le- Len 4,.- 5e7 6e- Ber 10.- a ee” 12." 135e- oe a 4 3 os eS Ae 2 eae PERSONAL DATA Graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a B. S. in Chemistry and an M. S. in Physical Ed- ucation. Football and track coach, Director of Physical Education, and Dean of Men for thirteen years in the Senior High School - Pontiac, Illinois. President of the Physical Education Association for the State of Illinois. Member of the Committee who wrote the State Sylla- bus in Physical Education for all High Schools in Illinois. Have staged several Gymnasium Exhibitions, Water Pageants, and taught Indoor Circus. Director of Physical Training for two years in The Army Air Forces. Chief of Physical Reconditioning at Barnes General Hospital, an Orthopedic Center for The Ninth Service Command, for the past year. At the present time, organizing and setting up the Remedial Swimming Program for Letterman General Hospital. State Representative for both the Mid-West and the National Physical Education Convention. Guest speaker before the Research Division at the Mid-West Convention. Articles published in four magazines. Member of Kiwanis, Masonic Lodge, and Phi Delta Kappae Forty years of age, married, and no children. January 14, 1946 Mre He Je Little, Manager Health Spot Shoe Shop 516 East llth Street Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mr. Little; I acknowledge receipt of the shoes, as well as your letter, which indicates that I owe you $10.50. Please find enclosed a check for this amount. Also, I wish that you would mail me at least one= _ half dozen or one dozen laces for the shoes, both light and > dark tan if you have the laces in that colors Maybe the dark tan would do for all of them, I find that I have difficulty in obtaining the right length laces for these shoes. The extra eyelet that the Health Spot Shoe has causes me difficulty in obtaining the right length. Please mail them together with the bill and I will remit. noe : ‘Sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education,. FCA:VF | , Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. HEALTH SPOT SHOE SHOP 316 East Ilth Street Next to Telephone Building KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Victory 0160 January 11, 1946 Dre Fe C. Allen Lawrence, Kansase Dera Sir: Mailing two new shoe's that are paid for, to-day, also the two pair that have been repakied. The price of reparies is $10.50. Thanking you again for your nice business. Health Spot Shoes tor Men, Vomen and Children Benvary 7, 1946 Mre Harvey He Haines Sabetha, Kansas Dear ‘Harvey: I am sending you a basketball brochure for whieh! you wrote. I em very glad to do this and I will be happy for Jordan to have it. When you write him, congratulate Jordan on his splendid achievement in being one of the eight plebes that made West Point basketball squads. You tell him that I think it is quite an honor for him to make the training table and have a private lockere P I know how rough that West Point eurrioulun ise Ogden Jones, the Chairman of the Selective Service Board, has a son at West Point now, They flew him back from Europe last fall and Be writes that it is rougher than pig iron. I served with Ogden Jones on the Selective Service System, being the secretary, so «we see a lot of each other. He tells me all about the situation, Ogden Jones is the geologist in the Health Department for the State ef Kensas but is located in the Engineering Building. Ogden and his family drove back Christmas to visit Ogden, jr. It might be that Harvey could look up Ogden, I ‘think Ogden is on the track team under Leo Novak. 4 Give my good friends in my kindest sani Wishing you and yours a very Prosperous New Year, I am Sincerely, Director of Physical Bdusation, FCA: MF : Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. i C.S.HAINES H.-H.HAINES Ripon WOMENS AND DRY GOODS NOTIONS MILLINERY CHILDRENS READY-TO-WEAR SABETHA, KANSAS Jan.5,1946. Dr.Forrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen: I noticed in the Topeka Capital that the University had published a Basketball 3rochure for this season,and I would like one very much to send to Jordan. If there is any charge,I will be glad to remit at onee. Jordan is at West Point and enjoying the ex- perience. He is one of eight plebes that has made the basketball squad,is eating at the training table,and has a private locker,which seems to impress him. He missed out on the Math preparatory because he was in high school last year and since this is almost essential he is having a rough time and may be back at K.U.for the next semester. With kindest personal regards and best wishes for the Big Six Championship,I am Cordially yours, HHH ;la 50 Mee €5~ Sgt. Bob ieee Headquarters Second Air Force Golorado Springs, Colorado Dear Sgte Bob: Lt. Rey Evans still writes most glowingly of your personality and capability. lie, as I am, is very anxious that we have a friendly conversation with you \regarding your future education and your athletic alignments during your educational tenure. I certainly wish that you might drop by for a visit with us if you are ever coming this way. We would like mighty well to have you as our guest. If there is any possible way of your getting a furlough at any time, we would like to have you come and visit us here for a week. Won't you write me and let me know what you have in mind in the way of school opportunity? ‘that I mean, is what you would like to study or the things in which you would like to apraiatigns | I renlige that your never having met me puts iis ws disadvantage in writing anything specific, but, at the same time, drop me a line letting me mow about wien you expect to bd discharged. It might be that I can arrange at some time to see you, if you will not be coming this way, Won't ycu send me your basketball schedule and maybe I can arrange to see you play some time. With every good wish, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Baketball Coach. “December 14, 1945 Mr. Barl Yeath Heath's Holsum Bakery . Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Heath: | I was very sick with the flu last week and am not recovered yet. I was in bed for a few days and my correspondence has piled up on me. I tried to get to the dictation but my time was limited,as we play basketball in Kansas City tonight end tomorrow night. I will try to answer this correspondence the first of next week. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely, : 4 Director of Physical Education, PCA: MF Varsity Basketball Coach. December 13, 1945 Mr. John 0, Herbold Attorney at Law 219 Hollywood Security Building 6381 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood 28, California Dear Johns Thank you very much for your good letter of the 8th instence and for your Christmas and New Year's greetings. My good wishes to you are reciprocal I assure you. Sincerely, y Director of Physical Education, PCA: MP Varsity Basketball Coach. ATTORNEY AT LAV _ 219 HOLLYWOOD SECURITY BUILDING 638! HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD 4 a ae HOLLYWOOD 28,CALIFORNIA _ ; December 8th,194 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, ce Director of Athletics and Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, ; Lawrence, Kansas. | Dear "Phog™:- Interesting articles in yesterday's L.A. Examiner and in today’s L.A. Times about your speech before the Kansas City Rotary Club, on professionalism among college teams and © gambling in connection with their contests. ; More power to you and keep up your grand figsth . cleanse intercollegiate athletics and drive these damned gamk out ! If this gambling element keep up their racket, there no only will be blowoff scandal but the death blow to college athletics. : 7 Cr Too much hypocricy in connection with the colle and the blame is on the faculties, who are commercial minded most shortsighted. All this athletic scholarship, free tuiti poard,spending money, etc.s done mostly under cover, in the f analysis and stripped of it's verbiage, is professionalism. _ ae : Here in Los Angeles, the two local colleges, and U.C.L.A., have kept professional football out of our Colise Neither one wanted the Coliseum turf "profaned" by profession | players. What a lillywhite crowd 4 Protecting my morals an ie ee morals of others who love to see the Chicago Bears, Green ae ey Packers, New York Giants, Cleveland Hams; Philadelphia Hagles. | Washington “edskins, et al. play. oe : . A sport writer here recently referred to many ¢ college players as "amateur professionals” as distinguished the “professional professionals" of the National Football | When I see this riff-raff gambling element at a local sporting events-baseball, football, track, swinmming,ho etces 1 get disgusted; they are a loud, coarse, blatant, croo. punch and care not a damn for real sport. Sooner or later; will bribe players to throw games and then Good bye to sport ae More power to you and best wishes to you and ~ and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to the fearless Allen's, jJncluding of courses dear "Phog". - sincerely: od? ss _ SOH/E « December 12, 1945 Mr. As lis Hjort City Clerk Manhatten, Kensas Dear Mr. Hijort: _ ‘I am returning the free booklet with the Municipal Swimming Report thereon. I want you to know how genuinely we have @ppreciated your fine cooperation, You were a real help to us and if at any time we can be of eny service to you or your good city, please command us. Most cordially yours, | Direotor of Physical Education, —RCAsMP Varsity Basketball Coach, December 3, 1945 Assistant Dean Harvard Graduate School of Pusiness ‘* _ George F. Baber Foundation, : Soldier Field | Bogton, Massachusetts Dear Sir; ee T am very happy to recomend for your - consideration William B. Haynes, who is graduating at Purdue with a B.S. degree in Metallurgical Engineer~ ing in June. se I knew Mr. Haynes very well when he was a freshman at the University of Kansas, Mr. Haynes was an outstanding student at the university. He also in- dulged in extra curricular activities with high eredit to hinsel? and at the same time, he mde most exceptional grades. Mr. llaynes has a splendid personality, is sincere end is aguressive. fis character is outstanding. I an happy to recoumend him without reservation, — i Sincerely, Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. PCAsMF cc - Mr. W. B. Haynes December 3, 19456 Mr. We. B. Haynes 400 Northwestern 3 vest Lafayette, Indiana Dear Bills i sisi deed teiciniee tn eal peed labo of euitioniiend so that you may enter Harvard Graduate School of Business after you get your — at Purdue in June. 2 is ailing you m enrbui.dopy of the letter that I have mailed to the assistant dean of the Harvard Graduate School. With all good wishes for your continued success and thank you for your kind words. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Dasketball Coach. FCAsMF December 3, 1945 Mrs. M. F. Hudson Hudson Motor Company Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mrs. Hudsons: ’ I acknowledge receipt of your bill as of December 1, 1945, in the anount, of $332.98. This bill is in the courts now and I am trusting that we will recover damages and ae of date the indebtedness bad soon. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. FCA :MF November 24, 1945. Mre Co Je Hart, Director of Physical Education, - Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Dear Professor Hart: Our Robinson Gymmasiun for men and women was built in 1906. While it was a very fine building of its time, I believe that you would rather have somthing more modern and up to date. The state architect at Topeka, Kansas, has blueprints which you ean obtain by —— hime The siiiaiinia where we play basketball is built as a com bination auditorium and fing arts auditoriun, so that would not do you much good. We have not constructed a field house and we are not was far along where we would have blueprints. I am sorry that I ean give you no better inforretion. : Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Bricway, HOWARD S. McDONALD, Pres!DENT PROVO, UTAH Oetober 30, 1945 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND, RECREATION Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs The Brigham Young University contemplates the cone struction of a new plant for physical education and ath= letics, We believe we can build best upon the experience of others, We are wondering, therefore, if you have extra blueprints or descriptive folders of your own physical ede ucation and athletic plant which yea would care to furnish us. Any charge in connection with material submitted will be cared for by this institution, We would welcome, also, any suggestions you care to submit for plant construction, We find there is a limited amount of material on combination gymnasia and field houses, Inasguch as we plan construction along this line, we would © be grateful to you for any help and suggestions you may have to offer. Very y Layt C. s, Hart Director of Phys. Ed. CJH:wm November 10, 1945 lyse George Le hax : 5635 Traey Avenue . Kansas City, 3, Missouri 7 My dear Mrs, Haxs “Yoda » 2 do remember you” gon David, and 7 am very glad to mt him the last dawhawk Rebound, which we published on October Slste— i am algo sending you & cory because there are some things in 2¢ that perhaps you may enjoye i have been so rushed with my eivie and sehool duties thet 1 have not had an opportimity to publish another as yete When I do, I certainly will mail you and David onée There is no charge, I assure yous This is one of the - services that we like to rendéer for the boys who have done so much for use I have @ son-in-law, my middle daughter Jane's hus- band, Lt. Ry» Mens, who is a naval aviator. Ye just cele« brated the birth of Jane's baby daughter, who was a year _old on October Sthe. We are hoping that her husband, as well as your good son, will be roturnedc to the states. With all good wishes, I az, ' Sincerely, : Director of Physica) Education. Versity Basketball Coach - November 10, 1946 LNG e Devid He. Fax, gS elieRe . nde Lepte ReileOs Navy NOe 926. G/0 Fe Ps San Freneisco, Californie Near Davids ‘ Your mother saw an article in Landon leira's “About Toon" column, & story about my Jawhawker Kebounds We have been publishing these for quite some time, . - in fact, since the start of the war when it got going ineoarnett. : Your mother asked that I include you on our miling — liste Iam sorry that 1 did not have you on this list as 1 had about 640 former Jawhawk ethletes and other stand-out chape who have been serving ovr country in @ most commendable mannere i gives me Sleasure, because I assure you that you have been doing a top-joo for our old “Tnele Sammie", I am only sorry that i did not have your name on my list sooner, i trust there is_ some part of this Rebound thet you may enjoys I wrote your mother that I heave a son-in«law Lt» Re Mons in the Heavy, lie is located on the same island : that you are, but 1 imagine the personnel there is rather large and you probably will not run across him, but if ‘ you should, he will be happy to see youe eos Your good mother tells me thet you were really "hitting the ball" before VI Tay, ‘ow it is not so strenuous, so you certainly have earned your right for a little leteup at least. ; _ With all good wishes and trust that you will be returned to the states soon, I ain, Sincerely, Director of Physical Education PCA sGH Varsity Basketball Coach Kansas City, lio. November 8, 1945 Dr. Forrest G. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Like hundreds of other Kansas University mothers I,too, read Landon Laird's article on your generous methods of supplying the servicemen with university news. And like most of the mothers I am sending you my boys .name and address. I do not. know if you may remember David Hax but I have heard him speak of you so many. times; Fog Allen, I believe. David is an ensign on the island of Guam. He has been there since last March after being stationed at Pearl Harber for three months. David is in the sound - sonar - dept. on Guam abd has at present about 40 men under his direction. He doesn't have very much to do except when @ne of the 40 hitsa snag. Before V J Day however he worked as much a 20 hours at a time without rest. This he did ofetn because the ships docked at Guam were serviced there. David majored in Electrical éner. and before he entered the service he had six monthsin industry with T.W.A. and they are holding an opening for him on his return. He entered the service in June 194%, David graduated , I think it was in June 1943, but did not finish his studies until the midyear graduation had there been one. if you have any extra copies of Rebounds wé gya}44 be very grateful to have David on your mailing list or send the news to us and we will send it O06 to Him. David's address: Cordially yews Ens. David H. Hax U.S.N.R Mrs. Sects <. Hax ind. Dept. R.M.O. Wavy No. 926 5655 Tracy Avenue C/o #.F.O. San Francisco, Calif. Kansae City3, lio. : pea Ct ee. y — . “ys Ore a Cee Ch re SC